My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1113: Warm boiled frog

"Where is it wrong..." Lingmo’s thoughts turned quickly. "Think about it. If I want to attack me, what will I do? The enemy is also spiritual, so obvious traps will definitely be discovered. But if you want to be completely set in the dark, it is not so easy..."

"The best way is to make it step by step! Let the other party not know anything at first... Yes! That breath! The reason why the zombie did it is not only to provoke me, but to cover up anything! Right, That's it! Then the question is coming... Just at the door, what is it that I ignored?"

Ling Mo recalled carefully, relying on memory reproduction, he was able to completely recall all the things he had just seen... But no matter what he thought, Ling Mo did not find the suspicious point that might be missed by himself. . . In fact, he has been able to live to the present and has developed a very careful observation habit, and this can be done subconsciously without even deliberately...

However, there are weaknesses in people. There must be something touched by him, but it has not caught his attention. Since the suspicious point in the dark can't be seen, the trap set by the other party must be settled in his thinking and blind spots...

"Then think about it from another angle... What are there here? Walls... Turbid air... Mucus... Spider eggs... Spider silk... Right, gossamer!" The resistance just came from the gossamer! But soon, Ling Mo shook his head again: "No, there is no problem with the spider silk... I have already seen it... Wait, I have seen it, but I just watched it... It’s normal for the spider silk to appear here. So the average person will only look at two more eyes, and will not further suspect anything. So the most likely problem is actually a spider silk!"

This seems to be very round, but this is precisely the so-called double blind spot! The zombie was accidentally playing in this respect!

Ling Mo quickly turned around and appeared in the middle of those spiders. After some inspections, he really found a problem in it... There is nothing in the spider silk itself, but in the middle of these spiders, there is a spiritual light spot...

These points are very small, even though Ling Mo concentrated attention. It is also difficult to find them in the middle of so many spiders, unless he can close his eyes at the beginning and shield the interference of outside information. But such a thing can't be done for normal humans. First of all, if you close your eyes, you can't go through the spider's silk... Secondly, when you see such a disgusting scene, how do you close your eyes and walk over? This is simply a spiritual torture! It’s enough to think that there might be spiders falling down at any time, or being blinded by spiders. Even crashed for it...

"I understand, his trap is designed for us. But it is a pity. He is afraid that he can't think of it. It is neither a zombie nor a human being. It is not even a real existence... but not Not to mention, this zombie is really treacherous..."

These spots appeared very little at the beginning, and did not bring any trauma to the spirit of Linger. But the more the future, the more and more light spots, and when the people who come in finally realize that something is wrong, I am afraid it is too late...

Lingmo found those light spots on his own spiritual body... As soon as they were attached to the spirit, they immediately disguised themselves and made them hard to detect. Fortunately, Lingmo is in the spirit of "seeing" the world, so these light spots have no sense of existence, but they are directly seen by the "eye"...

He swept these spots, but did not rush to destroy...

"The zombie is going to cook the frog in warm water... I am afraid that when these light spots accumulate to a certain amount, he will be able to take the next effort without any effort. The so-called time bomb is the case... if It was a group of people who rushed in, so even if there was no danger along the way, they would suddenly fall down when nothing happened. In that time, he would do everything without any damage. It’s a good calculation!”

I have to say that although I haven't met yet, this mother zombie has already been listed in the top three of the "most troubled zombies" that Lingmo has encountered... when a zombie has physical, mental and intellectual skills. At that time, it really was quite tricky...

"I can understand the feelings of Muchen now...but since this corpse has failed, then you have to let him taste the evils he has planted..."

Lingmo stared at the light and sneered two times, then separated a tentacle, and after a slight deformation, he formed a pocket... or a thing that barely counted as a pocket, and then gave the light to Packed in...

Then he went all the way up and collected these light spots constantly... Every time he took two steps, he blocked the reception of the outside information and used the mental power to sense it, so that all the light spots could be installed. gone. In less than a moment, his mental power pocket was forced to expand twice... and the more he collected, the more taboo he was on the mother. It is already shocking to be able to separate their own mental power to such a small degree, and to be able to disguise them one by one.

And the reason why the mother zombie can do this is obviously because of the special ability of the zombies, that is, the complete memory... Compared with human beings, the ability of zombies to process information is actually much stronger, only in terms of thinking ability. They are far less human. In this mother zombie, such weaknesses are clearly no longer there...

While thinking about this, Lingmo also carefully entered the corridor on the second floor. At this moment, a scream suddenly passed from one end of the corridor.

"Ah! Help!"

It’s a woman’s scream, it sounds like it’s been smothered by the mouth, and it’s very fierce...

But even so, I can still hear that this sound is ancient frost...


Ling Mo immediately turned his head, his body looked forward, and the next moment appeared more than ten meters away. At this moment, the cry continued, and it was sent from the door in front of him... ...He stared at the door and glanced at it. He first sensed it, then he got the body into it...

This is the first time that Ling Mo controls the spiritual figure through the wall... But unfortunately, at this time, he has no mood to feel it carefully... but after a moment in the wall, he still feels that this invisible body seems to be forced. Extrusion of a small hole in general, a lot of easy time ... (to be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better to update faster!

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