My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1119: Universal switch

"You can continue to hold on... you won't see any hope... everyone you know will die, including those who are still with you now. Those zombies, they can talk to you now. Oh, rest assured, they won’t be soon... In order to keep them alive, you can only help them evolve, but evolution is a no return for your relationship...”

"They are getting stronger and stronger, and the commonalities with humans will be getting smaller and smaller... Do you think that a giant with super strength will be the same kind of creature as ordinary humans? Even if they have one person Words? No, this is just human fantasy. After seeing how human beings become zombies, how do they treat their former companions? You should know very well how they think about humans, right?"

"But if you give yourself to me... then we will become stronger creatures. Even in the near future, when the era of the devil dances rises, we can still coexist in a special way... You can continue to live, I will help them continue to live... and I said that the way I swallow is different from yours, I will not completely obliterate you..."

"Ancient Frost Cream" said here, suddenly revealed a strange smile to him: "If you can't make a decision now, then... don't know if this can help you..."

She suddenly reached out and then pierced her abdomen. With a painful look on her face, "Ancient Cream" followed her and laughed: "Is it seen? She is dead... She is dying... but even if she is not dead now, then How about it? She will try to be more painful than it is now... This is not just her end, but it’s all because of you... If you want to give up now, then I will stop now...”

at the same time. Ling Mo passed the vision of black silk. I also suddenly saw a scene...

A black scorpion figure quietly emerged from the corner and appeared behind them...

"Wait... Hei, look back, he didn't ignore you, he wants to start with you! However, with the reaction of black silk, it is impossible to be attacked..."

When Ling Moang finished speaking, he listened to Ye Kai and suddenly turned back and said: "Look. Look like there is a person behind!"

The black silk had already noticed behind him, and now he has turned his head...

However, when Mu Chen and others followed, the black wire seemed to suddenly realize what it was like, and suddenly turned back. At this moment, Ling Mo suddenly caught a strange smile on Ye Kai’s face. ......

"no no……"


Ling Mo stunned, and suddenly burst into a "pocket" in his hand.

With a scream, Ling Mo suddenly woke up. When I looked at the "Ancient Frost Cream" at this time, he actually saw the shadow of another person from those eyes...

"It's you!" Ling Mo suddenly called. And immediately go back.

However... the corridor is empty and there are no figures...

Ling Mo’s heart jumped. I quickly turned my head.

This time, "the ancient frost" is gone...

But the screams just now seem to be exactly what she sent out...

"" Ling silently looked at the front and gasped in a hurry.

However, at this moment, he suddenly found that his hands were full of sweat...

Wait, sweat? ! How can he have sweat?

Ling Mo quickly looked up and down himself... This is not a spiritual body, but his own body!

Even... there are no stunned skinny monkeys at his feet...

The corridor was dim, the doors on both sides were hidden, and a trace of cool wind continued to blow, making Ling Mo could not help but scream... He suddenly looked back and found himself standing at the entrance to the dormitory. At! The door is so awesome behind him...

Don't say the second floor, he didn't even go up the stairs... let alone control the spiritual doll to find the ancient frost, or save the skinny monkey...

"What is going on?" Lingmo’s face is incredible...

After a while, he finally woke up from the chaos...

This is... hypnosis...

From the moment he stepped into the building, he was already caught in the other's mental attack - hypnosis. Everything that happened during this period was only carried out in his mind... and the other party appeared three times and five times, and there was only one purpose, that is, destroying his willpower...

When all this is not working, the other party begins to destroy his "dream"... but what the other party did not think is that Ling Mo’s will to survive is not only always strong, but also to the end... In the face of the crisis that the team is about to be destroyed, he has no despair, but instead detonates a "bomb" that he has been holding in his hand. And those spiritual light points collected by Ling Mo are the one that Ling Mo left for himself in the subconscious, and the biggest flaw in the whole "dream"...

The "bomb" exploded, and the hypnosis of the mother zombie completely failed...

"This can explain why she can talk nonsensely... but what she said should be true too, that is, her devouring is totally different from mine... I can be at each other In the case of inability to resist, she swallowed directly, but she had to wait for an opportunity. Only when I had the idea of ​​asking for death, she was able to sneak in... Yes, so she has not directly touched her! It’s the real killing invisible!”

The performance of the ancient frost... The scene in which the skinny monkey almost died in front of him... and all the other things... for the same purpose! The reason why Lingmo can make various rebellious actions in the "dream", even to save the thin monkeys and disrupt the deployment of the other party, these are not accidental...

His spirit is strong and his will is strong. This is the real reason why the other side has not easily succeeded. The reason why the skinny monkey and the ancient cream are “taken away” is because they are hypnotized... even the ancient frost The marks left on the ground are most likely painted after she was hypnotized.

"I always thought that the other party didn't help, but I didn't expect her to have this trick... but what she didn't know was that the reason she tried to persuade me to give up was precisely the motivation that I kept on... so, I In the subconscious mind, it will never give up..."

The zombies who "have to give up with evolution" are the biggest reason why he has been working hard... and about this...

"It’s pure nonsense! I am now even evolving at the waist, but I can’t make them?!” The most important thing is that Lingmo simply doesn’t believe such a ghost! Only evolutionary... there is the possibility of recovery...

That is to say, but after waking up from hypnosis, Ling Mo still stood in place for a while.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Ling Ge, how are you observing?"


Ling Mo immediately turned back, and the result almost hit the three female zombies who were staring at him...

Xia Na, they all put their heads together, just apparently screaming at his back and back of the head... Ling Mo, this time, they did not even want to cover up, but continue to lick three big eyes, Staring at him straight away...


"What's the matter with you?" asked Ye.

"How can you look bad, is it that the lumbar muscle strain suddenly broke? I help you?" Li Yalin guessed, and at the same time bluntly reached out and directly explored the location of Xiao Lingmo. Said that for men, here is the universal switch, any unhappy things can be solved through this switch..."

"Wait a school sister... I think he seems to be scared by us..." Shana is the most direct.

Li Yalin’s hand hesitated to stop midway: “In this respect... does the switch work?”

"That's not a switch all the time! There is Shana..."

Ling Mo suddenly turned his eyes... This girl is so good, just like to tell the truth!

"That... How long have I been observing?" Lingmo raised a weird question.


"A little while?"

"Three seconds." Shana continued to answer accurately.

At this time, the voices of Muchen and others came from afar...

"Captain, you're fine. When you get here, you suddenly go crazy and run forward. You can't yell at it, and you just rushed in without the brakes on your feet... Is there something wrong?" It is only Muchen. However, although other people did not speak, they also hung up and looked around, and looked at him with concern.

Seeing this scene, Ling Mo couldn’t help but spit in the heart... The three female zombies are not reliable! Especially the school sister... How did she madly rush into the door, and then stupidly stood for three seconds, and thought of the lumbar muscle strain going up! This is totally unrelated!

But... I couldn’t help but reveal a smile when I thought of what they had just put behind them.

These humans and zombies, they are just different ways of expressing concern...not, as the mother zombies said, they only look at him with the look of prey. Even if he is a prey, it is a special one, and they are hunting, it is only his switch...

Or occasionally remember his flesh...

"Do not worry, I am fine..." Ling silently smiled and said. As for what has just happened, he does not intend to speak it out...

Then, Lingmo's face suddenly became cold and cold: "But the mother is dead, she will have something to do..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

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