My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1131: Come over, I promise not to eat you.

Really two!

But can the zombie body accommodate two nests at the same time?

"I don't know... I saw this for the first time! But for now, this is theoretically feasible." Shana thought for a moment and said hesitantly.

"How do you say?" Lingmo asked quickly. Although there is a spiritual connection between him and Shana, the situation inside the body is still the most clear to Xia.

"Because the new mother nest is now fully formed, that is, it is starting to work. If my body really can't accept this situation, or it will be repelled, then I should be inductive now. But you see, I am not okay?" After Shana finished speaking, she suddenly sighed again. "But even then, the situation is still complicated..."

"But really have to be said, in fact, it is very simple... After the successful reorganization of the new mother nest, I took over my brain and replaced the original virus into a new infection. You can understand that it is sick. The body suddenly changed into a new kind of illness. For example, after the second disease overcomes the cold, it becomes a new problem in the body, but unlike the illness, the virus is more destructive because they will Directly transforming our body and promoting our variation... The reason why I mentioned the second disease is because the virus in the new mother's nest is the same as it is specialized in influencing the brain..."

"So what do you mean, your head is now occupied by the second disease?" Ling Mo asked.

"...I just made a metaphor...but yes, yes, that's what I mean." Shana nodded.

"But I noticed that you didn't mention other parts of your body... Does this mean that the original nest still retains its influence on your body, but it no longer has an effect on the brain? And the new nest The scope of influence is limited to the brain?" Ling Mo asked.

Shana continued to nod.

Ling Mou suddenly frowned: "So... plus your spiritual body... this whole country is a three-nation kill..."

"Oh... it’s easy to be so simple." Shana sighed again and looked at Ling Modao. "Ling Ge, do you remember how Nana was born?"

"Nana? Of course it is from your spiritual light group..." Ling Mo just said half, his face has changed.

He understood.

The spiritual light group is very complicated to elaborate, but in simple terms, it is the spiritual world of biology. Some creatures have low intelligence, a single mode of thinking, and a mental light group that is minimal. Some creatures have high intelligence, clear thinking, strong willpower and concentration, and the spiritual light group will become very strong. But no matter which kind of spiritual light group, it is based on the existence of the brain. For zombies, the spiritual light group is greatly affected by the degree of infection of their brains.

Such as low-level zombies, when they are infected with mutations at the beginning, because the brain structure is more mysterious and subtle, the speed of variation will be slower. The general situation is that their bodies have completely turned into zombies, but the brain is still in the initial stage of mutating, that is, in chaos. What they can keep at this time is only a little instinct, and the spiritual light group will naturally become vulnerable.

Only with their own evolution can the brain be further mutated, and eventually it will slowly recover its thinking ability and so on. But the mutated brain is already very different from the previous brain, and this is why the zombies can return to human intelligence, but they are different from human thinking.

Lingmo wants to find out more commonalities by letting Ye Love continue to evolve and ultimately achieve the results. As for the brain that has been mutated, it is very likely that it will not be restored.

But now, there is a new mother nest in Shana's mind... Because the secreted virus is different, this mother's nest will bring to Xia, a new variation. The virus affects the brain, while the brain affects the spiritual light group. Then Nana, which is split from the original spiritual light group, will also have a new metamorphosis...or disappear.

"No, disappearing is impossible! Nana is born because Shana still has humanity. As long as humanity does not disappear, Nana will not..."

"On the positive side, if the two nests can really coexist, then for Shana... it is equivalent to the leader-level stage, and at the same time has the strength of two leader-levels, one of them, still spiritual! In the past, after she split, although the strength is not the same as that of the second, it does not show much advantage. In terms of spiritual body, it plays a role in assisting. But if we can have a single nest to promote The variation and evolution of the brain is different..."

"Maybe, relying on the existence of two mother nests, Shana can directly break through to the king, and it is not the average king!"

"In this way, even if I am stared by the spider queen, and then meet her, they can have the ability to protect themselves... even if they don't mention the queen, they can go hunting more senior zombies. Get more opportunities for evolution..."

Lingmo thought of this, suddenly squatted down, grabbed Shana's shoulders with both hands, and stared at her and asked: "Xana, rest assured, I will definitely help you. This is an opportunity, but it is also a risk. We did not start at first. It is expected that this nest will have this effect, but it can be reorganized in your brain, and that you choose it is correct. Perhaps it is because of your spiritual body that contributed to this result."

"I think so too..." Shana and he looked at each other for a while, and suddenly they picked up their lips and said, "Then you have to look at me... and, can't take the opportunity to bully me." When it comes to this, she is also meaningful. The ground rubbed his eyes.

"Well?" Ling Mo suddenly stunned. "What do you mean?"

But the next moment, he understood the meaning of Shana...

The mental power of Shana itself is already very good, but it is not stable enough. This is because her brain itself is not changing in spirit. Usually used to attack ordinary zombies is enough, but the mother zombies are much different.

The evolution, the focus is to transform Shana's brain. After receiving the brain of Shana in its entirety, the spiritual mother nest began to madly mutate, and the most direct consequence of this process is...

Shana is out of control.

"Eat!" Shana's eyes changed, and after a simple and clear spit out a word, she rushed directly toward Lingmo.

Ling Mo was shocked and steadily moved to the side to hide.

Xia Na rushed into the air, but immediately turned back, and after he smiled at him, he stood up and swayed and said: "Small, don't run, come over, my sister promises not to eat you." ......"

"...this is so kind to let me not bully you!" r1152

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