My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1134: Zombie diary

In fact, after the question is finished, Lingmo has already reacted...

At the stage of Ye Love, she can think of it, and she must have thought of it. Even the memories that he has forgotten are likely to be awakened in the mind of Ye Lian.

In terms of experience alone, Ye Love and the former Ye Love at this time are no different. The biggest difference between them is not the body that has already mutated, but the emotion she has...

Zombies are not completely without feelings... they will be eager and angry. But compared with humans, the feelings of zombies are like another thing. For example, they are very loyal to their spouses. But what Lingmo wants is not this kind of loyalty...but...

"I know...what do you want to ask..." Ye Lian looked at Lingmo with a sigh of relief and suddenly spoke up.

Ling Mo had already revealed a bit of a bitter smile, and he was trying to wave his hand and said nothing, and the words suddenly stunned.

she knows?

"And... I am also very curious..." Ye Lian continued to swear.

Ye Lian’s eyes suddenly changed a little, less cold, and more doubts: “I...we...what is it?”

"Well?" This question is unexpectedly silent... This seemingly dead zombie is actually thinking about this problem secretly?

"We...the meaning of existence...what is it?" Ye Lian asked again. But rather than asking questions, she is more like talking to herself.

"If... is to replace humans... then... have we done it now?"

Ling Mo’s heart suddenly shocked.

Indeed... if it’s just to replace it, the zombie has indeed done it. Although human beings are not extinct, they are just hiding in the corner and struggling to survive.

"We got the world... but... we are still killing..." Ye Lian’s eyes left Lingmo. Looking to the wall behind him. Continue to mutter. "It's still evolving...and...the sorted creatures...and more and more..."

Ye Lian is a bit vague, but Ling Mo has already understood.

After the zombies replaced the humans, there were again zombies, and then hells emerged...

Among them, the zombie can be said to be a self-mutation of the zombies, while the **** is a combination of zombies and mutants.

The creatures found so far can occupy the mainstream, probably these three categories...

But what is their appearance?

Is it to make killing more crazy?

Think about it this way. Ling Mo suddenly felt that the back was a bit cold.

Is it... zombies will be eliminated like humans...

But... How did Ye Lian think of these?

Seeing Ling Meng suddenly toward himself, Ye Lian but his wrist shook, and then put a booklet in front of Ling Mo: "You can look at this..."

It is that booklet!

Ling Mo has always been very curious about this booklet. He looked at Ye Lian with a deep look and reached out.

"You can... watch it slowly." Ye Lian stood aside and said.

"Yes... are you still evolving?" Lingmo asked.

Ye Lianyi replied, "I am mutating, you can't see..."


It’s really hard to see it...

If you change to Shana, it is estimated that you can see the changes that are going on in the body of the leaf.

In addition to feeling that Ye Love is both familiar and dangerous, Ling Mo has no other big sense.

He can be sensed through spiritual connections. But when the zombies break through, the instinctive resistance will increase to the maximum. Lingmo can do it, and only continue to maintain spiritual connection... But now, Lingmo no longer uses spiritual connection as a means of restraint...

But as they further improve, Ling Mo faintly feels that if there is no such connection, maybe...

"I don't want to... look at what secrets Ye You has hidden."

Ling Mo gently vomited, then slowly opened the booklet.

This is a diary...

As soon as he saw the handwriting, Ling Mo suddenly stayed.

"This is the word of Ye Lian..."

He fixedly stared at the statements for a while, but in fact, what was written on it, he did not read a word...

Actually... still the former handwriting...

Just looking at these words, Ling Mo could not help but be silent.

He couldn't help but reach out and gently rubbed it twice.

I miss it so much...

I thought I couldn’t see it anymore...

Unexpectedly, but in this completely unexpected time, suddenly reappeared...

After a long while, Lingmo’s eyes began to focus again.

However, he immediately fell into a contemplation.

"This is... why? Although I slowly retrieved the memories of the past... But the habits of the past are not preserved? For example, eating habits... and then speaking, etc. But why, it is writing ......"

Ling Mo’s heart jumped and he looked at it carefully.

If...not just the handwriting!

If that is the case...

Ling Mo is very excited, but he is still trying to restrain himself.

"Today, I learned a dish again. Although it was burnt many times in the process, it was a success! This new dish, of course, must let the idiot try poison first. But the idiot is really annoying. I have done so many new dishes for him to eat. Why didn’t he see it all at once! Well, I said, 'Wow, I have never seen this dish today, 'like it!'

"Oh, in order to punish you, I will put a little more salt! Just a little, his lazy tongue should not taste it... Hey, forget it, don't waste it for him..."

"This is... not right... this..." Lingmo looked at it with a stunned look and then quickly turned a page.

The second page of the result is a very different tone, with another word...

"Strange, why do you want to do this? After suffering from the pain and making new dishes, it seems to be very happy... But at the time, do you want to give Lingge to eat? If you don't want to, why should you complain that he didn't see it? There is also the final 'punishment', I don't understand now..."


Lingmo stopped again.

After a while, he repeatedly turned over dozens of pages...

Without exception, these diaries are written by memories, and all recorded are the thoughts and lives of Ye. The second page of the diary is all about the problems raised by the zombie leaves.

Although from these issues, the zombie leaf love is still the zombie thinking, but...

"Shantou!" Ling Mo suddenly raised his head with excitement and said, "You can think of comparison, which shows that you are no longer a zombie in the usual sense!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, novels more Good update faster!

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