My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1191: Dead body in the warehouse

Ling Moshun handed a gel at his feet, and then he took the leaf love and sneaked to the front...

At this time, the hegemonic zombies that are being searched in the warehouse have just stepped on one of them...

"Human!" He snorted again in a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, there was only one echo in response to him...

"Damn... why didn't he disappear!" The lord's zombie glanced angrily around... When the line of sight was basically blocked by piles of food, he finally began to feel the difficulty...

"He can't get out anyway!" The lord's zombie found the power... He continued to move his steps and found the way along the passage between the grain piles...

"It’s another one... well, if he has more, he should smell it..."

Ling Mo lost another one in a corner, and then he nodded secretly.

He was followed by a zombie, so the tyrant's zombie smelled the smell of the virus gel and there was no doubt. But in the case of closed doors, such a taste can cover up the silence, even his existence.

However, the reason why so many quantities are used is because of another reason...

"Shantou, go here. Be careful not to make a sound..." Ling Mo whispered, while carrying a few channels around Ye Love. I didn't expect them to come out of the passage, and there was a straight corridor in front of them. It’s just that the corridor is dark and nothing can be seen.

"Is that over there?" Lingmo pointed to the corridor.

Ye Lian looked up at him and nodded.

"What will it be..." Ling Mo smiled a little, but his heart was awkward.

They just rushed into the warehouse. Ye Lian smelled a taste that made her very interested... and Ling Mo could not smell. But it also sensed the excitement of Ye Lian...

I think of Heis’s previous speculation about this... maybe. There are really other parasites here. And these zombies may be attracted by this taste... or something corresponding. But no matter what it is, it is possible to be in the depths of this corridor.

"Find it, you can determine what it is. In this way, you can have a bottom... As for this zombie... Let him stay for a while, there is him, the guy hiding behind him might wait, wait. ...this is also an opportunity."

Ling Mo listened to the movement of the hegemon level...

"When I turn all the corners over, I will find you!"

"Turn it over. It's best to turn over the land..." Ling Mo sneered, then he took the leaf and went in.

"Hey! Is it hiding here? Isn't it... here?" The lord-level zombie began to lick rice...

"Well... it really smells."

After walking a distance in the corridor, Ling Mo frowned.

There was a very pungent smell in front of me... mixed with a strong viral atmosphere and another eccentric sweetness that was unclear. These two flavors are mixed together, and I am afraid that only pure zombies can smell this way.

But I don't know why, Ling Mo also feels a little excited...

It feels very sudden, and Lingmo is a little uneasy...

Can let him all have this kind of reaction... What is the madness of the Spider Queen in it?

You know, he is only a little mutated at first... If you have to carefully divide it... he might not even be a normal zombie.

Of course, on strength, he is much stronger than ordinary zombies...

"The strength of Shantou has also become very strong..." Lingmo sneaked a glimpse of Ye Lian... She was still the kind of look, not even the movements of the corners.

"Is it that I understood wrong?" Lingmo thought uncertainly.

at this time. Ye Lian’s footsteps suddenly stopped.

She sucked her nose slightly and then walked two steps forward. Put your hand on a door.


As the door was gently pushed open, Ling Mo's heart suddenly jumped up and down.

He took a deep breath and carefully walked over.

Ye Lian has already entered the room at this time, and Ling Mo just followed her into the room, and the whole person was shocked.

A figure is standing in front of Ye Lian, and she is silently facing the opposite side...

His scalp was numb, and a tentacle was almost instantly spurred out.

But then, the tentacles were rubbed against the other's cheeks...

A strand of hair immediately fell silently on the ground... and the figure remained motionless.

"Cough..." Ling suddenly spit out a breath. He felt it at the same time as the shot... This person is already dead...

And she is not standing dead... Accurately, she is fixed on the ground.

It’s just that this scene is really weird... Ling Mo thought of a **** scene, and thought of a broken body, but I didn’t expect it to be such a situation...

The deceased is a little girl... but from her appearance, she is more like sleeping. There was no trauma... I was wearing it very clean... I couldn’t find a trace of blood on my body... If it wasn’t for her **** scent, she couldn’t even see that she used to be a Zombies.

The expression is too quiet...

However, this kind of peace phenomenon only appeared in her upper body... When it came to the legs, the situation turned sharply.

A large number of tentacles were drilled from her legs and then nailed into the concrete floor, eventually fixing her here...

"But why is this?" Ling Mo frowned.

At this time, Ye Lian suddenly reached out and went...

She put her finger into the hair of this little zombie and then groped.

After a while, she found a slender blood vessel, and then looked at Lingmo thoughtfully, and gently pulled it.

"Hey... let me come?" Lingmo suddenly scalp.

Do you want to be fixed for this?

But who knows what to do with this kind of thing!

However, being stared at by Ye Love, Ling Mo can only pick up the blood vessels with his scalp.

This blood vessel is actually different from the blood vessels in the human body... Although it is soft, it has a strong toughness. It’s not a problem to use to kill people... Ling Mo pinches the blood vessels, and immediately thinks that this little girl appears behind the zombies, pulling out the roots from his hand and strangling each other...

"Yes... don't have psychological pressure. This is not even a normal zombie. The thinking is from the spider queen, at most it is just a modified shell." Ling Mo slowly pulled the blood vessels. Get up and give yourself the mental preparation to be blinking...

However, what he did not expect was...


The blood vessel just pulled, and it seems to have something out there... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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