My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1233: The world is really scary!

This corpse is different from the two... It opened its eyes and the whole body swelled.

Then his limbs, the muscles before and after, began to drum out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it weren't for the wounds that were stretched open, I'm afraid no one can see that he still has a body.


The corpse squatted on the ground with his feet on his feet, his neck twitching, and the dead eyes were aimed at the silence in the crowd.

As the main combat power of non-Melee, Lingmo usually stands in this position. But at this time, through the gap between the corpses, he was fully controlling the tentacle and suddenly he felt a fluster.

"What's wrong?" Ling Mo just came up with this idea, and all the corpses suddenly began to charge regularly.

There were the bodies of the newlyweds and zombies who led the sudden offensive. They suddenly pressed Muchen and others to breathe.

Life and death... just in the first line!

At this moment, another figure appeared.

He leaped high from the corpse and directly crossed the Xia Na and others who were resisting the impact of the corpse, and rushed to Ling Mo.

"This is the backhand!" Ling Mo's pupils shrank, and his heart suddenly shouted.


After an invisible impact, Ling Mo's protective net around it was broken.

Although the body surface of the corpse appeared as a dense mesh-like wound, his movements did not appear to have any pause or deviation.


His stinking claws explored Ling Mo. Lingmo can even feel the sharpness of the sky.

If it is hit by this claw, it will light off the piece of meat, and the other thing will be that the bone will be crushed...

hide? There is nowhere to hide...


A soft hand suddenly came out from the side of Ling Mo. The wrist of this paw was buckled by the lightning.


Ling Mo stunned... He also plans to fight hard again...

But soon he returned, and a tentacle hit the neck of the body.

The zombie’s neck slammed, and a big hole appeared immediately, but his head, which may be separated from the body at any time, was still facing the silence. Even from the perspective of silence, he seemed to have pulled his mouth down, with this grotesque The state showed him a stunned smile.

"Does this also want to scare me?" Ling Mo sneered. It was a few tentacles that went out.

Just waiting for this guy to move forward, he tied his hands and feet. Remove it at the same time.

However, what surprised Lingmo was... This guy actually tried to back off!

You are all dead like this, still afraid of death!

However, Ling Mo has no time to adjust the attack, but the white and tender little hand seems to have been feeling.

When the other party just forced to pull out, she twisted it to the side and then squeezed it hard.

Accompanied by the "squeaky" sound of a squeaky scalp. She has already let go of the broken arm, and with this moment of stagnation, she grabbed the other's shoulder.

In the next second, Ye Lian quickly twisted the other's limbs, and the important joints were pinched by her.

"It’s the eyes..." Ling Mo was stunned and saw the eyes of Ye Lian...

Although it is only a moment, Ye Lian can have such a play, and her ability to change is obviously inseparable.

But after solving this tricky body with the thunder, Ye Lian returned to a state of utter disappointment.

This once again reminded Ling Mo of what he saw in the dormitory of the granary...

"Easily solve the opponent. Then look around the scenery..." Ling Mo secretly sighed.

However, at this moment, the head that was still hanging on the body suddenly twisted the last wire connection, and then rolled his mouth toward Lingmo's ankle.


Didn't wait for him to reach Ling Mo's feet. The head has been nailed to the ground.

"My hate value is quite high... the opponents have spelled this way." Lingmo looked at the head and said.

After the other person opened his mouth in vain, he finally turned his eyes and "seeing" to Lingmo.

"Next, it's your turn." Ling Mo said to the human head.

There is no reaction on the head of the human head... but soon his eyes will not move...

What makes Lingmo somewhat awkward is that this head quickly became awkward...

The skin is sunken. It's like something that has evaporated.

However, it is a critical moment, and Ling Mo secretly remembers it. Just look up and continue to join the battle.

After the corpse was solved, the remaining corpses were also crazy, but soon everyone found that these corpses were difficult to kill even if they could not be touched. However, the flexibility was worse than the living zombies. A big cut. Once you are familiar with their attack techniques, it is not too difficult to deal with them.

After Ling Mo joined, the rhythm was adjusted for them. The guys who suddenly came out of the gap were discovered and stopped by him. The remaining bodies were many, but they were not enough to make them messy. After repeating this several times, there was only a lot of half of the body that could only climb and climb on the ground. Then everyone rushed to the ground and cut it to the extent that it could not be moved.


As the last hand was cut off under Shana's sickle, and after a few fingers moved, she gave up the struggle and the whole banquet hall suddenly became quiet.

However, after a few seconds, a retching suddenly broke the calm.

"Spit it, spit it, and get used to it." The school sister "satisfied" the ancient frost.

This kind of human behavior seems to her eyes, obviously very interesting...

"I can't vomit it..." Gu Shuanghuang had tears in his eyes. I can't accept it psychologically, I am used to it physically...

"Come on!" Sister smiled and smiled for her, while still maintaining a distance of a few meters from her...

"These bodies... are all the same." Lingmo said with a disgusting look at the dead bodies in the ground.

Just like the head of the man, it has shrunk...

And the longer the time, the more it seems to shrink.

Soon some of them became like a dry corpse, and it didn't look so shocking.

However, it is still a double stimulus both visually and psychologically...

"I found out." Shana looked indifferently, while still looking down at the head, muttering, "He is especially obvious."

She said, she also pointed to several other corpses of the body with a sickle: "The rest of his body is also..."

The rest of the people had been unable to hold back when she specifically talked about the head of the person. At this time, they were killed in battle...

Look at these sisters who still do not change their colors, even with a smile... These people almost all have the thought of hitting the wall.

Tears are full!

Even two minors are better than them!

"Calm... calm... can they be small or not? Don't compare with them... don't compare..."

Mu Chen and others rushed to silently.

Xu Shuhan hides in the mask and looks sympathetic and sympathetic... For these human beings, she is actually partially empathetic...

How can I get used to the corpse and not see the whole body under my feet! And still just creeping.


Although she also wants to vomit! But what is this wonderful sense of comfort in the body? !

"Oh ah..."

Xu Shuhan shouted in his heart.

This is going crazy!

I don't know if I am scared to die at the same time!

It’s really scary to fight with the body!

For this excitement is even more terrible!

At the same time...

"It is possible to rule out the possibility that the other person is a spiritual person." Shana stood up and said.

Ling Mo thought about it and then nodded: "It is true that the strengthening system is impossible. Then there are only three other possibilities..."

"This range is still too big." Black silk also inserted a sentence.

"Well..." One person and two zombies thought at the same time.

"Wait!" Ling Mo suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked over.

Could it be that the captain found out?

Lingmo did not rush to answer, but by the light of the flashlight, he glanced through the entire ballroom, and he said in a deep voice: "You found that there is no..."

"There is one more person here." (To be continued)

Ps: 夭 啊! I wrote the wrong name again! I clearly remember that I played the first two hundred and thirty-two! It’s terrible to see things ghosting!



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