My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1237: Death of cockroaches

What is especially shocking is that... When the eyes of this zombie began to change, her body also exudes an unusually fearful atmosphere! It’s like being suddenly thrown into the hail of minus tens of degrees, and the cold wind is constantly rolling!

cold! Cold and cold!

Kneeling... But then, he reacted in the shock of almost madness. ,

He dug up the big material!

To pass it out! Let people know!

In this way, they don't even need to kill again!

As long as the matter is thoroughly publicized, then the miracle base will never return!

And other survivor camps will also see this person as a beast!

"He is dead...he is dead..."

The blood in the heart of the heart boiled involuntarily, but at this moment, the foot of Ye Lian once again stepped on his wrist lightly.


In a scream of tears, the eyes of the cockroaches suddenly became congested.

He could even feel that his entire body was tearing a little bit... and this time he suddenly woke up...

"no no!"

He was trying to open his mouth, but he saw Ling Mo stunned.

An invisible snake seemed to have gotten into his clothes, and then slipped out of his inner pocket...

Ling Mo took the contact in his horrified eyes and then showed a smile at the contact.

"No! Just say it!"


He still managed to scream.

This kind of inhuman pain makes him unable to speak at all!

In this extreme helplessness, he watched Lingmo throw the liaison into the air.


The liaison was instantly smashed into pieces.

Ling Mo maintains his kneeling position. Turn your eyes away. He asked with enthusiasm: "Now we can talk."


"Oh, dying." On the high roof. The masters of the eyes put down the liaison that was pinched in their hands.

The screams inside reverberated around for a while, then stopped abruptly. This is enough for the people present to imagine a vivid scene.

"It's amazing..." said a voice.

"It's a little faster than we think." Another person echoed.

And in their so easy talk, the rest of the queued players are all white.

"What do you do next?" someone asked. But talking is also one of the ten main players.

The death of Yu, leaving them with only nine people.

But at this time, there were fewer than nine people present.

"Wait..." the leader said, "Since the opponent's combat power is stronger than we expected, then... find the opportunity. One-time solution."


"found it……"

On the high pole outside the hotel, an invisible figure is listening to the screams.

It suddenly turned around and looked at one of the directions...

The scope... is smaller...

At this point, the darkness has gathered to a more narrow position.

And that direction is the center of the center at the moment...



He was miserable for a while before finally stopped in the cold sweat.

But at this time he has completely lost any fighting spirit... He looks at the silent eyes like watching a monster.

As for Ye Lian... He didn’t even have the courage to look at it.

That is not a normal zombie!

It's a zombie that can only tear him into pieces in an instant! God knows what is hidden under this beautiful face...

When she looked at her expression when she stepped on her hand bones, she knew that she could do this with whatever she wanted!

Especially the precision that she has mastered... the feeling of being crushed a little bit, he really does not want to experience the second time.

If he only faces Lingmo, he may still convince himself that he is hard-pressed. After all, he has prepared everything for this task.

But zombies? The zombies are not in the calculation range!

"Don't... don't eat me... don't eat me!" His face was pale. The lips are squatting, almost subconsciously whispering.

"Who special wants to eat you!" Ling Mo quickly rushed Ye Love to his back...

Such a terrible ingredient is still far away...

Then he snorted and snorted. He is now scared by any action that sees Lingmo.

"You should know that all your companions think you are dead. So, there will be no rescue." Ling Mo observed the look of sly and said.

Although this guy was scared enough, he did not completely collapse. And this is almost the same as the result of the Lingmo calculation...

Can design to kill him, will not be scared by the sudden appearance of zombies.

"I know..." replied with a blind eye.

"You guys are a little trick..." Lingmo glanced at the fragments of the liaison, saying, "So you know what I want to ask you, right?"

"Know." He nodded again.

Lingmo stared at him and said: "If you honestly answered... I will make you die a little bit more. You are willing to die for a long time inhumane torture for the camp, or go without pain, you Choose it yourself."

He stunned again... He suddenly realized that Lingmo was the object of the two humanoid creatures that should be the most fearful...

This zombie did not attack him...

The zombie listens to him...

He lurked in the crowd with zombies...

I feel that I am just disguised, but this human... he is simply unexpected!

And myself and the camp have designed so much, but in the end I feel that every step is stuck by him...

Their attention to this person is not enough at all!

The rest... can you really succeed?

He lost too much... He really has doubts about the answer to this question.

Lingmo can count him, will it be considered other people?

" ask." He was silent for a while, and he replied with a heart as if he was gray.

"Well. The first question... Who are you?" Lingmo asked.

"My real name is Tang Xiong... The nickname is screaming. When the end of the world is over, I have been yelling... You have seen it. I look like this, even if I meet an acquaintance, I don’t want others to recognize me... but not Hey, you said, actually... there is an acquaintance around me, but she never knows who I am. I originally planned to use this ability again, then I will recognize her and bring her to a Let's stay in the place and live as normal as possible." When I die, my words are obviously more.

However, Ling Mo listened to silence, but he did not agree. These wonderful lives are based on his death. And killing is like this, if you lose, you will win...

As for whether the other party is full of resentment against him, Ling Mo does not care.

"My a variant... I can transplant parts of other creatures to me and keep them usable for a while... like nails, hair, even skin... if not afraid of infection I can even use the hands and feet of zombies..."

"I know, you want to ask me which camp is it? Hehehe... You should know that there are too many people who want to kill you. Even if the information is so inconvenient, your name is well known... ..." 螳螂 continue to read, although the face is smiling, but the body is always shaking...

A few minutes later……

After Ling Mo raised more than a dozen questions, Ye Lian solved it from behind.

He died very happily...

Ling Mo stood up and asked in his head: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, there is a corpse with me around, and I got rid of it."

"Yeah! Another body has just fallen in front of me!"

"Hey, I found music! Actually, there are a few bodies running around with their mobile phones!"

This is the sound that black silk passed over...

As for Li Yalin and Shana... Ling Mo switched the perspective to confirm.

They were basically lying in front of them, and like Lingmo, they were all introduced into a closed room and then trapped by the darkness.

This is similar to the "safe" signal that Lingmo received... It’s just those corpses that are not safe...

"Master! Is there any useful information?" After the black silky words, I finally thought of asking about the situation here.

"It's useless..." Lingmo glanced at the body. "Except for his own part, most of them are lie." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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