My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 125: May be eaten (see the monthly ticket! Subscribe!)

Li Yalin had suffered a lot, and she did not come out to find Ling Mo’s trouble. When she went downstairs, Ling Mo did not meet her.

Although the advanced zombies are tricky, but after Ling Mo has prepared, it is not so easy to think about it.

But the reverse is also the same. When Li Yalin has the heart to hide it, it is difficult for Lingmo to pull her out of the extremely complicated teaching building.

So after a little hesitation, Lingmo gave up the search, leaving Ye Ai and Shana to leave the A1 school building.

The mutant zombies here have already been hunted almost, and the remaining miscellaneous fish can no longer cause interest in the silence. It is better to leave the X City University.

Although the map of Linqiuqiu painting mainly outlines the environment of the central area, several roads leading to the school are also marked by her.

It was too far to return to the original road. After carefully studying the map, Ling decided to leave from the main entrance.

But what surprised him was that Ye Lian looked at the map for a while and then hesitated and said: "I... I seem... some impressions..."

“Really?” Ling Mo suddenly showed a surprise smile.

It seems that after the love of the leaf is raised to the advanced zombies, the memory is slowly recovering. The four activities at X City University also indirectly caused some excitement to her.

"Well..." Ye Lian looked up at him and then nodded lightly.

Her eyes looked a little dazed and her brows wrinkled slightly. However, this is a normal phenomenon. After all, the recovery of memory is like opening a hole in my mind and slowly overflowing a little bit. This process is actually not a pleasant thing.

In fact, for Ye Lian, whether the memory can be restored or not, the impact is actually not large, which can be seen from the current situation of Shana.

Even if all the memories are restored, they are still zombies in essence, and there will be no major changes.

But Shana still doesn't say that for Ye Lian, Ling Mo still hopes that she can recall more things, which is also his selfishness.

For him, regardless of the nature of Ye Lian's present, Ye Huan is always the gentle and considerate young girl in his eyes.

And the memories of the two before, Lingmo is not willing to give up easily...

With the advice provided by Ye Lian, although the mark on the map is relatively simple, Ling Mo and his party quickly approached the door.

Of course, it can be pushed so fast, on the one hand, because the A1 building is very close to the main entrance of Xcheng University, and on the other hand because there are several open zombies.

Therefore, although there are many zombies on the road, under the crushing of the Silom bulldozer, there is no big obstacle.

However, this consumption of Lingmo's mental strength is still very large. When he saw the main entrance, his hair was already wet with sweat, and the temple was bursting with pain.

Seeing that mental strength is no longer enough to support him to continue to manipulate these corpse, after successfully breaking through the door and reaching a relatively safe area, Ling Mo let Shana and Ye Love solve these corpses.

The two of them stunned for a day and finally had a chance to kill people. They all seemed excited and inexplicable.

After cutting the melons and chopping vegetables to solve these few corpses, Ling Mo got a few pieces of virus gel, and the quality is basically the best in today's harvest.

It seems that although it is a mutant zombie that has been planted by the seedlings, after several hours of precipitation, the virus gel has already condensed in the brain, and the speed of virus aggregation far exceeds the expectations of Lingmo.

"It seems that the mutant zombies are still relatively easy to evolve, but the advanced zombies are rare. Although there are 30,000 zombies, I have only met three advanced zombies at Xcheng University so far... One is still my acquaintance..."

Although X City is big, but long-term activities here will always meet acquaintances, but it is estimated that everyone wants to meet an acquaintance as a survivor, not one you know him (her), but he (she) does not Know your zombies.

Unfortunately, this chance is too small, after all, the number of survivors is only a minority, and the zombies occupy the vast majority of X City.

Li Yalin is the first acquaintance of the acquaintances that Ling Mo has encountered so far. Although Ye Lian is also a zombie, after all, he is interested in looking for it. It is not a coincidence.

It is reasonable to say that the two people can meet each other is a fate, but unfortunately this is really not a pleasant experience for Lingmo, it is estimated to be the same for Li Yalin.

Before Ling Mo did not stay, if Li Yalin reacted a little slower, it is now estimated to have become a headless school sister.

And the advanced zombies fight, can not tolerate a little bit sloppy, Ling Mo does not regret his behavior. But after all, it’s a acquaintance. In today’s world, it’s not easy to meet an acquaintance who can jump, even if she is a zombie... So Lingmo is not ferocious to her brain gel. What kind of thinking, this is one of the reasons why he did not bother to hunt down.

Outside the main entrance of X-City University is an extremely wide street, and it was once bustling with great traffic. In addition to X City University, there is a music school nearby, and it is diagonally opposite to X City University.

The population base is large, and the zombies that are left now are naturally many.

However, before solving those corpses, Lingmo was able to fully squeeze their residual value, and they succumbed to a **** road by their almost crazy attack.

At this time, the three people have stood in a relatively secluded alley, surrounded by the bodies of the mutated corpse.

"It's not too late, find a place to stay."

Ling Mo said while inserting the last piece of gel into his pocket.

Ye Lian and Shana are wiping their own blades. The two of them have just got a chance to get started. Both eyes are excited and reddish. The corpses on the ground are also terrible. Two of them are even directly smashed into two pieces, if not long ago. Familiar with the **** smell, Ling Mo is estimated to be directly stunned by this strong taste.

Just after Ling Mo’s opening, Shana suddenly said: “My knife can’t work...”

Her tone is a bit strange, as if she knew she should be a little sad, but she could not express her feelings.

As a zombie, she estimated that she was not saddened by this feeling, but after she recovered her memory, she remembered that this knife was very important to her...

Lingmo was also shocked and quickly took a look. Before this knife cracked a hole in the hard attack of the enemy, now after a period of use, the crack also expanded, and the tip of the knife seems to be completely broken at any time.

Although this is indeed a good knife, but after all, lack of professional care, and regular use, life will naturally be greatly reduced.

Losing the weapon, Shana’s combat power is likely to plummet. Because she is also an advanced zombie, her situation is very special, and the advantages of evolution are not manifested in the body at all.

The reason why she can be as powerful as she is now is that her knife is perfect, and after her memory is fully restored, her knife power has also been played 100%.

"This..." Seeing that the knife could end up at any time, the expression of Ling Mo is also somewhat depressed.

Although he remembers that there are still several knives in the Wang's handmade sword shop, the quality of those knives is not superior, so there is no need to cross half of the city for them.

Xia stared at the crack for a moment, then turned to look at Ling Mo: "Go to my house tomorrow, just to see if there is a weapon for you."

By the way, Shana’s family is also doing this kind of craft... Ling Mo looked down at the short knife held in his hand, thinking that the knife is indeed a little shorter, and it is still a one-on-one with ordinary zombies or mutant zombies. It's easy to use, but once it's surrounded, the shortcomings are exposed.

Ordinary people and a group of zombies fight close together, the danger is too great, even if a little bit of skin can cause infection. Although Ling Mo has a spiritual tentacle and a rich experience in combat, he is actually very careful in the battle.

If you can change a weapon, it will undoubtedly let him let go of his hands and feet, and the combat efficiency will also increase.

The machete in the hands of Ye Lian is quite easy to use, and there is no problem for the time being.

"I didn't listen to you before, where is your home?" Ling Mo asked curiously.

Xia Na’s eyes flashed a strange color, but fortunately, after she mutated into a zombie, the emotions of ordinary people were greatly weakened, and even almost no, so the mention of the home did not show any sadness: “Hundred Flowers East A good neighborhood in the street, good finished products are stored at home."

"Hundreds of flowers... It’s still a bit far from here, but your knife should be changed, you still have to go..." Ling Mo nodded, then suddenly remembered something and asked, "You Have you been back before?"

"Of course," Shana glanced at Lingmo with a smile. "Would you think I was going to school with a knife?"

"Oh... what about your family?" If Shana didn't mutate, Lingmo really couldn't ask, but since Xia Na wouldn't be sad, he wouldn't have anything to ask.

After all, unlike the leaf love that knows the roots, Ling Mo does not have much understanding of Shana. The relationship between the two is actually after her mutation.

For her previous things, Lingmo couldn’t talk about it, but it was also of some interest.

Shana sank a bit, then shook her head: "Not very clear, when I went back, there was no one at home, and I didn't see the body. It is very likely..."

"Okay, if that's the case, then we will go to your house tomorrow. But today is very late, just find a place to stay here."

Ling Mo quickly interrupted her words, he did not want to listen to Shana's face and said "may be eaten".

When Lingmo three whispered in the alley, a tall shadow was standing behind a pole on the street, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Ling.

In her eyes, she reveals a faint look, while her right hand is licking her neck, where a fresh, small wound is clearly visible... (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster !)

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