My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1244: Special surprise

"Ling Mo!" The leader recognized it at a glance.

This guy is now squatting on the top of the car behind him in a rather relaxed position, recalling the "squeaky" muffled sound... I must be silent when it is unconsciously appearing behind him. of.

"You want to..." The leader ugly back two steps, but heard several different footsteps coming from both ends of the vehicle and behind. I don’t have to look at it, he is surrounded.

"Ah!" He slammed his face sharply, smashed the half of the contact that was pinched in his hand, and then slammed his arms into Lingmo.


After a loud noise, the leader unwillingly widened his eyes and slammed into the body. A lot of blood, then slammed down the body...

"This is all right?" Yu Wenxuan came over and asked.

"Yes," Ling Mo jumped down and just stepped on the half of the contact. "I hope that the news he has sent out has already been transmitted."

"The captain means to ask him for help, but he won't really give him a chance. Only then will the other party think that we will break through every second. Only then will they bring together everyone from the surrounding search. Chasing 'we'." Zhang Xincheng said thoughtfully. When he said "we", he looked at the black silk three.

"So, we should set off." Xu Shuhan said.

"Well, be careful, don't be caught." Ling Mou said.

Black silk did not care to spread the stalls: "The premise is that they can catch up."

Yu Shiran was not very happy at first, but he was very excited at this moment: "Get started! Think about it, and occasionally try it back and feel good!"

"In turn?" Gu Shuangshuang asked in a strange way.

Ling Mo’s eyes are pumping. Quickly said: "Good action! If you delay, they should come."

at the same time. A team also reached the top floor of the hotel. Arrived at the elevator that was forcibly opened.

One of them looked at the dark elevator shaft and picked up the contactor: "They are in the garage!"

"They attacked a team! They all came down!" the liaison yelled over there.

The man stared at the elevator shaft and glanced back decisively.

Going here... it’s too dangerous...

Ten seconds later, the garage doorway...

When more than 20 figures appeared in the distance, the solitary toll booth suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, several figures broke into the grass on the other side in the splashing debris and smoke. These figures are extremely fast and almost disappeared in an instant.

"They ran!" The crowd immediately pointed out in the crowd.

"Run? Hey, they are playing well. If you don't have your abilities, maybe they just let them run... Their intention is to focus our attention on this pavilion?" When we reacted, they had already run to the side. But even then, they don't want to really escape!" The leader of the team snarled.

"Is it..." On the rooftop, Fang Zhou just listened to the player's report. He nodded and said, "Let them chase it..."

"Yes!" The person behind him should have a cry. I was hesitant to ask, "Captain... I look at your expression... It seems like something that is not very reassuring..."

"Lingmer is more difficult than I thought... Although it seems to be. He just wants to break through our attention to reach a breakout, but tell them, be careful, don't be discouraged because they are at risk." Uncertain... His purpose will be to set a trap in the middle, and in turn, we may not kill us!" Fang Zhou said.

"This... no, no." The man said something that he didn't quite believe.

"I hope my worry is superfluous..." Fang Zhou said. In his opinion, Ling Mo and his party may have made such a crazy thing...

After two minutes...

"They have been chasing away..." The skinny monkey looked up from the ground and whispered.

However, when I heard the news, the expressions of the people became more serious.

Next... is the real key moment.

"Do you act now?" asked Ye Kai.

Ling Mo shook his head: "Wait a minute."

His perspective, at this time, is switching back and forth between black silk...and white.

To get the other person's attention really focused on the black silk three, the best way is not to let them kill, but to really find the exit! Only then will the other party fully believe. At this point, although the other party has let everyone chase, but the environment has not changed. This shows that the other party is still waiting, waiting for Ling Mo and his party to reveal the real purpose.

"But all my previous behaviors should have left an impression on this person... that is, I am a troublesome opponent. So when the black silk they really find the exit, the other party will doubt their own now. I have doubts and suddenly realize that this is my real purpose..." Ling silently thought.

This is pure psychological tactics...

From the party that was hunted, Lingmo became the dominant side.

And the other party’s biggest mistake... is to connect the phone he called...

"Talk to the enemy about it... I don't know if the failure party often dies in words..." Lingmo said with emotion.

The other key flaw that made the other party unexpected is the existence of Xiaobai.

I am afraid that the other party can't think of it. Ling Mo and his party also have a second squad that is unknown!

Therefore, it’s not too difficult for a group of people who are trapped inside to find an exit. They can only sense the second team outside.

"That is to say, we are helping Lingmo now?" said awkwardly in the half moon around Xiaobai.

The pear nodded. "I think so."

"I really don't want to help him..."

"Yeah...but the right hand that I can't control will catch your chest." Pears said.

"..." sighed for half a month. "That was when I didn't say it."

"Are we entering the town?" Just raised his head from Xiaobai's back, he was stunned again by the pear.

"Do you know that you are in the communiqué?" asked half a month.

"Yes!" Pears happily nodded.

"Accepted it..."

"Huh... oh!" After Xiaobai shook his head, he suddenly made a cry.

After the monster squad turned a street, he saw a darkness.

Even at night, this darkness is vastly different from the true darkness. Because it is not dark, it also swallows up all the buildings.

"Oh..." Pear couldn’t help but say, "This human being is really boring..."

"Why did you use a kind of praise when you said this?" Half a month shouted.

Xiaobai walked around the dark edge and finally collapsed in one of the weakest places. With its eyes, this place is still not difficult to find.

Simply put, it is the so-called weakness that can faintly see the building.

"Look at it..." The pear looked at the little white cockroach and was whispering.

In the changed environment... After the black silk three people symbolically circled, they gradually approached the position of Xiaobai.

There are weak sensations of the black wire itself, as well as various reminders of the silence, it is not too difficult to meet them.

At the beginning, Ling Mo was worried about the problems that Xiaobai would have when they rushed closer, but now they can help themselves after they have figured out the situation.


Fang Zhou on the rooftop slammed into the edge and looked at the direction of the black silk three people. The look changed: "There is..."

Then, he quickly shouted and shouted: "Come! Stop them! Don't hesitate to catch up!"

Immediately, he closed his eyes...

The darkness that wrapped the white mist area began to surge immediately, and the weak spot was quickly filled up and began to expand slowly.

Xiao Bai, who was sitting down, stood up again silently and continued to look around the black wall...

"Successful..." Black's little face showed a strange smile. It looked back and followed the movement of Xiaobai.

"It’s another place..." Fang Zhou’s expression at this time has become completely ugly. Finding one can still be said to be luck, but finding the second one so quickly...

"No, you can't let them escape!" It was already so difficult to deal with inside, and it was ok after running out...

Fang Zhou closed his eyes again, and a lot of sweat immediately appeared on his forehead...

"The darkness moved..."

The spiritual body is black and watching. What it sees more is the movement of energy... and this is clearer than what the naked eye sees.

"It's our turn now to act," Lingmo said.

As the darkness moves, the central location of the white fog area is further exposed...

"It is almost certain that the other party is there..." Ling Mo said.

At the door of the empty garage, Ling Mo and his party walked out without any disguise.

"Well... sure enough, the other party can't sense everyone in the area." Ling Mo stood at the door and waited for a while.

The rest of the people just had a cold expression, and when they heard this, they suddenly became shocked... You are not sure at all!

"But even if he can sense it... it’s too late." Lingmo is a remedy.

He turned his head and looked in the same direction with Xiao Hei: "Because we are destined to be faster."

"Yes." Everyone clenched their weapons...

At this time, it is faster than speed...

The time when the three men of the black silk can fool each other is limited... And what Lingmo and his party have to do is to completely reverse the situation in this limited time.

"Let's give them a surprise..." Shana said with a rather strange smile.

At this time, there are only one group of people on the empty streets... (to be continued...)

Ps: Happy little years! By the way, I would like to push a new book, "The Wrath of the Burning Sky," which is very fat and can be slaughtered.


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