My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1266: The ultimate in evolution!

This mother zombie realized this almost instantly, but when he just wanted to take back his upper body, he found that Li Yalin stared at its eyes and rushed up. ``

The female zombie shouted and shouted: "Ling Mo! Ling Mo, look at me, I didn't see anything!"

"Where am I free now?" Lingmo hangs in the air.

This situation also caused the mother to die in the beginning... What did this person do in a corpse? However, soon it realized that his situation seemed to be a little bad...

After Li Yalin rushed for a very short distance, the figure suddenly became blurred. Followed by the mother zombie, I heard a "brush" sound. Then, a sharp pain was uploaded from its wrist.

However, this is only the beginning, almost in less than a second, the arm of this arm is covered with the edge left by Li Yalin. Twelve quickly moved his arm and tried to retract the other one. But Li Yalin's body is as flexible as a snake, and she doesn't know how she did it. She actually appeared in the other arm while it was moving, and instantly took out the n-knife.

At the same time, the silence that appeared on its side also moved.

Although this zombie was kept in the same place by Li Yalin for a time, its lower body did not mean to sit still. Almost at the same moment when Ling Mo condensed the tentacle, its "tail" suddenly slammed into Ling.

"I rely!"

Ling Mo suddenly scalp fried! It turns out that this whole series of "哔" can be used as a weapon! This kind of weapon is really unheard of... And, can this thing be extended as a whole?

He quickly evaded the past with the tentacles, and the "tail" and "squeaky" slammed into his position. Suddenly the whole ceiling was shaken. A lot of hanging bodies smashed down. Lingmo’s tentacles also dissipated one at a time.

Did not wait for the silence to show the color of shock. This "tail" immediately rushed over.


After several consecutive hiding, Lingmo finally waited for an opportunity.

The upper body of the zombie was lifted, but its arms were somewhat stiff because of too many attacks. Although it can't be broken for a while, the ligaments are obviously cut off, and it takes a little time to recover. So when it tries to reattach the entire body back to the ceiling, there is a slow state of a few tenths of a second in its movements...

"There are flaws!" Ling Mo snorted, and the body that had been hiding had suddenly swayed.

Twelve immediately slammed the "tail" toward Ling Mo. However, at this moment, it saw a smile from Lingmo's face.


A large number of tentacles lingered from the side of Ling Mo, all nailed to the huge body of the twelve.


Twelve moments of an angry snoring, the body also suddenly twisted involuntarily. The "tail" swept away from Ling Mo, but it also fell empty.

Backward is too late, Lingmo directly chose an easier way.

He has fallen.


Twelve then slammed into the floor. When it landed, it rang a few screams. Obviously, there were invisible zombies killed by it. And after landing, it swayed the "tail" and killed several invisible zombies.

The invisible zombies who were besieging Ling Mo and others stopped and began to slowly retreat. Although they can't see their true body. But the sound and the movement can also know that they are trying to open the distance with twelve.

"This is good, they are not afraid of us. But I am afraid of this." Ling silently read.

Then he reminded Xu Shuhan that he was about to turn around: "Be careful! I know you are curious, but I don't want to see you dig your eyes for a while."

"...who is curious!" Xu Shuhan paused and stopped.

Xia Na was quite tacitly alert to the situation around, and Ling Mo and Yu Wenxuan looked at each other and slowly approached the past where the twelve were.

After landing, it ran wildly and continually rolled, and it had already hit a wall. Just listening to the bang of "Dangdang", the glass window above it has been smashed.

"Hey!" Twelve is still horrible, but the sound seems to remind it. After sensing that two humans were carefully approaching, it supported the body to climb.

"You!" One of the twelve eyes was also injured. It snarled with the other eye. "I want to take your heart out!"

"Well? This word is so familiar, brother-in-law, have you done it..."

When Yu Wenxuan’s words have not been finished, Ling Mo has already stared at him with a disgusting look: “You dare to finish trying!”

This mother zombie wants to dig his heart, it really is because it has sensed something...

"Come to dig." Lingmo stopped and shouted.

"Hey!" Twelve players are rushing up, but as soon as they move, it stops, watching the silence silently and coldly.

"Hey, don't you be fooled..." Ling silently waved and condensed the tentacles that had condensed into the front.

Yu Wenxuan said: "It is normal to be so straightforward."

But while talking, his hands were still shaking back two times behind him...

"Try and don't want money!" Ling Mo said with anger.

The mother zombie squatted on the ground and listened angrily to the unscrupulous chat of the two humans. At this time, almost all of the whole body was a blood hole, and it stopped working for a while, and the blood was already full under the body.

Its blood is not a normal color, but a slightly black state. When Yu Wenxuan saw it, he couldn’t help but said: "No wonder you even have to eat with your wife. It turns out that the blood you flow is really black."

"What wife?" Twelve anger.

"Oh, I still don't recognize..." Yu Wenxuan is trying to say that you are so long that the tail is justified. However, the fire in his hand just shines in the past, and the whole person suddenly stunned. Then he sneaked a sneak peek: "Sister... you look..."

Lingmo has been avoiding careful observation of the string of things... However, listening to Yu Wenxuan’s tone at this time seems to have been unexpectedly discovered. He resisted turning his eyes to look at it, and then he couldn’t help but scream...

"The trough, fine!"

"No!" said Yu Wenxuan. "That is not the one at all!" When he said this, he saw the look of the mother zombie actually become sympathetic. "That is just a few slender tubes..."

what? Ling Mo heard a glimpse, and the eyes twitched and looked at the past. This time he looked carefully... those really just looked at it like a cockroach...

"It turns out that you are very interested in these parts of me..." Seeing the shocked look of two humans, the anger in the twelve eyes suddenly became sneer. "It’s stupid, don’t you see that these are the pipelines. I pierced them into the wombs of the same kind of women, and they can quickly produce new ones... As for the inefficient tools, I have already degraded them. Now I am An efficient machine! This is the ultimate evolution!"


After an inexplicable silence, Twelve said: "Why, you can't even understand this..."

"Why can you be so proud! And this evolution is not what you want, no one..." Lingmo interrupted him.

Yu Wenxuan hugged his head: "Ah... my dream, my idol! Life is really tough..."


A blast of wind suddenly rushed, and Ling suddenly stepped back: "I wipe, mad, your idol still loves you very much!"

Yu Wenxuan's reaction speed is not slow, although his mouth is still mourning, but after the buttocks has spurted a flame, sent him to the sky.

"I see it seems to love you more!" Yu Wenxuan's voice came from above, but when the voice just fell, he had already landed in the distance, and even smashed a fireball before landing. Only the mother zombie was obviously showing weakness. At this time, when the fire flashed, it turned out to be flexible and the body flashed away.


The tail was once again on the ground, and Linger looked ugly and stood firm. He said: "This guy is really sinister!"

Before, too, it was a good time to start playing! And as soon as I thought that it had just recovered, but restrained not to be provoked by my own provocation, Ling could not help but secretly.

But soon, the depressed color on his face was swept away: "Unfortunately, in the case of the yin, you seem to be a little worse..."

Twelve is trying to seize the opportunity to pounce on it, and suddenly I feel that it seems to be cool behind me. Without waiting for it to turn around, the two sharp edges have already collapsed.

It only comes and puts the head off, but the blood has already come out. Shana’s “two” scythes were on their shoulders, and Li Yalin scored a knife on her neck. Although it is not deep, but with her experience of cutting the throat thousands of times, this must also hurt its blood vessels.


The call of the mother zombie was much more violent than it was just now. It rolled a circle on the ground and twitched violently.

At this moment, a group of black shadows suddenly appeared silently behind Ling Mo.

However, in the moment when the cold light came out of the darkness, the seemingly unprepared silence suddenly turned his head and said with a smile: "Hey, I am waiting for you for a while."

The knife paused and then shrank back. However, after a few seconds, a figure fell pale. He is **** on his body, and it seems that it is no better than the mother body zombies that have not yet died.

After looking at Lingmo and looking at it, Fang Zhou bit his lip and asked, "You have been calculating me?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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