My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 400: hunting

After carefully entering the industrial park along the street, Liu Baodong and his party maintained a high degree of vigilance and watched the situation nervously. (Literature Hall)

The zombies around did not know when they had ran a glimmer of light, and even the fresh bodies on the ground did not even have zombies for food.

This situation is even more frightening, as if in this dead silence, there is an unimaginable terrorist threat.

"These bodies should be left by the people in front. But the number of zombies they killed is really small. Only by having some means to avoid zombies can you do it."

Lucy observed the wounds of the bodies on the ground and said.

"This has nothing to do with us!" Liu Baodong looked around and looked around, and whispered.

"You just have to find a shell to get in." Lucy shook the piece with the piece and said, "There are nearly 20 bodies coming over the road, some of which have strange blood holes on their heads. But it wasn’t a bullet, but the wound on the forehead was more rounded than the debris I found.”

"The result is still not able to judge whether they are doing it. If it is, the other party should be an enhanced abilities, just like me."

After a while, they reached the ruins of the figure.

But now, the pillar is empty.

"The exact pattern." Lucy picked up a piece of porcelain and compared it to the pieces in her hand.

She looked back in the direction of the sneak attack, and her face, which had no expression fluctuations, showed a shocking color: "With my vision, even if we can find 'we', it is only a few black spots, even The outlines are not very clear. This sneak attacker can throw such a light quality from such a distant place, and can achieve that kind of horrible attack effect..."

The **** female team member still had tear marks on her face. Listening to Lucy’s so cool analysis, she could not help but ask with some sorrow: "How do you know that the sneak attacker attacked from here? He squatted here and then Can you lose it when you run near?"

Lucy glanced at her with an idiot's eyes and pointed to the bottom of the column: "There was a collapse of powerful power here, and... it was still fresh."

"Yang Guanzhao is gone!"

A male player suddenly screamed and interrupted Lucy's words.

"what happened?"

"Yeah, Yang Guanzhao! Is he not next to me?" Liu Baodong quickly turned back. Suddenly I felt a basin of ice water pouring from the top of my head.

"I also remember behind me!"

After the sneak attack occurred, after entering the industrial park, everyone felt nervous, but never imagined that they were under their eyes. A big living person has disappeared so far without a trace!

Lucy walked over and smashed the tiny drops on the ground. The expression was a bit heavy: "It doesn't look like it is to **** anything... The most valuable thing in us is the weapon, but the micro-rush is left by the other party. ""

"Then what do they want to do! Scared us? Kill us one by one? Neurosis or madness!"

Liu Baodong’s endurance is almost at its peak, and he has not experienced such a strange thing.

"It’s not very dangerous to stay outside now? Find a place to hide first! It’s better to wait for work than to wander around!”

The female team member couldn’t take care of Lucy’s eyes and screamed in horror.


Lucy looked around and finally fixed her eyes on the building where Lingmo lived.

"Go there."

When they left, a short black shadow came out of the shadows. There was also a **** and fuzzy body in his hand, which was the missing male player.

"The quality of these prey is much better, plus the prey that has not been hung up, should be able to spend a very happy day with me. Oh hehehe..."

In the cold laughter. The black shadow sticked out the scarlet tongue and licked his mouth: "Just let them help me explore the road, is it the same kind, or is it another prey? Maybe they will fight with the higher class, so interesting..."

"Hey. Why come to us!"

There are three head-level female zombies who have the sense of smell to help, and several humans are approaching with a strong **** smell. Nature was quickly mastered by the silence.

In the words of Shana, a few of them are like humanoid light sticks in the dark, and they can't even notice.

Seeing that they are coming close, although Ling Mo is interested in avoiding it, it is a black silk and Yu Shiran, and the next is the empty building nearby...

"Why come over! It is obvious that you are fully armed like a good thing, leave me along the road!"

When Ling Mo observed through the curtains, Liu Baodong and his party had already turned around the corner and walked straight toward this side.

Seeing that they are in a hurry, one of them is still blood, and it seems that the situation is not good.

"At the time, I just looked at it from afar... but I still think they seem to have reduced their staff." Ling Mo said.

Both Li Yalin and Shana nodded. "Exactly."

"There are two men missing." Shana's answer was especially accurate. The terror memory of the zombies is evident.

However, when Lingmo cast his inquiring eyes on Ye Lian, she shook her head in a dull manner: "Not so important, so I didn't see it."

"Sure enough, it’s still dull... but the eyes are very similar to the past..."

When Ling Mo walked a little bit, he turned his attention back to Liu Baodong and his party.

It seems that hiding can't hide, but the other faces are pale, nervous, and armed with weapons...

"At least not let them pose any threat to us... and, suddenly, there are no zombies on the street, it feels weird..."

After approaching the building, Liu Baodong and his group stood outside and observed for a while, then the male team member stepped forward and looked at the inside with a tense nervousness for a while.


He turned back and gestured, and after getting the indication from Liu Baodong, he slowly got into the gap and drilled in.

"Only send one person in..."

The building was quite big, and the bodies of the zombies were piled up in an office on the first floor, but the door was closed, and behind the lobby, the man was only symbolically approached.

After walking around the lobby, he walked upstairs.

If they only send this team member to explore the building, it is still a bit troublesome for Lingmo.

But Liu Baodong couldn't stay anymore, and now he stood outside, even if he leaned against the wall, he felt very dangerous.

The pride and ambition of just getting off the plane has long since vanished, and now there is only regret and fear.

"We are behind."

Liu Baodong waited for two minutes like constipation, and he couldn’t wait to follow it.

The fear will spread, and the female player has been greatly shocked. It is even more panic, and she can't wait to grab Lucy.


Lucy sneered with some sarcasm, looked upstairs and looked back at the empty street.

"If you can't wait to kill us, why should we give us the opportunity to hide? What is the purpose of the other party?"

After meditation for a while, Lucy walked sideways through the cracks.

However, she has a lot of weight on her body. It took a lot of effort to get through the past: "Why is there a car facing it..."

At the time of the Cataclysm, there were too many vehicles in the accident, and it was possible that the passengers were mutated. It is also possible that the driver who drove the car turned on and suddenly became a zombie...

There are too many secondary disasters, and similar scenarios can be seen almost everywhere.

A typical example like this industrial park will become like this, naturally because of the sudden variation of various personnel in the factory.

In the process of going upstairs, Lucy suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The building... is too quiet.

She leaned sideways, bowed her body slightly, and pulled out the pistol in one hand...

"Hey, the tight leather jacket over there, throwing the gun down, or your companion will be dead."

A lazy male voice suddenly came from behind, leaving Lucy's movements in the same place.

"That group... idiot."

Lucy snorted coldly.

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