My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 403: Toy feeling

At the other end of the desolate street, a figure suddenly appeared.

He clung to the broken wall on the side of the road and slowly moved forward, looking around from time to time, as if he was guarding something.

The man was wearing a dirty camouflage suit, holding a pistol in his hand, his hair was dirty and messy, and his body had a thick smell.

Bloodshot eyes, nervous trembling lips, reveal his inner fear.

The stiff movements while walking indicate that his physical exhaustion is very powerful.

The worst thing is that his mental state, nervousness, fear, seems to be facing a collapse at any time.

At this point he was lifting his head and staring in the direction of the building. The faint shouts made him show his excitement.

"Is it to save me? Is it calling me?... No, no matter what, no matter who is good, save me... otherwise I will not be able to hold it even if I have not been caught... ”

However, without taking a few steps, he suddenly made a stunned spirit and tightened himself.

"See you again, hehehe... Is it so stupid to hide yourself? It’s a desperate prey."

A figure appeared on his side, whispering softly: "I still want to play with you for a while, but come to a more interesting prey, what should I do..."

The camouflage man's eyes widened and the hand holding the gun shook.

Although the sound was in his ear, he could not brave the courage to lift the muzzle.

I have tried it too many times... He has been being hunted for a few days trapped here.

More precisely, it was forced to play a chase game with this horrible monster.

The survivors of this area are all played by this monster to death, and he is no exception.

A thought of the horrible figure, agile skills. The camouflage man feels weak.

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die!"

The man in the camouflage suit is screaming, but his legs seem to have lost all his strength.

When I first met this monster, the camouflage man was still very boned.

But who knows that this monster is not confronted with him in a confrontation between men, but hides in the dark to torture him.

It is even more impossible to get out of the industrial park.

In these two days, Camouflage men have thought of suicide many times.

Instead of being played like this, it’s better to break it...

But the appearance of this movement has brought him hope.

When the heart is ashamed, I suddenly see a little light, and the desire for survival in the instinct will be greatly stimulated. Even more afraid of death than before.

Just as the camouflage man was almost soft on the ground, the figure suddenly clap his hands and asked: "Right, do you want to give you a wonderful opportunity?"

Hearing the man, the camouflage man stunned. Then I went back suddenly...

"The result is really out of it... eh?"

Ling Mo is guessing that when the monster will not come out for a while, a camouflage man suddenly appears at the corner.

He held the wall and looked around in extreme tension, seemingly guarding against anything.

After seeing Ling Mo, he immediately raised his hand and motioned that he was not malicious, and then accelerated to run over.

“There are still survivors here...”

I am hiding behind an obstacle. When Lucy, who was ready to wait for the opportunity, saw the camouflage man, he immediately jumped out of the hiding place.


The camouflage man fell to the front of Lingmo.


Ling Mo is in doubt, Lucy has already ventured to the side of the broken car, looking down at the camouflage man: "It is Ah Sheng! Ah Sheng! Hello. Fan Sheng?"

The camouflage man was shocked and looked up with difficulty. As soon as he saw Lucy, his eyes flashed a bright color: "Lucy!"

"Excuse me..." Lucy turned her eyes to Lingmo. Asked, "Can you let him in? This is my companion."

The end. She licked her lips and added: "Please."

"Since Lulu, your attitude is so sincere..."

"Thank you!"

Lucy seems to have accepted the name "Lulu" reluctantly. She grabbed the arm of the camouflage man and then easily dragged him into the building.

Ling Mo looked out from the outside and followed it back: "You will always come out."

Ah Sheng seemed to be a little nervous. As soon as he entered the lobby, he began to look around.

When he saw Liu Baodong and others, he even stumbled over.

"That was the Air Force." Lucy placed him under the desk at the front desk, letting him sit there.


Asheng turned his eyes to Lingmo, his eyes drifting and nervous.

However, his mental state is so, so Lingmo did not notice any abnormality.

"What about this?" Asheng swallowed and asked, "It seems that he is not with you. Should he still have a companion?"

"Don't care about other people's affairs. Ah Sheng, you have never sent back information to the base, nor have you arrived at the good place within the specified time... To be honest, we all thought that you already..."

Lucy frowned and stood in front of Asheng, looking up and down at him.

Asheng showed a strange bitter smile: "Oh, yeah, I thought I was dead. My mission is to explore in X City, but it is blocked in this industrial park."

When I heard this, Ling Mo went up and asked, "You should have been attacked by that monster?"

"It’s just an attack. He is playing with me like a bug..." When Asheng said this, there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, there was a kind of faint madness. "Since I entered the industrial park, I have already entered him. The line of sight. At first he didn't attack me directly, but made a variety of sounds around me, which made me nervous. When I relaxed, he suddenly appeared. In order to survive, I tried everything. But in the end I found out that in front of him, I was just a toy that would be removed at any time."

"Did you tear down the toys when you were a kid? Have you ever thought about toys when you demolished toys? I feel it!"

He said, his mouth still showed a smile.

"This goods should not be tortured and mad..." Ling Mo sighed and interrupted him. "Can you tell us about his situation? Now he is looking for us trouble."

Lucy also nodded. "Yeah. I know that you are not easy, but now that is not the case, the Air Force has already killed two people. We don't even know who this monster is."

"He? Hehe, he is the most destructive in the world, even in all species, the power can rank into the top three creatures... cough..."

Asheng’s mouth suddenly appeared a trace of blood, and his eyes were a bit sloppy: “Can you let me rest?”

"Hey, when you say the key moment, you suddenly have to rest!"

Ling Mo screamed in his heart and turned to look out the door.

"Lucy, come over..."


When Ling Mo went back, Lucy was staring in Asheng with surprise, and Asheng’s mouth was covered with a trace of leather.

Liu Baodong and others who just came around were also shocked and stared at Asheng.

Although Lucy's shoulder was torn open, she wore a vest with a vest and was not injured.

She quickly retreated and pointed her gun at Asheng: "Why did you bite me suddenly!"

Ah Sheng looked at Ling Mo with resentment. "呸" spit out the pieces of leather: "Is it your hands and feet?"

Lucy and others immediately turned to Ling Mo: "What is going on here?"

"Bite your tongue, get ready to bite Lucy and let her get infected, right?"

Ling Mo smiled and looked at A Sheng, said.

Lucy’s face immediately became very pale, and she turned back to Asheng in disbelief: “This is impossible...”

However, Asheng has already proved the silence with his actions. He grabbed the female player violently and then jumped quickly. He jumped beyond the speed and strength of ordinary people to the corner of the stairs.


The female team screamed, but Asheng was unmoved.

His hand gripped the female team's neck tightly, greedily stuck behind her head, smelling the **** smell of her body.

"Let the gun down! Lucy, I know you are good at shooting, but I won't give you a chance."

Asheng grabbed the female player's hair and let her stop in front of herself: "I have become a zombie, that monster will make me his companion, he will help me evolve..."

(To be continued)

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