My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 411: Bloody girl


A small stone rolled out from the corner of the street, just to attract the attention of two nearby zombies.

Their necks turned at a twisted angle and their faces were abnormal.


One of the zombies stared at the stone and looked at it. He stretched his neck and sniffed it. Seeing that there was nothing unusual, he had to turn his head.

However, at this moment, the stone suddenly moved.


The stone slammed back and volleyed and quickly disappeared into the corner.

The two zombies whispered and jumped forward.

"Hey! Hey!"

At the same time as the blood hole appeared, Lucy was already agile, grabbing the back collars of the two zombies before they fell.

The female players on the side immediately stepped forward and sealed the wounds on their foreheads with prepared transparent tape to prevent blood from flowing out.

"I didn't expect this to happen."

Lucy dragged the body into the corner and gently placed it next to several other bodies: "When I heard Lingmo, I thought it wouldn’t work..."

"But it seems like a very tricky plan, but at the same time taking into account the characteristics of the zombies, the surrounding environment, and our ability to cooperate..."

Lucy looked down at the pebbles in her hand and squeezed the thread around it.

With this inconspicuous bait, they have successfully killed nearly ten zombies in a very short period of time, and it was done in the vicinity of a large number of zombies.

However, although the method was thought of, and it was very useful, when Lucy turned to look at the flower bed, it seemed to be extremely relaxed, but she still felt a nameless fire suddenly slammed up.

"I know that your ability has nothing to do with your posture. But can you stand up..." Lucy stared coldly at the silence and whispered.

"I don't have six packs, and it's not good to sit down and save some physical strength..."

Ling Mo stretched out and said: "The basics have been almost finished?"

"Well, this is the last two. But those buildings are hidden, it is not clear." Lucy lost the stone and said.

In this regard, Lingmo has naturally detected it in advance, so he shook his head: "There is nothing to stop."

Look at the empty streets. Ling Mo's brow slightly wrinkled.

"How...what is it?" Ye Lian turned his head and asked.

"Nothing, let's go." Ling Mo rushed to her and smiled slightly, reaching out and holding her.

Ye Love has a stiff body, but he has not opened his hand. Just a slight head down, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The memory of Shantou is still being sorted out. At the beginning, Xia Na and her sister also experienced this period..."

Ling Mo Yuguang sighed to Ye Lian, thinking in his heart.

However, Ye Lian seems to be different from Xia Na and her sister. Although Ling Mo is puzzled, she can only wait and see what has changed.

"I don't always think of the anecdote of too many childhood, it is repelling me now. After all, the three meters of urine are accepted. Other anecdotes should also be... carefully thought, my black history is still It’s a lot, no one reminds me when I was a child!”

Ling Mo lamented, he could not think of his girlfriend at that time. All the details will be kept in mind, even those that he doesn't remember...

"Forget it, as long as I don't mention it, I should be able to fool it..."

The pedestrian carefully walked along the street. Not only did nobody speak, but everyone also took a lighter step.

The shops on the street are black. It exudes a real strange smell, and there is no one on the street except them.

Behind these buildings is a dense group of zombies. Perhaps a drop of blood may cause a large number of zombies to flock.

In this horrible situation, even if you don't deliberately do it, you will feel fear and consciously restrain yourself from making any noise.

However, the more you move forward, the more complicated the look of Ling Mo, and the unpredictable feelings in your heart are constantly rising...

"Do you think that this road seems to be particularly long." Lucy suddenly stopped and asked.

However, when she turned her head, she found that there was nothing left behind...


From behind her side, there was a toothy voice.

Lucy coldened her face and slowly turned her head back and found that a huge pumpkin head was drilled from a store.

Looking into the hollow part, you can see a pair of scarlet eyes, as well as a cracked blood basin...

"What is this..."

Lucy stared at the pumpkin head and pulled a knife from her back.

At the same time, Liu Baodong and others have also appeared the same situation as Lucy.

However, the situation they encountered was different. Liu Baodong was surrounded by two zombies, but they did not dare to shoot. They had to escape to the side under their chase.

The male and female players are also facing the situation of being chased by the zombies. The sudden and strange situation makes them lose their talents, but even the voice of asking for help cannot be issued.

Nearby is a large number of zombies, and once they ask for help, they die faster.

At the same time, Ling Mo also felt a flower in front of him, and the people around him suddenly lost their tracks.

On the empty street, there is no one except him.

"Ye Lian?"

Ling Mo immediately clenched his palm, but when he looked back, he found that the person he was pulling was not Ye Love!


The whole body exudes a **** smell, short hair covered with blood, bright red eyes, arms hanging on the legs, and a blood dress...

The appearance looks like a weak and slender girl, but her mouth is constantly making a gloomy laugh.

She didn't seem to be too threatening, but suddenly raised her arm and rushed to Lingmo with a thunder.

"What kind of plane..."

Normal people encounter such a strange situation, I am afraid that it is too late to let go.

But when the girl was attacked by the zombie, he calmly sideways and grabbed the other's wrist.

"Taro, don't make trouble, it's me."

Although the sight seen in front of him is incredible, in the spiritual exploration, the strange girl zombie standing next to him is Ye Lian.

After being caught by Ling Mo, the girl stayed for a while, then slightly tilted her head, and the tight body slowly relaxed.

The big red eyes seemed to be a little bit unexpected.

"I actually made my gimmick look like this... The abilities are right?"

Ling Mo frowned and began to look for the location of Shana and Li Yalin.

Although they are invisible to the naked eye, Ling Mo can still faintly explore through spiritual connections.

"Should this be a spiritual affiliation? Is it directly affecting the visual nerves, or is it an illusion?"

Ling Mo thought a little and thought about it.

The ability of this abilities is covered by this street.

The zombies they had hunted before were real, and this silence is certain.

However, the reason why these zombies are left here is probably the trick that the other party has led them to hook.

Will be really in front, leave it behind.

This ability itself does not have any lethality, but it is actually a very strong one.

If there is no spiritual connection between Ling Mo and Ye Lian, maybe a stage of killing will be staged.

"Those large-scale zombies are also true. If you say this, the strength of the other party is still limited. Otherwise, if he creates countless zombies to besiege us, he will be exhausted and dead. Or arrange a missile to appear. On our heads, or Godzilla suddenly appeared... can these make us judge that we will die after being attacked?"

Ling Mo squeezed his eyebrows and thought: "Either he is not capable enough, or the guy is not imaginative enough..."

He looked back at the "monster" Ye Lian, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes: "It is just the influence of spiritual energy..."

Numerous spiritual tentacles were drilled out of his spiritual light, and then slowly entangled the monster.

Soon, the monster in front of him fluctuated like a light and shadow.

After calming down, the true face of Ye Lian was revealed.

Exquisite facial features, mysterious and outstanding temperament, the only problem is...

The tentacles on her body are still shaking slightly, and Ling Mo is holding his chin: "Do you want to use this fantasy to satisfy my reverie about certain dresses?"

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