My Girlfriend is a Zombie

: Some heartfelt words, as well as a ticket!

On July 18, 2013, Lichee established the author number and uploaded the first chapter of the zombie girlfriend.

At that time, Litchi's idea was simple: I had a story in my heart, hoping to use this platform to share with all my favorite friends.

From silent code words to the support of so many book friends today, this is something that Litchi never thought of.

Seriously telling the story of every heart, this is the dream of Litchi, your support, encouragement, suggestion, and let the dream of Litchi become a little bit of reality.

The things written can be recognized, so that everyone can show a smile when looking at it. I think it is extremely happy for every writer.

Now, an annual writer selection event is being held. Litchi knows that there are still many shortcomings, but when Litchi’s dream has just started, can you vote for me and let me know that more people have recognized me and recognized the story I told.

I am not a sensational person, but please believe that when I knock down these sturdy words, my mood is very exciting, and even I feel that my eyes are a little moist...

Some nonsense...

Ps: voting method, after logging in the page, click on my author name, it will enter my personal space. Vote below the avatar. Thank you again. (To be continued.)

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