My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 477: Preparation of the opponent

The first rain after the spring, the second day after Lingmo made arrangements, unexpectedly arrived. .

The hazy sky appears grayish white, and the red turbidity of the stocks flows down the road into the sewer. The blood in the air seems to be a bit thicker than usual.

Here is the suburb of X City, a wide and desolate road, a rusting but still striking signpost hanging high above:

f city goes by.

"Captain Li, look at it."

At this time, three figures were standing outside the hotel in the rain. One of the men in gray coats squatted on the ground and suddenly shouted.

He inserted his finger into a small hole in the ground, tried to stir it up, and put his finger on the tip of his nose and smelled it: "What is this? Bullet hole? Not so much..."

"This one……"

Li Yan frowned and glanced at him and suddenly closed his eyes.

After a while, he blinked and said: "There is residual spiritual energy, which can definitely be done by someone called Lingmo. Isn't his spiritual power substantive?"

"Even if it is substantive, it can be..."

The gray-clothed man moved his foot and looked at the row of holes in the ground, silently:

"This mental power is too embarrassing..."

"When I heard this information, I did not expect that the so-called substantiveization was so strong. This person... does have arrogant capital."

Li Wei went to the side of the beach next to the blood, there are still a few pieces of broken clothes, but the body has disappeared, do not have to know where to go.

"Yin Jie’s screams before his death, it sounds like a general pain... He uses substantial spiritual power... What did he do to Yin Jie?"

Li Wei used his toes to get rid of some blood and thought: "This is a blank space for intelligence. And what is the so-called "command" of the mutant beast?"

"Oh, how strong is it, this time we are..."

The gray man snorted and said.

"Okay, haven't you learned to be smart? Then underestimate the enemy, the next Yin Jie is you."

Li glanced at him and interrupted him. He said: "They will not be stupid waiting for this hotel. This is natural. But it turns out that we came here, in addition to confirming and perfecting the information obtained, It’s not without other gains. I can feel that they are near this area...” He looked around and sighed. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the exact location, but at least not at this hotel, nor in this article. street."

"It seems that this person is not stupid, I thought he might ambush here, waiting for us to appear..."

The raincoat who had been standing quietly suddenly spoke. Under the low-pressure rain cap, there was a bloodless lip and a sharp chin. The sound sounded very light and it was difficult to distinguish between men and women: "Ming Ming On the surface, it’s a good idea to wait for the rabbit... to deal with us."

"He doesn't know much about our strength and won't do it. Besides, he also knows that some of us are good at tracking it. Staying here is like setting yourself a target."

Li Wei shook his head and suddenly turned his head and said to the raincoat: "Before you find him, you will be patient, ready, this is your rare enemy."

"Yeah." The raincoat nodded lightly.

"Let's go, we will be at the same time as the air squad, and there will be news soon."

Li Yan put his hands in his trouser pocket and turned to the other side of the street. He whispered to himself: "Don't let me down, at least under our chase, live as long as possible. Ok..."

The two men followed up in tandem, and the raincoats paused a little while passing through the row of small holes.

Under the rain cap, a bunch of curious eyes stared at the hole for a moment, then slowly removed: "Substantial... interesting..."

Two days later, in the sky above the city -

A burst of "嗡嗡嗡" sound came from a distance, a helicopter from far and near, quickly swept across the road, hovering over buildings like ruins.


The zombies on the road raised their heads in unison, and some zombies rushed out of the buildings on the side of the road.

They waved their arms toward the sky, making a burst of roar.

At the door of the cabin, a young man with a cap was looking out.

Looking at the zombies who were looking up at the helicopter, the cap of the cap slammed and whispered whisperingly.

"Oh... it’s boring, it’s said that it’s a fight, and it turned out to be two days in the sky. I’m getting dizzy...”

He turned his head and glanced at a man sitting in the cabin and said, "Hey, I heard that the person can command the mutant beast, really fake? That zombie? Is it also directed by him?"

"Who knows..." The man is closing his eyes and raising his spirits. He heard the caps rushing up and said, yawning:

“The spirit system is inherently complicated. Maybe it is a kind of hallucinogenic effect? ​​If you use illusion to mislead the mutant beast and guide them to act according to their own ideas, it is not impossible. As for the zombies... since the mutant beast Yes, the zombies will do the same. But there should be a lot of restrictions? Otherwise, isn’t it the same as control? From the intelligence point of view, the mutant beast hasn’t listened to him completely, which is a good thing.”

"It's just that you can command the mutant beast. How powerful can it be? At most, when he has one or two helpers," the cap said disdainfully.

"I said so too... ah~ ah,"

The man yawned again: "I don't know the situation, of course, it will be very disadvantageous, but since I already know, what will happen after defense? Look at the zombies below, how can we take us? I really think that his spiritual power that can be materialized is the real killer. But... Hey, can his mental strength run to the sky?"

"I would like to know what the substantive mental power is like. Will there be no brains in my mind? They are all solidified ‘spiritual powers? Hahaha...”

The cap laughs exaggeratedly.

"I have done it. This time, Captain Li will be hands-on. If you catch this person alive, you can dig up his brain and study it."

"Good proposal... Hey, Yin Jie, they are too bad, they killed a person, still a girl."

The cap changed the subject in a different direction, some disdain.

The man smiled sarcastically and said: "If you don't flow, you don't want to flow. If you die, you should live."

"Hey, you said... before they kill, is it cool? Liu Baodong is not saying that it is very beautiful?" The cap suddenly lowered his voice and asked with a smile.

"Mom, you know that you want this..." The man gave him a squint.

"Don't want to think about this? I haven't touched a woman for a few months? The little friends are moldy..."

The cap suddenly sighed again and said, "You said... We have been looking for more than two days on this road. It’s almost the third day... I want to say, this person must have been stunned. Maybe you have already hid somewhere and made up your mind."

The man sat up straight, twisted his neck, and said casually: "What are you worried about? Anyway, Captain Li said, he can be sure that this group is in this area. Besides, our task is to play with high altitude. Searching all day long, forcing him to breathe. For a mentally ill person, a bad mental state is tantamount to suicide. This is called psychological tactics. Do you understand? And these zombies that are stirred up will also cause them. Great trouble.

If he made up his mind to shrink the tortoise, it doesn't matter, the ground squad will find him sooner or later, and then he will be easily killed if he is in a bad state. If he is still a man, he will take the initiative to jump out. Although he is very strong, but in the sky, after the distance is raised, what can he do with us? Just drag him for a while, wait for the ground squad to arrive, and the ground in the air together, he is also a dead.

In a word, this man named Ling Mo, he is dead. ”


The two men looked at each other and smiled. The cap was lightly fluttering and said: "Is it strange that his life is not good, who will let him offend us again and again?" (To be continued.)

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