My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 483: Using metamorphosis to deal with metamorphosis

Said, from the zombie loli on the neck of Shiran, suddenly shot countless silver translucent filaments, in the case of gray clothes can not be prevented, the head will cover him. .

"The trough! The trough!"

The gray-clothed man was shocked by the change of the zombie Loli in a moment, and when he reacted, he was already entangled by a layer of inexplicable silver wire!

Just those eyes... This is the leader-level zombie!

Can Lingmo be able to command? !

But now is not the time to think about it, the little life is tight!

The gray man’s intestines are quickly remorseful. I knew that it was not as good as turning around at the time!

At least when I saw this loli, I should think of my uncle like this. It is absolutely impossible to compete with her!

He struggled desperately, trying to break the silver.

But it was not only the silver wire wrapped in it, but it was still black!

"I can't die! I don't want to die!"

Through the gap of the silver wire, the gray man looked at the zombie Loli with a smile and walked toward himself.

The appearance still looks like a lovely Loli, but the blood-red eyes make her temperament completely horrified!

"Don't come over! You are this monster! Don't come over!"

One of the gray-haired people's arms suddenly swelled, and his hand holding the steel bar slammed out of the silver wire, and then slammed into the poetry.

But just as he had just swung down, the silver wire was stretched for a moment, and he slammed him into the ceiling, hitting the head heavily, and then fell to the ground with a lot of dust.

"I don't really like being called a monster."

Yu Shiran was in front of the gray-shirted man, and he corrected it in a serious way: "Stupid humans, call me zombies!"


The gray-clothed man had just screamed and was pulled up again...

"what sound!"

Li Yan raised his head and looked at the ceiling.

Just as he faintly heard a very slight scream coming from above, related to the gray man?

At this time, he can be sure that there are silent associates in the mall.

But now I can go back and see, don’t I leave the raincoat alone under this?

not to mention……

Li Yu gritted his teeth and looked at the front. This unmasked silence, at this time, made him hate the roots and itch...

"Now I can't change the result, either the gray man wins, or... Anyway, he has dragged at least one person. If you count it, there are up to four people below (one dead, dragged) Lived one)."

There is another one that leads the raincoat. It may be that three people may attack themselves at any time.

This kind of psychological stress is the most agonizing than the danger...

At the same time, the raincoat man has arrived outside a cargo warehouse.

At the moment when Li Wei turned, he saw a blurred figure.

Although he knew that it might be a trap, but the prey appeared, he immediately became excited and chased it out.

The warehouse was also a mess, and the shelves stood diagonally inside, blocking the line of sight.

"Is it running here?"

The raincoat man turned his gaze to the door, and through the night vision goggles, he clearly saw a little scratch on the door.

"Oh... what kind of prey would it be? Really expecting..."

The raincoat man has already converge on the whole body at this time, and took out two kitchen knives.

Although he could not see the situation inside the house, he could feel that there was a creature inside...


He suddenly lifted his foot and kicked an iron box at his foot in the other direction.

The rusty box rolled around the ground and gave a chilling whisper.

At the same time, the raincoat leaped up and hung upside down on the ceiling.

The two kitchen knives were inserted into the gap of the ceiling ceiling, and they were stuck, and the whole person kept the posture of the ceiling with a strong waist.

This kind of concealment can't be done by ordinary people.

The prey will certainly not think that he will stare at himself like a bat.

"Oh... come out."

Sure enough, a shadow slowly got out of it and approached the door.

The closer the prey is to the net that you open, the more excited the raincoat is.

Although the other party is intentionally guiding him, isn’t the difficulty of this challenge better?

"It must be a good prey... Will it be Lingmo himself?"

The raincoat man looked at the door very much, and he felt that the two choppers in his hand were making a pleasant call.

One foot took the lead and looked at the sudden black shadow. The raincoat man felt a blood immediately rushed to the top of his head!

His feet were still stuck in the gap of the ceiling, but the kitchen knife suddenly pulled out and threw it into the shadow.

The two kitchen knives approached the enemy in the dark with a spin, but did not make a sound at all.

Seeing that the black shadow was about to be cut off at the moment when the head was stretched out, the raincoat man found that the "foot" actually took some more and more slowly.

Then, in a place that was not too far from the foot, a huge head appeared.

"……How is this going?"

The head did not grow in the expected position, and the kitchen knife was naturally cut.

However, after the two kitchen knives were staggered in the air, they flew back and returned to the raincoat.

He will not be discovered in this situation, because his breathing and heartbeat are extremely slow and slight, and the attack is silent.

But this time the raincoat people wouldn't care about it at all, and all his attention was placed on the shadow below.

Just that shape, it looks like it’s just a foot. Isn’t it a set of furry shoes?

But this head...

Why didn't I grow my neck, but I grew up in such a delicate position!

In fact, the raincoat people have realized that...

But he really didn't want to admit that he didn't wait to anticipate the prey that excites him, but he was played by a mutant beast who didn't know what it was!

And this mutant beast slowly swayed his head and looked up, and a pair of eyes stared at him straight.

Was discovered!

This kind of hidden way can pass through humans, and it is impossible to survive the zombies and mutant beasts!

Unexpectedly, the silence was able to command the mutant beast in the case of a large amount of mental energy consumption...


The excitement in the raincoat people’s hearts suddenly disappeared into nothing, leaving only the word “potholes”!

This silence is like knowing his surname, and deliberately used a mutant beast to disgust him!

However, even if Ling Mo can command the mutant beast, this means to say it is to scare those who do not know.

At this moment, the figure of the fat toot suddenly stood up, and then the hind legs suddenly forced hard and leaped up.

When the raincoat was in front of him, the red-eyed mutant panda raised a paw and then strove to shoot him: "Hey!"

This is the wind! This power!

This is really a high-end mutant beast!

The raincoat man slid aside for a while, but after the panda attack fell to the ground, he actually grabbed a shelf.

At least a few hundred pounds of things in his hand like a matchstick, easily thrown into the raincoat.

Not only that, but the mutant panda also constantly picks up everything from the ground and continues to smash him.

The two special kitchen knives in his hands didn’t even have a chance to even shoot!

I finally resisted a wave of attacks, but found that this panda did not know where to take an aluminum alloy stick, and when it jumped up, it straightened the stick!

The raincoat man hurried down, but the man was in midair, and the panda had been changed to a sweep. With extremely powerful strength, the raincoat was directly smashed out!

"This... this is a Kung Fu Panda!"

The raincoat man spit out a large amount of blood, but he just fell to the ground, a large group of black shadows have already fallen from the sky!


This mutant panda ** sat on the raincoat man's stomach, strong enough to let him spit out the internal organs!


After the panda sat down, he jerked back and raised his two claws. After a little brewing, both claws fell at the same time!

Open the bow left and right, the blood splashes!

When the first claw fan arrived, there was only one sentence left in the head of the raincoat that was already on the verge of confusion: "This is...** Panda..." (To be continued.)

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