My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 504: The beautiful appearance is often a viper

"Hey, Xiaobai, what did you smell?"

In the "grove", a giant panda is writhing and marching slowly through the standard inner character. .

On it, sitting on a little girl with a look of surprise.

Two pairs of eyes curiously looked around, but they were not confused or nervous at all.

Although the scene in front suddenly showed such a strange change, for a mutant beast and a leader-level zombie, this change is really nothing.

The real problem is that when a zombie Lolita and a mutant beast with IQs between 9 and 10 come together, they suddenly lose their way without suspense...

The position is not sensed, the taste seems to be everywhere, it seems very close, but it seems to be very far, it is difficult to capture the exact position.

Yu Shiran went to Xiaobai and grabbed a white hair and shouted: "Call..."


The mutant panda shook his head and snorted.

At the same time, Yu Shiran also received simultaneous interpretation from Hei Silk...

However, this corpse Lori just waved his hand in disapproval and said: "Don't care, this is the meaning of human shouting brakes. As a national treasure, it is illiterate, will not be embarrassed? Learn to read..."

Yu Shiran looked around with a pair of big eyes and suddenly showed a strange look: "Xiaobai, you said... Going so far, we didn't find the sausage human, and he didn't look like usual. So call me in my mind..."

Said, the zombie Loli raised his hand and knocked on his head, and then sucked his nose again: "This time... this time..." She clenched her fist and excitedly glared her eyes. “Is this not a good opportunity?”

A dangerous idea suddenly came out of the mind of Shi Yanran.

Then the idea was not to turn the leader-level zombie, and immediately excitedly red eyes.

"Ha ha ha, stupid human, take advantage of this opportunity, see how I turn your pet! Look for half a month, hahaha..."

The zombie Lori forked her waist and smiled very cheerfully.

For her self-talk, the mutant panda white is naturally incomprehensible.

Although black silk is known for its intelligence, it has not yet reached the level of being able to analyze complex situations on its own and make corresponding judgments.

Ling Mo only let it not allow poetry to talk casually in front of strangers, but did not let it banned from running poetry...

And now the action of the zombie Loli is not to attack Lingmo...

After Yu Shiran smirked two times, he stretched out his hand and took a hand on the mutant panda's ear: "Little white, let's go! Hey, although I can't eat sausages now, but when I find half a month, put her After bringing it back... the sausages are two or two, aren’t they just eaten?”


Xiaobai was shot in the head, then turned helplessly and got into the woods...

At this time, in another place in the woods, a figure flies through the forest.

It's fast and silent.

The obstacles didn't seem to have any effect on her actions at all, and she almost ran wildly against the trees.

Seeing that the trees were zooming in quickly in front of her eyes, but at the moment when she was about to hit these spiritual energies, she quickly swept through the incredible fast movements.

There is a strange beauty between the gestures and the flow of water.

After taking a period of variation of the snake gel, Li Yalin's appearance did not change, but in fact her body has quietly changed a lot.

Even to what extent this change has occurred, even Lingmo is not particularly clear.

For example, "the elbow is turning outwards." This was originally used to swear, but in fact, most normal humans can't really turn their elbows inward...

Because of the virus's transformation of the body, this action that is completely impossible to appear on humans, Li Yalin can easily do.

Her body is more flexible than the people who are specialized in practicing Jiu Jitsu, especially the flexibility of the joints, which has completely surpassed the limits that humans can reach.

The most important thing is that her change is not for performance, nor for any preparation and practice, but for a behavioral pattern that is engraving her instinct.


Li Yalin gently touched one side of the body, and made a round in the air. The toes were staggered in the void, and I easily let myself bypass a "big tree" in front of me.

However, as soon as she landed, a cold light suddenly stabbed from the side.

This knife came suddenly, and it was so hard that the average person just landed, and there was no time to react. There would be more blood holes on the spot.

However, Li Yalin was at the moment of landing, she leaned back without any stagnation, and slipped from the cold.

Then, as she got up, she had already twisted her waist and turned her heel. The body completed a beautiful turn in the air, and one hand directly caught the cold light.


Although only the fingers and the cold light met, but a series of sparks, but instantly illuminate Li Yalin's face.

This cold light comes quickly, and it is quite fast.

Li Yalin stood in the footsteps and looked down the cold. The corner of her mouth suddenly showed a hint of meaningful smile.

In the field of vision, a figure just came out from behind a big tree...

Just this person was holding his breath and deliberately concealed. Li Yalin did not notice it during the rush.

But now you can smell the human breath that the other person exudes by sucking your nose a little...

"Oh shit!"

The Oriental Dragon took a look at the numb wrist and stared at the woman with vigilance. The brow wrinkled tightly.

Just looking at the woman's moving posture, he knew that this is probably an agile avatar like a black cat.

However, although the agile type is a little bit difficult, the weakness is also obvious.

After a slight trade-off, Dongfang Long decided to take the shot.

His sneak attack, no matter the timing or the angle, is very accurate.

Even if you replace the object with a black cat that is familiar to him, it is estimated to be quite embarrassing.

But the woman's agility and reaction speed in front of him... is too high!

It was able to react at the moment of being attacked, and not only did it escape the sneak attack, but it was immediately carried out **...

Those Mars... What weapons must be hidden in the palm of this woman!

Plus this force...

"It’s really a tough woman... oh, luck is good, I’ve come across a hard shack, and it’s still a pretty woman.”

The Oriental Dragon quickly stretched his eyebrows. Not only that, but he also stared at Li Yalin, looking up and down satisfactorily, revealing a hint of interest.

His pseudonym was somewhat shameless, not only brought himself to an international superstar, but also crowned the name "Oriental" in front.

If it is not the conditions, he may even find a set of yellow tights to wear...

And this person is quite belligerent. When he is in the fire, he will find someone to learn as long as he catches the opportunity.

What surprised the Oriental Dragon was that the woman actually stared at him without any nervousness...

It’s just that her eyes look even more dangerous than him...

It’s like, the zombie stares at the human being, the kind of eyes that the beast is staring at the prey!

The Oriental Dragon was shocked first, then he was a little angry and clenched with the spurs in his hand: "I am not coming to see her more than her eyes!"

A feeling of being provocative, let the Oriental Dragon involuntarily raise the voice, smirked and said: "I didn't expect it before I came here. There are such beautiful girls in this group... Hey, if you surrender now, ......"


In front of the flower, the beautiful shadow has suddenly appeared behind him.

At the same time, a smile, even a little excited, also got into his ear: "Shallow prey, haven't heard of the more beautiful snake, the more poisonous?"


The tingling sensation suddenly came from the skin, which caused the oriental dragon to burst into sweat.

He felt a huge sense of life and death crisis almost in an instant, as if there was a snake on the skin crawling, spitting a snake letter, and preparing to bite him!


The Oriental Dragon couldn’t help but scream, and his muscles were tight, and he immediately rushed forward. (To be continued.)

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