My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 522: Is this teasing me?

Although Lingmo had already noticed someone approaching in advance... but did not expect to be Yu Wenxuan.

And the female zombies are playing with him, how can they manage several humans...

So after spending a lot of effort to get them, Lingmo took care of the hair and opened the door.

The first thing after the door was opened, Ling Mo stunned Yu Wenxuan.

"Cough, please come in..."

Ling Mo turned his attention to Su Qian's soft Li Wei, said.

Su Qianrou looked a little uncomfortable with his eyes, and Li Wei was amazed.

This little girl didn't even think that she would meet Lingmo here, but she didn't expect to meet again. It would be in that situation...

How is he here? ! Is it...

Li Wei looked at Su Qianrou with horror, then looked at Lingmo and suddenly stopped his mouth.

"Hey, where did your brain go?"

Ling Mo was shocked by Li Wei's complicated look, but the little girl was much more mature than before, at least not screaming and not pointing at him.

She just dropped the folder, it is estimated that in Su Qian's eyes, it is only because of the scene of the blushing heartbeat...

Li Wei seems to want to talk to Lingmo, but there is Su Qian soft Yu Wenxuan in the presence, she can only make a look at Ling Mo, and then silently retreated to the back.

"Who is this?"

Su Qianrou looked at the silence that gave him to the side, but did not mean to enter the door, frowning and asked Yu Wenxuan.

rogue. Abnormal... The general counsel of the Soviet Union secretly defined Ling Mo in his heart.

The first impression was so bad that the beautiful Falcon female executive did not want to talk to Lingmo.

Ling Mo also saw the attitude of the other party. He touched his chin and looked at Su Qianrou with a sly look: "" Forget it, it doesn't matter if it is..."

Ling Su actually didn't care about Su Qianrou's opinion, but he didn't know what Yu Wenxuan wanted to do.

When I met before, it was in the ruins of a dimly lit massage shop.

But this time, standing face to face together, Ling Mo could not help but sing for this woman.

Like her strong woman, Ling Mo has only seen it on TV before. Did not really touch.

Compared with the average pretty woman, Su Qianrou is a bit more staunch, but she adds a bit of tenderness to the real soldier.

Plus her ethereal voice, she made her whole person more outstanding.

However, the above description, we must first let go of her cold stare at Lingmo...

Ling Mo looked at her, and suddenly she suddenly showed a scene she had seen in her memory...

Actually. In addition to those more important memories, some of the trivial things of life are also silently reading the memory of her, "inadvertently" drifting through the eyes of Ling.

such as……

Lingmo stopped his eyes uncontrollably on Su Qianrou's chest, as if through the clothes, he saw a very nice red dragonfly between the two groups of Fengqi...


Su Qianrou was keenly aware, and then he noticed the strange sight.

She immediately opened her eyes. Biting the lip.

In the high-level falcon, her female identity has kept her in a very embarrassing situation, but even in that case, no one dared to stare at her chest!

Moreover, this guy is the first time to meet her!

Not only that. Su Qianrou also vaguely saw that this person’s sight is like a perspective. It seems to be directly in the position where I have a red dragonfly.


Although Ling Mo quickly removed his sight, and it seems that there is no malicious look, but Su Qianrou is already extremely hot.

This guy is absolutely loaded! He has just deliberately stared at himself!


"You are not very curious about how I got the information, and how did I get the Air Force?"

Yu Wenxuan ignored the murderous eyes of Ling Mo, and laughed.

Su Qian softly pressed the fire and looked at Yu Wenxuan with amazement: "Yes, but how did you get there at this time..."

She suddenly widened her eyes, turned her head and looked at Ling Mo, and then couldn't help but move her mouth: "You don't want to say..."

Although she did not say the latter sentence, but everyone knows most of it is "how is this possible", or "you are teasing me?"

Even Li Wei suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Lingmo incredibly.

However, unlike Su Qianrou, she has already heard the words and has unconditionally believed it!

This kind of thing may be ridiculous for others... How can the Air Force be killed by one person and by such a person?

But for Li Wei, others may not be able to do it, but it will definitely work.

She has heard countless such remarks in the Falcon camp:

"A city is impossible to be invaded."

“Who can break through so many lines of defense into a city?”

Ling can.

He is not only able to, but also retired from the whole body...

Even Su Qianrou, who was very uncomfortable to see Ling Mo at the moment, was easily put down by Ling Mo...

Li Wei wanted to remind Su Qianrou, but after she opened her mouth, she could only helplessly close her mouth.

Su Qianrou looked at Lingmo's eyes and said that she is not the kind of person who looks at the other party's unhappiness and has no brain to deny everything.

This is why she did not say anything.

But the man in front of him, at most in his early twenties, leaned against the door and looked awkward. Although the hair was well-managed, the collar was twisted and twisted, and the traces of the hickey could be seen on the neck...

The most important thing is that his belt... is completely wrongly positioned!

How many girls are just around him? Three...

Especially the one that looks extraordinarily refined and looks a little dumb...

This **** is a typical example of a girl!

Su Qianrou looked more and more angry, and finally snorted heavily: "Hey!"


Ling Mo Ping stunned a white eye, suddenly suddenly stunned.

Although the scene just was very indecent, how to see him is a victim!

You said that if you are a male compatriot, you will envy your hatred. What are you doing with a woman?

"Okay, Commander Yu Wen, come here with a joke."

Su Qianrou finally whitened Ling, and turned to look at Yu Wenxuan.

With Yu Wenxuan’s dead character, it’s normal to play some pranks...

"Here? This is not the beginning..."

Yu Wenxuan pointed to Ling Mo and said with a smile: "I introduce this, this is to provide us with information, and we have taken the Air Force with us..."

To be honest, when I heard this, Su Qianrou’s face was hard to read.

There must be a limit to mischief...

"Ling Mo." Yu Wenxuan finally said the name, but let Su Qianrou just lifted the heel, and let go.

She turned her head sharply and looked at the young man with great surprise: "You are... Ling Mo?... Wouldn't it be the first one who worked with us? Right... Your voice !"

"Yes, it's you!"

Ling Mo is also very surprised, this woman has a strong memory!

Sitting in her position, it is good to be able to remember the name vaguely, even the sound still remembers...

"Yeah, the one who was chased by the Air Force is also him." Yu Wenxuan continued on the sidelines.

"That is also you?!"

Su Qianrou suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed.

She is rarely so rude, but at this time she can't control her emotions.

The abilities who were chased by the Air Force also knew something, otherwise they would not specifically contact the head of the Air Force to ridicule their defeat...

But to be honest, she is not optimistic about this one who competes with the entire Air Force.

The Air Force’s initial commitment to combat was insufficient, but as they began to realize the thorny level of the problem, the guy faced enormous danger.

With personal strength, it is difficult to compete with an army. Even if this team is not formal, it is not as well trained as before...

Unexpectedly, this person who was chased is actually silent...

And he also joined Yu Wenxuan and won the Air Force.

Beautiful counterattack!

"Good, you are amazing!"

Seeing Ling Mo is still indifferent, Su Qian soft coughed, and suddenly wanted to punch a fist on his face.

The old lady praises you, how can you give me some reaction! (To be continued.)

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