My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 561: I came to be undercover

"The trough!" Ling Mo tentacles, and also followed up and jumped up.

He didn't have to kill the spider queen, but the words she just said made him care.

What does that mean in the end?

The two moved in tandem in the high-rise streets.


A filament hooked a balcony railing on a tall building, and then the Spider Queen "flyed" past the swing, and when it hit the wall, another filament was shot. After that, I went around the back of the building.

"Want to get rid of me? Is it so easy?" Lingmo sneered, suddenly in the air like a stepping on an invisible spring, the body shot like a shell.

The distance between the two suddenly shortened a lot, Lingmo is preparing to add more strength, but the corner of his eye is a bit of a light.

He instinctively stopped, and then saw a series of blood flowers on the body of the Spider Queen.

"Hey?" Ling was shocked.

But soon he discovered that the Spider Queen turned his head and looked at him, his eyes still seem calm.

This abnormal reaction made Lingmo immediately realize that it was not good.

Sure enough, this sudden attack hurts the Spider Queen, but it also pushes her back, with her own bloodshot, almost instantly opened the distance between the silence and the silence, and slammed into a In the alley.

When the silence quickly chased the past, except for a few drops of blood in the alley, it was empty.


Lingmo’s face immediately became a bit uncomfortable.

Suddenly ran out and inserted a foot... Who is this?

Losing the trace of the Spider Queen, it is difficult to catch up with her. This spider is still very good at running away.

Lingmo turned his face back and watched the direction of the bullet.

"Today, I found a different zombie. The visual level is very high and the strength is very strong. There is another human being behind, I saved him..."

A woman carrying a whispering submachine gun came out of the shadows, looking across a street and Ling Mo, and muttering in her mouth.

"Who saved you! It's a bad thing, it's a good thing, I am coming..." Ling Mo’s expression is stagnation, what is this person doing?

The other person's hearing is good. The snoring of Ling Mo was heard clearly by her.

"Are you chasing the zombies?" the woman asked.

"Yeah." Lingmo nodded.

"Oh... you can't kill if you catch up." The woman said calmly.

Ling Mo was speechless. This woman does not apologize, but even taunts him!

If it weren’t for her original intention to save people, Ling Mo couldn’t help but ask the sin, but now it’s hard to say anything.

"I really can't kill, I just hit her, but she made movement adjustments in the air, and she has a strong ability to respond." The woman said with a blank expression.

"I know too..." Lingmo continued to be speechless.

He is very clear about this. When the Spider Queen is still a semi-finished product, the blood on her body has a strong recovery effect, not to mention that she has evolved now.

Lingmo originally wanted to do something with the hands of the Air Force. As a result, she did not expect not only to limit her, but to make her stronger.

At least she knows how to travel with a zombie group... even for him.

As the "first ancestor" of the zombie, the virus in the spider queen is too variability. As long as she is willing to bother, it is theoretically estimated that anything can be tossed out.

Putting her in the city is really not a good thing...

But these silences can't be said. It's not necessary, the Spider Queen has ran. Second, there are actually many details that he can't explain.

"And. We have met with her several times. This time you are lucky, she is not following other zombies," the woman said.

"Why didn't you..." Ling Mo wanted to refute, but he quickly stopped.

How many times have you met? This can still survive, it seems that the strength of this woman is also good!

And it sounds like she is not alone.

"But the person I saved was a very selfless guy..."

The woman began to recite again, and the content made Lingmo hear a black line.

Seeing Lingmo staring at himself, the woman opened her hair. Showing the headphones: "Don't mind, I'm just recording."

"Don't mind... you said that I am alright!" Ling Mo said in his heart.

"My recording is for... leaving a record, maybe it will be useful in the future..." The woman paused and actually explained it.

"Okay..." After the Cataclysm, the metamorphosis was gone, and it was a bit special. It was nothing.

Ling Mo is planning to take the trouble and quickly leave, but did not expect to be stopped by this woman.

And while she was opening, from the corner of the street behind her. Actually, two people ran out.

"How is it going?" One of the men began to groan as soon as they appeared.

"The summer solstice is right, the zombie is indeed here, but ran away," the woman said. "This person is also chasing her."

"Oh..." The man immediately looked at Lingmo with great interest. "Are you chasing one by one?"

"No..." Ling simply denied.

His voice has just fallen, and the three figures have already appeared not far away. As for Xiaobai, they have consciously hidden.


Shana’s knife is full of blood, and there are traces of claws on the clothes that look conspicuous.

"Yeah," Lingmo said.

"Wow! You are so good. The one who called the screamer is terrible! Calling for a half-day, I can't wait to smash my ears." the man cried.

"Generally..." The screamer was a bit interesting, but it didn't make Lingmo excited.

"General?" The man burst into tears. This is also called general!

Except for the silent summer solstice, the other two are not spiritual, and there is no resistance at all.

As long as the move, it will be beaten.

"She has been with more than a dozen at the beginning!" The man was not willing to emphasize.

"Ah..." Lingmo understood this. They played with the Spider Queen several times and brought some damage to the Spider Queen.

If more than a dozen full members come to find Lingmo, it is estimated that it is a bit tricky.

But it is just a matter of hand and foot. With the spirit of silence, face-to-face mutual impact, the winner must be him.

I don't know if they and the Spider Queen are just a chance encounter, or they are touched by the Spider Queen and used to practice.

The man still wants to say something, but he was interrupted by the woman: "That... I want to ask, is there any survivor team or camp nearby?"

Camp? Ling Mo immediately became alert.

Nirvana people?

These three people are indeed looking for a group of new people in the new group of the f group, their original plan was originally intended to find the silence in one to two days, but who knows that the plan is not as fast as change.

When they wandered around here, they actually met the spider queen who was also wandering around.

Although the goal of both sides is the same, but unfortunately the race is different, there is only one word to meet: playing.

Playing with the spider queen is really disgusting for these three people.

They are strong and well matched. It is not easy to die when they die, but it is harder to kill the spider queen than to climb the sky.

If it’s just her, it’s okay, but she still has a choir around her!

As a result, time was delayed, and the result was not found in the silence. Instead, they were exhausted by three of them. It was a common occurrence to stay up all night and dare to sleep.

I have encountered other zombies, but I can at least get rid of them, but this is a change of zombies but I don’t know what is going on, just like keeping up with them...

"It's too weird!" Muchen roared more than once.

But where do they know that the Spider Queen, though not staring at them, has the same purpose as them! It’s a strange thing to not touch it.

"Looks like you know?" Xu Shuhan observed the expression of Ling Mo, said.

"There is a..." Ling Mo is also observing them and nodding.

"That's great! You see, we are very dangerous to wander outside. If you can introduce us to join, then thank you very much." Mu Chen went on to say, "We can do anything, please be sure to take us!" His expression was very sincere, and he felt a little pitiful.

"Ha... I’m going to come over to be undercover..." Ling Mo’s heart was funny.

He has basically been able to affirm that these people are Nirvana. Although they have no lettering on their foreheads, they have the strength to live for so many days under the hands of the Spider Queen, and they are still unscathed... Wolverine is awkward, but the results are really remarkable!

If such a person wants to organize a team, he will find survivors everywhere in the city. If he mixes in, he can become a boss. Why bother to join others?

What's more, there are no other survivors around the TV station. They are running at risk, just to get rid of it? Who believes!

Abnormal is the demon, Ling Mo knows this.

"How are you doing? Is it so powerful that you are a core member? Will it be the boss?" Mu Chen started to sneak up from the first appearance, and he was very familiar with it. "Big brother I Calling Mu Chen, what do you call it? Are you a power? It’s amazing...”

"..." Ling Mo looked at Mu Chen's face, and couldn't help but vomit. "How do you look much bigger than me? Just ask a big brother no problem?"

Originally thought that Nirvana is the kind of smashing goods that I saw, I didn’t expect that there would be such a wonderful thing as Mu Chen.

"Big brother is called Xu Shuhan, she talks to herself all day, you don't care about her. And this is not talking, called the summer solstice, you don't care about him. Hahaha..." Mu Chen raised his arm, making a move and slamming The shoulders were back, but they were quietly escaping.

Do not both? What he didn't want to care about most was this wood morning! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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