My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 760: Mousetrap

Now is the key moment to escape from the headquarters. Even Lingmo himself said that it was the most troublesome at this time, but it was blue but did not see much tension from him.

His steps have not stopped, his eyes have been looking at the front, but what is happening around him, he seems to be well-informed.

Some people on the way just vacated their hands, and Ling Mo hit the back, and threw the zombies to them. Where did he go, where was the riot?

The blue is paying attention to it and discovering that each zombie will suddenly fall into a stunned moment when it is close to being silenced. As a result, it is a bowling for a human being.

"This is to prevent them from being too busy, otherwise it will be easy to look around without any problems." Ling Mo explained.

If you listen to the blue and straighten your eyes, you can say that you are insidious!

Finding a good reason will not make your image taller!

However, although I don't say it on my mouth, I am a little admired for Lingmo in my blue heart.

It’s enough to be amazed by this calm and means.

This place is full of people, and it may happen if you don't pay attention. And once the whereabouts of the movement, she and the old blue are nothing, but Ling Mo and Mu Chen are dead.

Trying to take away the important tasks of the headquarters, the light alone is enough for them to die four or five times!

But Ling Mo’s feeling for her is not a matter of care, but a very special emotion.

He seems to be very aware of the dangers inside, but he has to do it for some reason, and he is willing to do it.

"But what is he interested in? Antibody? The essence of the virus? Or... the way the zombies have humanity?" The blue couldn't help but think about it.

In the carriage, the faces of a group of high-rises were dripping black. Some of them are really sweating and even the clothes are soaked.

There is an experimental team leader, and his expression is also the most ugly. The pistent in his hand keeps rubbing the sweat on his forehead.

Things started from the experimental group. How can he not be nervous?

Now it’s also the experimental products that got out of their experimental group.

As soon as the guards left, he hesitated and said: "These experimental products, which are the responsibility of the patrol..."

When his voice just fell, someone stood up on the sofa: "What do you mean? Shirk responsibility?"

The experimental group had a long neck. Retorted: "I am telling the truth! Can you get these experimental products for individuals? If someone does not deliberately guide them, they will not be able to get here so soon. Besides, the wire fence is around, they are How did you get in?"

The person who took the sofa before snorted and replied: "That was developed by you, don't ask me."

"I am not shirking responsibility. I just want to say that this time things are premeditated. Not only is the experimental team cooperating, but the patrol team can't get away from it. Maybe there are other forces to join. Those stragglers, will they still run to do this kind of thing?" said the experimental team leader.

When it comes to other forces. Everyone unanimously thought of the destruction of the Dongming branch.

In combination with the difficulty of doing this, the speculation of the experimental team leader suddenly got the approval of everyone.

The average survivor can't do this big thing, only other forces have this motivation and strength.

And this "other" force actually refers to only one, Falcon!

But when I think about it, their faces don't look good. The opponent’s hand came to the headquarters so quickly?

Some people think of a deeper place. Is it because they are cooperating with the joint camp, so the other party can't wait to get it done?

Conspiracy, it is all the taste of conspiracy!

"After those things, I will say, what is the problem now?" Someone interrupted.

This incident is very difficult to see, but it still does not make these high-level executives panic.

The zombies in the building can be cleaned up sooner or later, and the fire is still under control. As for the experimental products outside, there are so many guards and abilities, and it will take a long time to get through.

This person asked. Not how to solve the problem, but how to find a way to get the "mouse" behind it.

The face has been lost, always find a way to save it?

Grasping the murderer is undoubtedly the best way. Their little life can calm people's hearts, and they can save a little bit of Nirvana's face.

Someone has been indulging for a while. Said: "You said, they brought the zombies around, not just to find trouble?"

"That is... in order to cover people to escape?"

He said this, the people present immediately reacted.

"It’s been almost two minutes now, will it have already escaped!" Someone counted the time and said.

The discussion was immediately fierce, and some people were looking for guards.

But at this time, someone noticed that the big boss was still sitting still, and it seemed that there was no response.

"Big boss?" The team leader whispered.

He is now the most active one. No matter who does this thing, as long as he can catch people, his responsibility is much smaller.

When he thought that he had ignored this point, he was not happy in his heart.

Blame this scene... it is too messy!

The big boss was silent for a while before raising his hand and said: "No need to worry, I have long waited for them to show their tails."

He said this, the people present were surprised. So, he thought of it long ago?

However, in the eyes of everyone, the big boss is a gloomy face.

He held his thumb and flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Actually dare to step on his head and scatter wildly... Whether it is these "mouse" or the hidden black hand behind him, he will come out one by one!

But as the culprit, Ling Mo did not know that from the Dongming branch to today, he had already let the Falcons change their positions and lay down countless guns.

He is now pulling the blue behind a buggy, staring vigilantly at the hole not far away.

There is a distance of ten meters from the hole here, and there are no abilities in the middle to block the road.

After the bullet was fired, seven or eight experimental products were lying near the hole, and one of them was still out of breath, and was constantly twitching in the pool of blood.

Feeling a little sweat in the blue palm, Ling Mo looked back at her and whispered, "Are you afraid?"

"Who is afraid..." said the blue scalp.

Ling Mo could not help but be a little funny, this girl how to deal with the zombies every day, in the end still did not see these **** scenes.

She also said on the road, every time the old blue experiment, she will drive her outside. Because she was too boring, she would wander in the outermost “collection room” in the middle of the night.

When she said this, although she still had a smile on her face, she could see a trace of desolateness.

If it’s not too boring, how can a normal girl play with those “collections” every day...

However, Ling Mo just said this, and the blue anger retorted: "What are you talking about? I am not normal! I just like those monsters, you bite me!"

"How come you don't like it now?" Lingmo asked.

The blue is gloomy and white, and pointed at a dog in the blood pool, the whole body was shot into a hedgehog, and asked if she liked it... This is definitely a heart!

"How can it still not?" Mu Chen came over from behind and asked in a whisper.

Ling Mo’s look became serious again, looking up and using the chin to point the direction: “I think there is a problem.”

"What is the problem?" Lao Lan also asked.

His tone sounded very exciting. Mu Chen just turned to look at him doubtfully. The old madman smiled smugly: "What? Anyway, I can't die anymore."

"If something goes wrong, I will first catch you back." Mu Chen said depressedly.

"Look, this big hole, these people have seen it, why not block it?" Ling Mo asked.

The blue frown said: "The plug is useless, and the zombies are coming in."

"It’s not blocking the zombies, it’s blocking us.” Lingmo shook his head.

The other three were a glimpse, and then they came back.

Yeah, this is such a thing, the high-level will think that someone is doing a ghost?

Even if the hole has just appeared, but with the action of the headquarters, there should be someone here to guard this place.

"This is a 'trap of rat traps' they got," Lingmo said.

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