My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 775: Keep people under your mouth

The second cigarette that was silent was almost drawn, and the guard was basically written.

He carefully handed the book over and said, "All that I can think of, I have written it, there should be no omissions..." This uneasy feeling is like a student exam. The difference is that the examiner is not playing a score, but his life...

Ling Mo looked at the speed is still very fast, so be so, when he looked up, the guard has already had a cold sweat.

"How?" the guard squeezed a smile and asked.

"Writed well." Ling Mo commented.

After being shocked by Ling Mo’s “Reading Mind”, this seemingly timid guard has finally become a lot more honest.

But if he deliberately edited it, then he could always see the silence of his spiritual fluctuations...

Upon hearing Ling Mo’s affirmation, the guards loosened their breath and then looked forward to saying: “Then I...”

"No hurry, there is something to talk about." Ling Mo said.

The guard suddenly widened his eyes: "You haven't said anything about the business!"

Xiao Pan looked up at this time and saw that Lingmo had already arrived at the guard and spoke with a small voice...

After a few tens of seconds, Ling Mo straightened up, and the guards nodded slightly.

"Do you remember?"

"Don't forget..." The guard quickly nodded.

"You don't want to say people without seeing you." Ling Mo snorted again.

The guard continued to nod: "I understand."

Xiao Pan was still on the sidelines, but suddenly he heard such a sentence: "You smoked smoke for a while, and the memory of the perfume has been confused?"

"What?" Xiao Pan stayed, and then some of them stunned.

Ling Mo only looked at him calmly, then smiled: "It seems that there is no need to smoke again."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Xiao Pan replied blankly.

However, when Ling Mo looked away. This little Pan’s eyes suddenly flashed a bit of annoyance, and the facial expression finally changed a bit.

But he swayed his lips and made a mouthful of words: "Pervert!"

After ten minutes, the remote building has been restored to calm.

The dozens of people who went in were like being swallowed up by the darkness, and there was no sound. Did not come out from the inside.

But if someone goes deep into it at this time, they can hear some subtle flicks on the stairs...


The guard blushes and is trying to stretch his legs, trying to hook a pistol in front of him.

Not far from the other side, Xiao Pan, who was also blocked, struggled to struggle, lifting his head from time to time.

The two looked at each other halfway. There are some feelings of crying and tears.

"Come on, I am very optimistic about you. Yes, your friends are locked downstairs, life is not dangerous, but may wake up in a short time. I am afraid that you may be passively absent, so Kindly remind you. If you can escape by yourself, the guilt will be much lighter. Plus the ones I tell you, maybe you have something to do."

The guard looked sorrowful when he thought of the words that Lingmo said when he put the pistol down.

That person is too treacherous!

If you say it well, you will reduce the difficulty a bit!

However, this method did the most delay, and the gun was placed in a very reasonable position. Xiao Pan was basically unable to reach it. And his toes are just touching.

Coupled with the angle that Lingmo intends to place, as long as the guards consistently extend their legs and then change the touch contacts according to the angle, they can slowly turn the guns upside down... In this way, he will Can easily hook up.

But the most difficult part of it is... he can't see it at all!

Only Pan can see the gun, which means that Xiao Pan must try to sit up as much as possible under the limited body, and it must be uninterrupted!

In the process, the two also have to make eye contact from time to time.

And the time available for them to communicate is only a short one or two seconds!

A pose that is as difficult as it is. Who can hold on for so long!

It can be supported for a while at the beginning, and with the rapid consumption of physical strength, the time they can keep moving is getting shorter and shorter...

"What the **** is this man, why did he think of such a maddening way in minutes!"

The guards burst into tears and thought...

Get the gun and signal!

Think of this. The guard once again raised his eyes and raised his neck, and at the same time stretched out his legs... He rushed to redeem his sins!


"Captain, are you sure that your method is effective? If it is different from what you expected, what should I do?" Mu Chen was asked by Lingmo on the passage in the grass.

Ling Mo thought about it and said: "It is not absolutely a foolproof plan. At least it is still quite high in terms of success rate. It is worth a try. Even if it fails, at least it will be dragged tonight. After a little dragging, our advantage is bigger. They are chasing after them. The most fear is that the distance is stretched or lost. But this is just a matter of expediency. If we can’t catch us, Nirvana should still have Other actions."

"Also..." Muchen agreed to nod. "They will not be willing to eat and lose money."

"I don't want to eat bad, but I might eat a bigger loss."

Ling Mo said quite a bit after saying it, but he stopped talking.

Mu Chen opened his mouth and asked, but he looked at the sunglasses man, but he endured it.

"If it is successful, how long can it last?" The old blue couldn't help but insert a sentence.

He also carried the variant Koi in his hand, and his face always had an excited smile.

It seems that he can't wait to start researching, so he suddenly cared about this problem.

Ling Mo replied helplessly: "Up to three days..."

"Enough is enough..."

Old blue looked down at the fresh-keeping bag in his hand and couldn't help but scream twice.

Muchen’s scalp was numb, and read: “Rely, you are the body of Beiye!”

"What? You don't know who Baye is! But you are really right. If you can find a non-toxic part, you can really eat it. In general, when the organism just mutates, there is still Some of the internal organs are not infected. At this time, as long as the disinfection treatment is carried out, it is no different from ordinary food..." Lao Lan said seriously.

"How can this be uncommon? And what is the tone you have tried this long ago!"

"By the way, the general creatures mentioned here also include humans, but remember that at the moment of the completion of the mutation, the body is already a virus... Hehehe..."

"Why should I remember this... Also, where did your inexplicable pride come from?"

At this time, the man with the white-eyed sunglasses suddenly showed a hint of color, and his eyes turned to Lingmo.

Although Lingmo speaks to Muchen and Laolan, but the sunglasses man vaguely feels that Lingmo’s eyes seem to have been swept away from him intentionally or unintentionally...

"Hey!" After the sunglasses man squatted for a while, he suddenly ran wildly.


Muchen sneered at him again with a slap in the face: "What is it!"

"Nothing, he is just a little scared." Ling Mo suddenly said.

After listening to Lingmo's words, the sunglasses man's face seemed to be a bit gray.

From the eyes of Ling Mo, he also seems to understand what...

According to the information provided by the guard, Ling Mo et al., after turning out the fence, walked a distance against the corner.

Until he left the surveillance of the high-rise buildings in the school, Lingmo took them quickly through the road.

As for the Nirvana members who are on the road, it is easy to hide.

These people are standing outside the school. For two high-level zombies, it is like a glowing light bulb. If you don’t notice it, you can’t...

Although Yu Shiran, although they are still on campus, they have to be guided by the silence. It is only a matter of time before they come out.

Seeing Ling Mo with them turned around and went to a residential building downstairs, the blue father and daughter suddenly stupid.

At the same time, the two men turned their heads to look at the road, and then looked back at the residential building.

"You actually live in such a close place!" Old Blue said with emotion.

The blue color is an unbelievable look, and he tentatively asked: "Did we stay here tonight? Still don't want it, how dangerous it is... I don't want to be caught anymore, it is better than the lab outside. More, there are more kinds of collectibles."

"The light is black," Lingmo explained.

"This is too casual! Hey!" Blu-ray still wants to protest, but Ling Mo has already taken Ye Lian and Shana to take the lead.

Seeing their figure quickly disappeared into the stairway, the blue expression remained in the state of wide eyes.

"In fact, we can go slower..." Muchen also dragged the sunglasses and the man walked over, and whispered in a voice of a person coming over.

“Why?” the blue asked subconsciously.

"The captain's nickname is a kissing madman..." Wood morning sighed and slowly went upstairs.

The blue stood in the same place and thought about it, and then suddenly stunned.

Her mouth suddenly went up a hook, and when she stepped on her legs, she ran upstairs: "I will go see it."

"Go... oh, wait! No! Why are people so excited to kiss you, Dad didn't teach you to peek at this kind of thing, you are too small... give me a stop!" The variant Koi is behind, but as an ordinary old man, how can he keep up with the blueness of the abilities of the reinforced abilities...

"Ling, keep your mouth!"

In the corridor, the low-pitched sound of the old blue kept echoing...

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