My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 789: Cannibalism ladder

"This multiple-choice question is really simple and rude..." After a sigh of relief, Ling Mo’s eyes turned to the upstairs.

The creepy flesh almost completely covered the stairs, even the walls and ceilings. The sharp teeth that grow from the flesh and blood reflect the cold light, and at the same time, the sound of the teeth that are constantly squeezing and squeaking is prohibitive.

"Can you eat a ladder?"

After Ling Mo’s thoughts, he walked without hesitation.

“Is there a Gecko program?” Black Wire reminded.

"Don't just name me! If you have to say it, change it to **** man!"

"Why care about this detail..."

“Is this not a part of a pet?”

Ling Mo lifted his foot and explained: "Not that I don't need it, but that method is useless. When I opened the door, the other party already found me... In this case, it is better to go up." ”

"As a sneak entrant, it is really plausible..." said Black Silk.

"I still want to ask you what is the purpose of coming to the earth..."

At the same time as speaking, Ling Mo’s foot has been unswervingly stepped on.

Through the silent sharing of the past vision, Heis also made this scene clear.

The hiking boots just stepped on the steps, and the flesh and blood below it quickly fell, and the whole foot was quickly overwhelmed. At the same time, from the flesh and blood, more than a dozen **** vine-shaped objects were found, which were wrapped around the silent legs like snakes. One of the "vines" was raised high, just to expose its jagged mouthpiece to the front of the silence.

Although this thing did not make any screams, but the shape and the blood of the body constantly dripping. It’s enough to make the goose bumps.

Not to mention that it will always be like a rush. It can bring great psychological impact to people.

"I didn't expect it to be perfect..."

The sudden silence of the system is still a calm expression. It seems that the entanglement is not his leg at all. The "vine" is ignored by him: "Whoever tries to pass through here will fall into this fleshy swamp, and then the vines will kill the subject. And dismembered, the broken limb will be chewed into pieces after being dropped, and finally into these flesh and blood as part of the stairs... It should be like this."

"You are analyzing your own end!" Hess suddenly returned to God and said.

However, it does not have much to worry about in its tone, because Ling Mo's mental fluctuations are still very stable.

It’s just that for Ling Mo’s statement, it’s not very understandable.

"How come..." Lingmo’s other foot has also stepped on. When he reached out and grabbed it, he put the "vine" in his hand. "This is only the result of the other party's vision, and it does not mean that it will become a reality."

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Mo’s fist suddenly tightened.

The "vine" suddenly twitched, and the mouthpiece continually attacked Lingmo's arm, but after a few seconds, when Lingmo's palm opened, it had turned into fly ash. On the other hand, the arm and palm of the silence, let alone the wound. Even a little blood was not stained.

Hess suddenly stunned: "Hey, is it an illusion?"

"Yes. From the corridor to here, it's just a fantasy. In fact, just control yourself and don't pay attention..."

As he said, Ling Mo had already lifted his foot and went a few steps, and the leg that had just been entangled was completely unscathed.

"... can easily pass. Another point is that you can't accept this setting. Once you think that these are real, then the experience like pain will actually happen to you. But this one itself There are illusions that are very false, and you can only lie to you like this mutant. In my opinion, the frightening here is more than practical."

Ling Mo is also intentionally instilling this knowledge into the black silk, and its fantasy projection can also be regarded as an illusionary power in a sense.

The possibility of continuing development is not high, but at least it is necessary to get rid of the scope of stick figures as soon as possible!

"How can we control ourselves and not pay attention to it? The most important part can't be done at all!" Black silk said silently.

"Of course, it is so simple, because the purpose of the other party's construction here is not to stop me, but the two people just now. To make the scene so exaggerated, it is necessary for them to retreat." I couldn't help but touch the chin. "No wonder the woman is angry. Doesn't she say that this is her place? This is being bullied to the house..."

"You are not qualified to say this alone? But... How do you know that the other party is not targeting you? Is it because you have already discovered you?" Hesi asked with interest.

"If you are against me, will you use some illusion of lethality? For example, turning the stairs down to the ground, letting me step on the air, or blurring the walls, causing me to hit them... These It’s a relatively simple technique.”

"Because it doesn't make much sense..."

"Remember that I closed the door once? It was because I found out that I had a illusion, so I wanted to verify if the other party would change immediately according to the situation. It turns out that after the other person perceives me, I really thought about it according to the situation. Change the illusion, but at most it only achieves the degree of stomach cramps... Most of the illusion is still the same as before, so the fourth floor is just a shock." Ling Mo said with certainty.

"It's a stomach contraction... That said, is the other person's distraction?"

Black Silk quickly responded: "If Xu Shuhan is really upstairs, it should be safe now, because these humans have not caught her yet!"

"Yes...but the other party would rather put me in, but also focus on the fifth floor. This makes me feel bad... maybe it’s the idea of ​​letting me send it to my door. what……"

Ling Mo quickly ran upstairs and his expression became dignified.

Although this illusion is easy to see through, it is only the edge of the other side. If you use this to judge the strength of the other party, it is a big mistake.

And he has to deal with not only the spiritual abilities, but also other people hidden in the illusion.

"However, since it is a illusion that affects the senses, it is not a chance." Ling Mo thought, and said to Hei, "You come nearby, if you find that a man and a woman come back in advance, Just drag it for a while..."

"Is it like this? Hey, it’s too wasteful..." Hei said with some dissatisfaction.

"I will first investigate the situation. If you are not right, you will meet again. It is better to run in than two." Ling Mo said.

The more the "cannibal ladder" goes up, the more dry it is. The flesh and blood on the ground and the walls seem to be rot and shrink. The "vines" have also become long and dry twisted ropes, hanging around in a mess.

As he spoke, the man reached the stairs on the fifth floor and was standing on the edge of the stairs looking into the corridor.

The fifth floor looks dark and there is a stronger smell of disinfectant.

On the long corridor, the flesh and blood were everywhere, and the doors on both sides were open, and there were many sticky objects on the door.

There are still a lot of traces of black liquor flowing on the wall, and there are some more things under the feet...

But these are just the next...

What really makes Lingmo feel awkward is the bodies that are covered with ceilings...

"It’s not that the white coat is the sick suit... The illusion of this person is very strict...what is fun."

Ling Mo stood in the original thought: "To break the illusion, it is best to directly attack the related spiritual abilities. But from the other side's first step to find out, it is estimated that the other party will find me first. Ok..."

In the illusion of each other, the danger is definitely there. But considering that most of the other party's attention is on the first "intruder", I am afraid that he is still dragging. Of course, Ling Mo does not intend to put his own life on this, he has another way...

"Well, I am also half a spiritual..."

As you step into the corridor, Lingmo’s spiritual tentacles have already been explored. (To be continued.)

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