My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 791: Look at my big move: the girl who raided

The ward suddenly calmed down...

After a while, the nurse who had already put on a surprised face reluctantly put away the disguised expression, staring at Ling Mo with a cold eyes: "The illusion itself represents my will, and you are right to ask. But since you can't find the 'I' position, why not stay in a safe place for a while? Of course you can try to go out...if you can."

It speaks with sneer at the same time, and the threat is overwhelming.

However, in another place on the fifth floor, the man was smoking a cigarette: "I am dizzy, this person does not play cards according to common sense. It is reasonable to say that I have not seen a beauty for nearly a year, and suddenly there is a big Beauty is in front of me, even if I want to be full of eyes, I will watch it for a while. Even if I am not interested in beauty, I am not talking about a very interesting story? You can’t appreciate it without watching TV for a year? I don’t know the mood, I really don’t understand the mood...”

"What happened?" asked the girl.

"This person is a wonderful thing! I have pointed to the two weaknesses of the people, but he is not moving!" said the man.

"You don't play." The girl said without words, "It is obviously a problem with your aesthetic and sense of humor..."

The man took another sip and then smacked a smog: "Well, it seems that the illusion will not work..."

"I have told you that pole dancing is more effective..." the girl suggested.

"Go and go, where did the children learn... What's more! The illusion is based on my imagination!"

"You only want ghost stories..."

"Stop and stop! I am ready for a move!" The man suddenly cried, and patted his thighs hard.

At this time, Ling Mo also said in a flash: "A will will not communicate with me, so you are actually an instant thought?"

In Ling Mo's view, creating a fantasy is almost like dreaming. It’s just that the person who dreams is strong enough to influence others with his own dreams, and he can stand outside the dream.

The stronger the strength, the more real the dream will be, and the deeper the impact on others.

However, the progress of dreamers and dreamers is not uniform. The dreams that others see may have been done before the dreamer, and the dreamer’s thoughts at this time are no longer in this dream. On the other hand, the dreamer may appear in any form in a random dream at any time, arbitrarily changing everything in the dream, thus affecting the dreamer.

This is the phantom of the nurse, and its appearance is not quite right.

Follow the habits of this person. This nurse should have been a scary "ghost"...

Suddenly I talked about the story of leaking urine and dying. How do you think it is temporary?

"What position is it to break the bladder?" Ling couldn't help but think, "But the other's attention suddenly turned to me, indicating that the other person is only trapped mainly... or , have you caught it?"

"No, if you catch it, you won't continue to drag me anymore..."

Thinking of this, Ling Mo’s heart was a little calm, and the look of the nurse seemed calmer: “You don’t want to admit it doesn’t matter, I just want to say...”

When the voice did not fall, Ling Mo suddenly felt a chill coming from behind, and he immediately turned his head and looked behind him.

The nurse's face showed a sinister smile, and suddenly the whole child rushed to Lingmo.

"The illusion is useless. But it is full of my mental power. Don't you know this?"

The nurse laughed wildly, his body was completely distorted, his head was very big, his red lips were open, and he was going to swallow.

Behind what Ling Mo looked, the wall was approaching him quickly.

"Is the spirit shocked?" Ling Mo suddenly responded.

Sure enough, very strong!

In addition to the fantasy of real-life explosions, it also has the ability to mentally impact...

Once someone is lost in the illusion, as long as he is struck several times in a row, even if he is not an idiot, he loses his resistance. At that time, the illusion will be collected. He can kill people with a knife.

"Reassure, I just let you lie for a while. I have something to do here, and we will continue to play for a while..."

The nurse’s laughter has become a man, and he can hear that he is very proud...

"I rely. It turned out to be abnormal..."

Ling Mo shouted like this, the other's body shape almost disappeared.

"I call this tactic!"

The nurse slammed down and the wall slammed into the silence.

At the beginning of the millennium, Ling Mo suddenly jumped back and forth, and the next moment appeared on the side of the ward.

As he made a decisive drill, the nurse also slammed into the wall with a roar...

"Does it blew?" Yu Shiran asked excitedly.

"Of course not, it is his own mental strength, just consumed. Just did not expect that he suddenly became guilty, I have not finished talking yet." Ling Mo said.

"What do you want to say?" Black asked curiously.

"I said that I was actually passing by... I walked around in a circle," Ling said.

"I don't believe it... I say they are all Nirvana. Don't you suppress the arrogance of the enemy?" The black laughter was quite unfriendly.

Lingmo’s mouth smacked: “Look at the situation... they have a lot of people. But there seems to be no one in the illusion, I think it may be a little different from what I think.”

"What can I do... Wait, the two are back!" Black silk suddenly shouted, and then disappeared.

Ling Mo knew that it was going to delay the time, and the action suddenly accelerated.

At this point he has returned to the corridor, and put the mental tentacles out when he is standing.

At this time, the detection was quite awkward. The other party had just experienced a lot of consumption, and did not expect him to choose to conduct spiritual detection at this time...

The tentacle released at the beginning only left the impression of "I will be mentally attacked", but the mental detection has never been exposed.

Even if the other party is always guarded, it is also powerless at this time.


The special spiritual light group was quickly found, and Ling Mo immediately revealed a hint of surprise.

Although Xu Shuhan is very likely to be here, Lingmo does not consider the probability of a pothole incident that occurred when he broke into the enemy's hole but found the wrong door...

From the perspective of spiritual fluctuations, Xu Shuhan’s status should be very unsatisfactory.

However, her movement speed is very fast, which may be the reason why the other party has not caught her, although she has been trapped here.

And looking at the other side is not too slow, probably just want to consume her physical strength, or let her emotional collapse...

"It's a pity that she is a zombie. You can't kill her if you consume it... but it won't be seen for a while, how can she seem to be faster..." Ling Mo thought with some surprise.

As the other side has not recovered, Ling Mo has speeded up toward the light group.

At this time, in his naked eyes, a lot of messy things swiftly passed...

Suddenly the body that fell from the ceiling, "brushed" the arm in the door, and a "ghost" that emerged from the ground...

When Lingmo stepped on the "ghost" head, the bald head was still "wow".

"I am dizzy, this person reacts quickly!" The man held his head at once and the smoking action stopped.

"Wait, he is here! He is yin!"

The man suddenly snorted and said: "No, this person can't be Nirvana! At most, Nirvana is a kick, not afraid to come hard."

The girl immediately stood up: "Not Nirvana, that is... ah? He is with the crazy woman!"

"Probably..." When the man thought of it, his expression suddenly became a little more exciting.

When he turned his head, there was no figure in the house, only an open door was left...

"Hey, wasn't it ever going to enter my fantasy?" The man said to himself.


"Don't you want to stop it?" In the process of rushing past, Ling Mo’s heart also flashed a bit of doubt.

However, he soon discovered that the other party seemed to have released something that was unacceptable...


As a muffled sound came, Ling Mo saw the side of the wall suddenly cracking, and pulled out a girl from inside...

PS: Finally... two more. Still owe a more...

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