My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 813: Special knife repair skills

However, the attacks of these big zombies can be described as endless, and you will call me to debut, and I will not give the Ling Mo and his party a chance to breathe.

Fortunately, Ye Lian’s sniper won a little time for them. With the screams that broke out in succession, this sound wave attack finally showed a relatively weak gap, and Lingmo immediately seized the opportunity, with The crowd retreated toward a corner.

The corpse head quickly noticed the change of Ling Mo and others. It jumped back and forth on the roof a few times, and the scream suddenly changed its tone: "Hey..."

"I don't know how to speak, and the way I communicate is really endless!" Ling Mou said.

Jason gasped and said: "I heard that our human babies also have a special way of communication, which is probably called gesture language... These little monsters can evolve the language of the voice is also normal..."

Li Yalin, who was in front of her, suddenly showed an interesting look and hurriedly asked: "Is this the case? Then I should be able to communicate with them?"

"Ah? Yes...should, as long as it can simulate this sound...but why communicate with these monsters?"

Jason had just shown a strange look, and Shana had already interrupted him: "You just used the word to hear?"

"Well, yes..." Jason's attention was quickly transferred, but he was still unable to see Li Yalin when he was returning.

This scene made Ling Mo light and relaxed, and at the same time cast an encouraging look toward Xia Na. This Jason's character is unexpectedly thick and thin, and his observation ability is also very strong. When most people hear the problem of a school sister, most of them will be treated as jokes, but Jason still notices the expression of the school sister in this case, and therefore has doubts.

However, this kind of doubt is only a moment after all, so when Shana opened her mouth, he temporarily skipped the problem.

It’s no wonder that Zhang Yu and Tom will send him, instead of arranging a more familiar person... but the more they understand their good intentions, the more they feel that this time may be more than what Jason said. Still worse...

Shana blinked at Lingmo. Then continue to say: "So, have you ever paid attention to the baby? From the existing channels of understanding, you are unlikely to know after the Cataclysm, so most of them are in peacetime... but look at you. The reaction is not like grief or regret, so you can boldly speculate that you didn't have a marriage plan at that time, and maybe even have no girlfriend..."

"Then we can come to a conclusion... All this is just your forward fantasy, and you really have investigated and planned about it..." Shana said with a bad heart.

Her words completely destroyed Jason's curiosity about her sister. Judging from his helpless but constantly twitching face, Ling Mo estimated that he would hurt the egg for a long time...

"It’s a god-like knives..."

Ling Mo expressed sympathy to Jason in the bottom of his heart, while also paying attention to the little head.

Its screams lasted for a full ten seconds, and the corpus zombies who were barely suppressed were also changed.

One of the zombies, who was always in a fast moving state, suddenly rushed to the side of an injured person, and then reached out and grabbed the other's arm. In Ling Mo’s somewhat shocked gaze, a sudden scream suddenly appeared in the mouth of the little zombie. Then he slammed the same kind.

"Subsidiary father!" Ling Mo blurted out.

He had seen similar scenes in City A, but it was their father who threw the corpuscles and zombies at that time...

"No, the situation here is quite special. Most of the larvae and zombies can't get long-term care, because although they are not on the menu of the mutant beast, they can be adult zombies. So the corpus zombies here are more ferocious than in the city. Some. The attack power is also stronger!" Jason said quickly.

"It turned out to be..."

Lingmo had no time to think about it. Although the first zombie shells were bombarded by Ye Love, more shells came over and they came from different directions.

Even the seemingly calmest Ye Lian was a bit stunned at this time, and she looked at Ling Mo with some helplessness, and her expression was full of innocence.

"Nothing is ok..." Ling Mo quickly comforted.

Jason looked at Ye Lian again along his eyes, but in the end he just moved his lips and didn't say anything. Half of the reason is because of his own consciousness. The other half is the jealousy of Shana...

However, a girl who has never been trained in military training can use sniper rifles to such an extent, and even every shot can hit the corpse zombies that are extremely fast and constantly changing, never failing, which is really amazing. It is.

Especially with the contrast of Lingmo's gunming method, the impact is even stronger.

"Even if it is an ability, this is too strong... Every time she shoots, the gunpoint is actually not a corpse zombie. It is the position that the other party is about to arrive... This kind of prejudging ability is terrible! But Why, she will be this stupid character! This contrast is too big!" Jason couldn't help but think.

However, although he can observe the muzzle, he can't notice the eyes when Yelian "targets". That is constantly shrinking and magnifying in the pupil. Occasionally, a trace of blood will flash silently...

"Xana, school sister!"

Ling silently watched the zombie shells and suddenly shouted.


Shana danced with a sickle easily and greeted her with a smile.

Li Yalin seemed to be standing still, but after two seconds Jason was surprised to find that the figure that seemed to be indistinguishable from the real person suddenly disappeared after two fluctuations... and appeared in the front. The school sisters disappeared one by one. At one time, everyone could only hear her excited laughter, but could not judge which one was the real one.

"I feel that my sister has also improved a lot... Although the residual time of the figure has not increased, I can deceive such a person like Jason..."

Ling Mo just sighed in his heart and suddenly noticed Shana.

At this time, Shana has released the spiritual body Nana. Despite the disturbance of the corpse zombies, Nana itself is a relatively independent existence. Even if it is affected, it can still appear.

What Lingmo felt shocked was that Nana’s “lower body” was basically merged with Heina, but the upper body was completely explored, and this time, her hair and sickle seemed to be wrapped in a **** fog. Living. Some of them, like the petals of bright red, are constantly separated from the fog, fluttering around Nana and then melting back into her spirit.

"Good mental strength! As for this situation, it should be an external manifestation of spiritual fluctuations..."

Ling Mo turned his eyes to the junction between Nana and Heina, and her eyes flashed and thought: "Now it seems that she has only a small amount of mental energy left in the body, while supporting the activities of Heina. And the foundation of Nana's existence... Heina has the zombie instinct as a support, so she gave up too much spiritual activity, leaving only some of the will to fight and the skills that exist in the body..."

"And the spiritual body Nana accommodates most of the emotions and judgments of the war situation, and then communicates to Heina through the common foundation. They are the same person, the speed of communication must be synchronized... In addition, Nana The strength can be greatly enhanced, and it really is double-win! Only their degree of separation is so weird, obviously this mutation ability is not mature enough..."

At this time, Ling Mo had already retreated to the corner with the rest of the people, but at this moment, he suddenly found a very serious problem.

"The trough! Xu Shuhan!"

The female zombie wearing a mask hiding behind him was actually missing at this time!

At this time, Xia Na and her sister had stopped the shells at the same time, and the voice was so weak.

The anxious spirit of the heart suddenly felt a spirit, and a spiritual tentacle immediately explored it.

However, before he began to look for Xu Shuhan, a very anxious signal suddenly came into Lingmo's mind.

At the same time, a picture gradually formed in his "eyes"...

Probably because Ling Mo's attention is not concentrated enough, this picture is like a TV snow, there is a lot of noise, and it looks a bit fuzzy.

As the specific content emerged a little bit, the sound of the black wire also sounded intermittently: "You...there are...I and Xiaobai...I am hiding..."


Lingmo did not hear the words of black silk, but he had already seen the picture.

It's still a stick figure, but it has changed a lot since the past.

This time it was actually colored...

However, this is not the point. What is really worth noting is the content expressed in the painting...

A huge spread-wing creature, below, a simple and vivid painting of a **** skull...


Lingmo stared at the creature and looked at it a few times, tentatively asking: "A very dangerous chicken?"

This speculation is obviously a bit nonsense, but it does not blame him... The painting of black silk is really bad, so the fat birds look like chickens!

There was a vague voice on the side of the black silk, but without listening to the two sentences, the corpse of the larva suddenly gave a very harsh scream.

Ling Mo’s head hurts, only to have a cry: “You are careful!”

Yu Shiran's position is in the wilderness, but there are black silk and white, and the ordinary mutant beasts are impossible to approach them. Ling Mo also thought that after the helicopter took off, he let the three guys hide in the oil depot and took the opportunity to let them rest.

He did not understand the meaning of Hei Silk, but Xu Shuhan could not help but find it.

He pulled a leaf love and said: "Shantou, can you find the anchor?"

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