My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 824: This picture is too beautiful, I can’t look

"The smell is so strong..." Others couldn't help but retire, but Lingmo suddenly saw it. He stared at the "blood vessel" tightly, and there were countless bloodshot swaying in his mind.

"This shouldn't be..." Ling Mo thought, pulling a tactical knife from his leg and squatting in the strange and shocking eyes of everyone. He resisted nausea and slammed out the ruins of this "blood vessel." To everyone’s surprise, this “blood vessel” seems to have begun to rot, but it still has a very strong resilience. This one is not only broken, but from the “blood vessels”. A lot of bricks and gravel slipping sound.

"What is this? Gluten?" Muchen asked vaguely.

The old blue said enthusiastically: "No, the gluten you said is already wrong in understanding... The so-called 'ribs' should include the concepts of muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, etc... but I see This thing is definitely not like a blood vessel, nor can it be a ligament... In my experience, even a maternal-level zombie can't reach this intensity... I even dissected a higher level. The zombie body, but this has not been found. By the way, according to the method of silence, the zombie should be called the hegemonic zombie..."

"Too interesting, what is this?" Lao Lan involuntarily took a step forward and murmured.

"Isn't you a person who has a popular knowledge? You think you will say the answer, and you don't know the result..." Mu Chen said with a blue eye, said.

However, Xu Shuhan, who did not say a word, suddenly felt a shock, and the expression behind the mask suddenly became a bit strange. She stared at the "blood vessel" without hesitation, and her lips twitched slightly.

Ling Mo ignored the discussion of Mu Chen's discussion, but frowned and looked into the bricks. Although the strength of this "blood vessel" is beyond his expectations, he thinks that there is nothing wrong with the strangeness of the human black widow. This thing is like her gossamer, even if she is out of her body. There are still some characteristics that belong to her. Only once compared with the impression in his memory, he suddenly felt a bit strange.

"It seems that this war has also caused a lot of damage to her. So, when I see her, will she still be in a period of weakness?" Ling Mo picked up with a knife. I thought, "This tentacle has been broken for so long, but it is still so tough. If it is in her all-victorious state, it should be more than a few times stronger than it is now? Muchen they have encountered at that time. She, judging by their fighting power...the chances of her being in a weak period were high!"

When Ling Mo suddenly scalps, this new cognition made him feel a little bad in an instant.

"No, I can't do it... I can't be caught by her anymore. Next time, she may really force me and then give birth to a child for me! It's terrible! In turn. Yelian's situation is very Complex... I always feel that she should be undergoing some kind of transformation, but it is not completely fixed." Ling Mo swayed his head and said anxiously to Ye Lian, "Shantou, help me to open this place, Shana also come on."

At the same time, the two women responded, and the steel bars and trowels were “brushed” into the gaps of the ruins. As a large number of bricks were opened, deeper scenes appeared in front of everyone.

This time Lingmo also instinctively grabbed his nose, and the other hand waved the dust, he could not wait to look inside. Most of these bricks were stained with blood, and the gaps were filled with many dark brown fragments. After the surface was opened, one arm and half of the face appeared in the slag, which was filled with dross eyes. It is like two deep and decaying black holes. Let the blue and Wang Hao simultaneously exclaimed.

"This corpse..." Ling Mo reveals the color of thinking, and the body is also leaning forward. His tactical knife always hooks the "blood vessel", and his hand moves forward little by little. He has a feeling that if he can investigate it carefully here, he might find out why the black widow is getting stronger and stronger, and can figure out what kind of sinister he has in the black widow... The feeling of losing control can only be suppressed. But it can't be eradicated, which is a big hidden danger for him.

"In this aspect of metamorphosis, Ling Ge really let me admire the five bodies to vote for the land..." Lao Zheng said with a bit of sadness. Not to mention the corpse, but the smell here has made him feel mad. Lingmo not only showed no repulsion. Instead, I entered the state of concentration in an instant, and even the movements on my hands did not appear a little hesitant... This is more admirable, it is simply worshipping!

Mu Chen also nodded: "Ganbai downwind! However, this is his hobby..."

"...that's even more admirable..."

"Found it!" Ling Mo suddenly smiled excitedly, then slowly slid the face of the body with a knife.

The face of the corpse was completely blackened, and the eyelids and cheeks were deeply sunken. At first glance, it was like a dry corpse. But after staring at him for a while, Lingmo felt that it was not the case... especially the tentacle, which actually protruded from the throat of the body...

"This is not caused by water loss after death." Old Blue suddenly said.

He has already reached Lingmo's side, and there is a thin steel bar in his hand. While speaking, he put the steel bar into the mouth of the body and slowly pulled it out.

"You see, there is not much sign of decay in his body. If it is not because of the summer, maybe even this smell will not come out..." said, Laolan slowly put the steel bar in front of him. And then sniffed a bit, "must be right, with my experience of dissecting over one hundred..."

"Is it?" Lingmo nodded thoughtfully and followed the steel bar.

"Vool..." Lao Zheng finally couldn't help it. He said with a bitter look. "I can't stand it. There is a metamorphosis in this team. It's not enough at one time! Hello, you have to study the body to the end." When are we standing here, the goal is not too big!"

"Soon, you look at the wind..." Lingmo waved.

"Don't just say this request!" Mu Chen said.

Lao Zheng has been completely messy. He is also a "goodwill ambassador" sent by the Central Camp. As a result, the task has been ruined, and he still has to watch the body here with the culprit...

"It’s weird, it’s not very rotten, but the body has become this state...” Lao Lan read and took a pair of disposable gloves from his pocket. He raised his hands and stared at the body and looked at his eyes, and then he reached out to the "blood vessel."

After grabbing the blood vessels twice, his face suddenly became a little red: "It's really... tight... If the dehydration of this thing is completely different from the body, I must think that this is his body. Part of it."

Ling Mo looked at the old blue with amazement. This person is not engaged in research, and his observation ability and judgment ability are really strong... In the case of completely ignorant of the black widow, he can still get so quickly. This conclusion.

"No... can't just pull it out..." Lao Lan said to himself, suddenly reaching for the bricks on the body. Until the body was completely exposed, he immediately said without saying: "Get the knife."

Blue immediately handed a lancet up, and the old blue showed a crazy smile, and soon chose the position of the knife...

"This picture is too fierce, I can't bear to see it again..." Mu Chen silently turned his head and sighed, "I look at the wind..."

As the "stinging" came, the onlookers and the three women were curiously together.

"what is this?"

"This is very strange..."

Xu Shuhan also seems to have a more glance, and the expression seems to be even more strange...

"Oh..." Ling Mo took a sigh of coldness and said with a complex look, "This thing..."

The ventral body was empty in the abdominal cavity, but at the end of the "blood vessel" there was a blood bubble. The dark red liquid inside has not dried up. Through the translucent outer membrane, you can even see the thin teeth of the outer edge of the blood vessel...

"This is the blood of the black widow... and it seems that it is not the usual blood. But in terms of her ‘infectiousness’, this thing should be poisonous.” Ling Mo thought. He suddenly thought of the anomalies that appeared in his own body. Did she also use a certain method to make a similar seed on herself?

"I think it's right! It's this thing that **** the body away...but why is he still left this in his body? If I let me study it..." Old Blue just wants to reach for it, one hand It stretched out from the side with lightning.

Xu Shuhan, who took off the blood bubble, bowed his head and said, "This thing... there should be a lot here. I will help you find it again. Give it to me..."

"Hey... you can take it if you like it," Lingmo said. After the conversation that day, he already knew Xu Shuhan’s ambition clearly. I am afraid that after this incident, she will find a way to leave... but the corpses are ambitions, and this kind of thing cannot be forced. Xu Shuhan can't be manipulated, she will not be dangerous after evolution, and it is not known at present...

Thinking of this, Ling Mo turned to look at Ye Love them, but these three female zombies have no interest in the black widow's things. Ye Lian is still the look of what she is always thinking about, and as soon as she touches Ling Mo’s gaze, she quickly lowers her head and her hand grips her pocket again.

"Tonight... you can act with me..." Lingmo suddenly smiled and said.

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