My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 838: Strong induction from the opponent

As the youth's gaze shifted away, a black smack of a black smudged window suddenly sounded.

"so close……"

Ling Mo's corpse is close to the side of the window, and is squinting out the window with the corner of his eye. Looking out from his point of view, only a few glimpses of the figure standing on the road, but the other destroyers have disappeared.

"Is it already in?" Ling Mo thought.

The description of Lao Zheng and others did not exaggerate, and even... it was a bit simpler.

Only Ling Mo is the clearest, the sensory ability of the young man is definitely the strongest he has ever seen!

He has not even fully emerged yet, and he has already sensed that a spiritual energy has locked himself. If he had to sigh in time as a zombie, he might have been discovered now. When the other person looked up, he had completely hidden it, but even so, he still felt a little scared... In the moment when the other party looked at it, he even felt that the beam of vision was made in a normal way, wearing it straight. Through the wall...

keen! Exquisite!

And the only way to bring people the same feeling is that he has only the spiritual tentacle he owns...

However, after all, the tentacle is not a real spiritual ability. Its role is to turn the mental energy used for manipulation into attacking purposes, but it is not excellent in terms of induction.

"And... this person obviously didn't go into a state of sudden death, but when he showed his power, he still gave me a similar feeling... In addition, it was just that one, and it was impossible to judge what his power was. What can be ruled out is only the illusion type..."

As Lingmo stepped out of the door, a rush of footsteps came from the stairway.

"Since you want to find me, then I will come to say hello in advance."

The feeling that I just experienced actually made a faint expectation in Ling Mo’s heart... He wanted to know what his strength had compared with the elite that was carefully cultivated by the large camp. The point. Without the help of Ye Love them. With these spiritual abilities that he developed himself, can he start a confrontation with this person...

"You go to the top, this floor can be checked by me." Soon, a plain male voice came from the corridor.

As soon as the voice fell, three figures turned into the corridor.

It was the young man who walked in front of him, followed by two destroyers behind him. The speed of the three men is not fast, except for the young man. The other two were vigilantly holding guns, calmly approaching a door, slowly groping forward.

The three people checked the first floor, even if it took a long time, but the final delay was only five or six minutes...

At this rate, they will catch up with Ling Mo and his party after ten minutes...

Start by entering the corridor. The youth’s sight has been staring at the location of the window.

Although he did not feel anything, the uncomfortable moment of that moment has been firmly recorded by him. But after coming here, he did not rush to get closer.

"No matter if there are any problems here, it is always true to be careful..." the young man thought silently. This caution has already supported him to live to the present, and of course he will not lose it.

"Before I said that they didn't leave, I didn't take it seriously... but now it seems necessary to consider this possibility..."

"Xie's deputy team. Someone is alive here, but can't wake up..."

"There are also people here... the people who control them control the power very well..."

The two team members quickly found several live-mouths. The young man nodded and said, "Know it, leave them in the same place. There are basically no zombies in this town. Their lives will not be threatened. Then find... ..."

"Wait, someone here woke up. It may have been awakened by the explosion, but it hasn't fully recovered yet..." a member suddenly said.

"Looking for ways to keep him awake," the young man said.

The man had just been helped, and a splash of cold water had already poured on his face, and at the same time a strong force came from the position of the person, and suddenly he opened his eyes.

As soon as he recovered his consciousness, the whole person could not help but tremble. He cried out, "Don't... don't kill me! I... I am also a blasting group!"

"Hey. You calm down!" the player shouted with a sullen face.

The bald-headed member sighed again and it slowly calmed down. He glanced at the three people in dismay, swallowed his mouth and asked, "Who are you..."

"The seven teams." The team replied coldly.

"It turned out that I haven't died yet..." Baldness suddenly showed a smile. But without laughing twice, he suddenly fell asleep and raised his finger to the front. "Zhang... Zhang Changchang? I obviously saw him first stunned..."

“What time?” the young man asked.

The bald head thought about it with some sorrow, and then immediately looked at the wrist: "Big... probably about ten minutes... I don't remember it very accurately."

"Whose people are stunned by you? Who is the leader of the Zhang?" the young man asked.

The bald face once again became pale, and barely kept calm and said: "I... I didn't see it. The other side is too fast, only knowing that it is a woman... When she appeared, she stood in front of the leader of the group, then Zhang leader shouted, I am a blasting group, I can help you, don't kill me... The result... The result of the group leader was stunned, and then it was my turn..."

"Where did he go now?" The youthful eyes flashed, and the information was important to him, which was the main reason he chose to come here first. Even if this person is not awake, he will find ways to wake up a few, and then ask some information.

But what he doesn't know is that this is why Lingmo will send a corpse to come here...

"I don't know..." Bald replied stunnedly.

"Xie, the vice team, will the person wake up and run away?" The member frowned.

Bald and ugly smiled and said: "No, Zhang is very timid, and he only engages in bombs, dare not run on his own... but... but he is not sure if he is hiding Going outside..."

"It may also be taken away after stun..." the young man suddenly said.

Although there have been traces of the explosion here, the main body of the whole building has not been damaged... It is absolutely impossible to do this with the character of the glasses man. The only explanation is that they have the ability to dismantle bombs...

However, he still can't figure out how to do this for the time being. According to his understanding, these members of the blasting team did not know the location of the explosives...

"The ability of that glasses is not strong, but it can be considered as a person. Only when people are stunned can they pass through his detection..." The information received is too small, and the young people can only analyze this.

"Since you are here, I... I am relieved." Baldness lost his smile, but looking at his uneasy eyes, he knew that the female figure left him a deep shadow...

The team member who had been holding him looked up and looked at the young man. After nodding his head, he suddenly sneered and asked: "You just said, you are also a blasting group. What do you mean?"

"What... what it means..." The bald-headed mouth twitched, and his expression suddenly became a little guilty. "No...nothing, I am just...I was not awake at the time..."

"Is it?" The team glanced at him sarcastically, suddenly gazing.


With a whisper, the bald eyes suddenly widened, and he stared at the player in disbelief, turning his eyes to the young man.

The team member decisively returned and then released the bald arm.


The bald head fell back to the ground again. He tried to touch his chest with one hand, but in the end he just waved weakly twice and squinted his eyes.

The players wiped the blood on the dagger on the sofa next to them, looked back at the body with disdain, and then looked at the other two comatians inside the house: "They left these people for demonstration?"

"Who knows..." Another member said coldly.

"Well, let's keep them first. There should be no other information in this room. As for this baldness, let's count it on the head." The young man reached for the sleeve and seemed to be The blood that didn't exist was wiped out, and then went out without going back.

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