My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 859: Experienced special "experts"

In the process of meditation, the captain always looked at him intricately... Although he could only see a rough outline, this vague feeling made him even more taboo.

"Strange, this kind of thing is basically known to everyone. Why should he ask so much detail? Is it..." The captain frowned and thought about it, then suddenly realized, "Yes! It is to test me! Although the technique is unexpected Low ground, but maybe this is one of his strategies! Specially to reduce my vigilance, once I did not answer my heart, I will kill me..."

Thinking of this, the captain’s heart was afraid for a while: “This person is extremely deep under my hands. Even if I think about it now, my impression of him is only a low sense of existence and a good attitude... and this is my recollection. The limit! A person can pretend to this point, can only use the fierce word to describe..."

In fact, if today’s body is replaced by Lingmo’s body, the head of the captain’s heart may still have some rebellious feelings, at least actively looking for ways to get out or report, and the conversation will also There is more concealment... but this person is just his captain. He doesn’t know how much the other person knows, and he doesn’t know if this person has any accomplices...

If anything, maybe the other person knows more than just the captain level.

In his view, since the other party dares to do it, it must be carefully planned. Maybe tonight, it’s the time when the second camp decided to start...

"There are two more questions? Then I said." Ling Mo said.

"Attitude is right? Attitude... This has to be said from two aspects, because the opinions inside the camp are divided into two factions. One is mainly based on the general staff of the Soviet Union, and she hopes to solve the problem through negotiation. The other is the Wang Staff and the Big Some of the core members. Their approach is more radical. The requirements are more... If the second camp does not agree, it may be played. And it seems that the possibility of Wang’s staff being dominant is much higher. Because the second camp’s own strength is not enough, this alone makes many people want to move.”

After the dark analysis, the captain became more conscious. He racked his brains and said what he heard: "The second camp has only the air power, but this force is against the Falcon. No matter how much the role can't be played at all. Whether it is x city or city a, the Wang staff has already opened up an underground parking lot for people to avoid and store materials, even if they do not care about the air bombing. Then you have to find the target. ......"

"What about the ground building?" Ling Mo asked.

"This is even more impossible." The captain said very calmly, but the following words made Lingmo feel a bit chilly. "The Wang staff is very confident about this, he said, even if they have nothing. Prepared for prevention, the second camp did not dare to fight..."

"Don't dare to fight... It shouldn't be a bluff." Ling silently thought.

The captain carefully said: "I know so much about attitudes. As for progress... This is really something I can know! On the surface, progress is now the same. Wang’s staff is still there. restraint……"

"Restricted?" Ling Mo could not help but sneer.

If this person wants to be restrained, he will not be able to wait for him.

In this camp. There must be a pair of eyes hiding in the dark... He can grasp the situation in the second camp and can make various plans with the Falcon. And that person. Probably the most buried nail...

"Speaking, is he just trying to give me the next set? I always feel that he has not done his best..."

As he thought, Ling Mo clenched his fist.

"I have said what I can say, can you..."

The captain just squeezed a smile and suddenly it was uploaded from the nose.

As a warm liquid smashed out, everything in front of him was also picked up.

"Mixed... bastard..."

After watching the captain faint, Lingmo took the tape without mercy...

"Five minutes..."

Yang Mei stared at the closed door, and the hands behind his back were constantly twisting.

"Oh, how can it be so tight! And the more you struggle, the tighter you will be... It’s just an ordinary rope! And... why should he bypass me from here? Normal people will So bundled! And... how can I not give up my strength? Every time I want to show my ability, my head will faint inexplicably... Is that person a power?"

Yang Mei is very angry. Since she tried to struggle, a very strange feeling has been constantly coming from her "here there." But even if you stop struggling, that feeling will not disappear... Now think about it, this horrible bundling method, he actually completed in less than ten seconds...

"This is an occupational metamorphosis with extremely rich experience!" Yang Mei couldn't help but feel nervous when thinking about this. Lingmo separated her from the captain and first entered the inside, and she was also understood by her as "you can enjoy it first, oh...".

When I thought that I was alone and ran twice to test a pervert, Yang Mei was cold...

"" The voice in the trembling, when passed through the tape, became a powerless "beep" sound...

But the unfortunate female secretary knows that Ling’s binding skills are learned from a leader-level zombie... In the words of the zombie: “How can humans break free of my ropes! It’s naive!”

But even the female zombie didn't even think of it. In the process of being tied up, Lingmo actually learned similar skills...

"Hey..." Ling Mou, who was ready to open the door, suddenly paused, and took a sip of coolness, then shook his head quickly. "Suddenly I thought of a lot of black history... Hey, when humans finally have a counterattack, it’s a moment. What is being calculated..."

Just self-consolation of two sentences, Ling Mou's body can't help but don't overdo it, tears in his face and thinks: "But let me a control system's abilities to force the three evolving zombies, this is really difficult. It’s so high!”

Of course, this kind of emotion will not be reflected on the face of the corpse, so when Lingmo opened the door, he was already familiar with what the dark Yangmei saw, still a stiff expressionless face...

"Hey!" Yang Mei swayed back and forth in horror, but she had just finished the action, and she was blacked out uncontrollably. Immediately, the strong sense of excitement reappeared, and she suddenly woke up.

"Hey..." Yang Mei’s eyes are tearful. As a middle-level person whose status is not low, her usual image has always been intellectual and elegant, calm and calm... but this temperament has been "perverted" at this time. The word was completely destroyed. She looked at the silence, but in her mind, she could not help but show various scenes.

"He will lift me up? Will it kill me a little bit? Yes... ah!!!"

When Lingmo came to her, the secretary had been scared by his rich imagination...

"Hey, follower."

Ling Mo sat down in front of her casually and said hello.

"Hey!" Yang Mei shrunk in fear.

"Oh..." I saw that the woman’s tears and her eyes were overwhelmed, and Ling Mo was a bit stunned.

"I haven't done anything yet? But forget it, scare it so I don't need a knife..."

That is what he said, but Lingmo still gently licked the dagger and said coldly: "Several questions, if you answer the wrong words, you know the consequences."

"Hey!" Yang Mei couldn't wait to nod.

"Unexpected cooperation..." Ling Mo thought unexpectedly.

A few minutes later, when he stood up, there was another person in the room who had passed out.

"In the case of mutual verification, it is generally possible to conclude that this information is true. But..." Ling Mo looked down at Yang Mei, who was still shaking in a coma. Some thoughts were a headache. "Even if there is any delay, It may be an hour. I didn’t expect her to have a meeting later. On that occasion... forget it, I will probably reveal the stuff when I go.” (To be continued.)

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