My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 895: Derivative

A group of creatures much larger than the larvae are curling up inside. At first glance, this thing is purely blood red, giving a feeling of no skin. The thick blood vessels are all over the muscles, and the bottom of the body is pressed with a lot of stinging things... but the most disgusting is probably its head, not only twice the size of a normal person, but also a pointed Unusual chin, no hair on the top of the head, replaced by a layer of weird hard shell...

Just looking through the incubator, Lingmo felt a horrible suffocation.

The killing power of this monster... is absolutely amazing... even if their evolution level is not high, the number is only a few, but once it comes out of the incubator, it must be a crazy killing machine.

"This thing..." Ling Mo couldn't help but hold his breath and whispered, "How did this come?"

Xiaoyue, afraid to start, said: "I don't know..."

"Is your sister got it?" Lingmo asked.

"Don't ask me!" Xiaoyue shook his head, his head went down directly, and even the body shook involuntarily.

"Well, don't ask you, I really don't know." Lingmo continued to look inside the incubator. This time he observed more carefully and found more details.

In addition to the horrifying creature, there is a thick layer of liquid on the bottom of the incubator, which looks like a blood red. It’s just that without opening the box, it’s really hard to judge what it is, and from the appearance...

"Is it blood? The blood of the zombies. If you keep this thing in the virus, it will bring some changes... but it is not so good to soak the virus. There must be something else added here. Most The key thing is. Who are they put in here? What kind of zombies will use this equipment?" Linger's brow wrinkles more and more tightly. As soon as there were more nests in the city, there might be some similarities in some places, and he felt a little uneasy.

Compared with these wild zombies, the evolution of Ye Lian's evolution seems to be slow. I can rather slow them down, and I don't want them to be forced into such monsters by the harsh environment.

After all, zombies are not humans, whether it is a change in shape or a variation in the body, in the final analysis, in order to better evolve. So in theory. Their shape is not the focus of evolution, function and combat power are the most important...but for zombie girlfriends who have begun to change, they may not be able to accept the result of this mutation.

It’s like this weird creature in front of us, not so much a zombie, but a new type of monster based on the larvae hidden in the pouch, they exist only for Serving their zombies and serving them is like a worker ant that revolves around the Queen.

From this point of view, the so-called "sister" may be a mother zombie...

"This situation is really getting more and more serious..." Lingmo sighed.

The other incubators also contain the same creatures and are all in a deep sleep.

"I have to find a way to solve them..."

Ling Mo turned around the incubator. Then turn your attention to a button on the bottom.

"After turning off the power, they should be finished..." Ling silently thought about it. Simply reach out and lift a charging treasure, then point the toe to the button. After waiting for the incubator to stop working, he was always ready to use the charging treasure to kill the monster inside.

"If I were you, I would not do that."

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, Ling suddenly felt a sudden feeling of abnormality on his arm.

He subconsciously smashed the charging treasure of the other hand, only to find that his arm was already light.

"The reaction is very fast." Xiaoyueer stood in a place two meters away, staring at Ling Modao with a playful look.

Ling Mo glanced at the wound on his arm and then looked at Xiaoyue with vigilance.

This appearance looks like a weak boy. The zombie is now licking the blood on his lips. He repeats in a strange tone: "Don't look at it, there is no bite. But I still advise you not to be so good. do."

She refers to Ling's toes. Although she managed to escape from Ling Mo, she still stood in that very sensitive position. As soon as he kicks a little forward, the power to the incubator is turned off.

"Who are you?" Ling silently looked at her eyes and asked suddenly.

"Little Moon" did not reveal how many surprised look, she raised her hand and straightened her skewed neck, hehe smiled: "Well, I really did not read it wrong."

"What do you mean?" Lingmo stared at her with a sigh of relief.

The reason why he just asked, one is because Xiaoyue’s body obviously showed some changes, and the second is because at this time she gave Ling Mo a very dangerous feeling...Reminiscent of Xiaoyue’s just Jitter, Ling Mou suddenly understands seven seven eight eight. It seems that her reaction is not to be scared, but to cover up some of her own changes... and his attention has just been attracted to the creatures in the incubator, which makes the current "small moon" "Successful.

"Are you not always curious? What do I want you to do and what is related to me?" "Little Moon" opened his mouth and revealed his **** teeth, laughing.

"You are... the farm owner!" Ling Mo immediately seized the charging treasure.

"I prefer to listen to people calling my sister." "Little Moon" frowned slightly, and quickly laughed. "If you like, you can call my sister."


"That is still my sister," "Little Moon" seems to be unconcerned with the silent posture. She took a few steps back from her own, then slammed into a box and swayed innocently. With both legs, "In fact, I am not interested in you." She raised her finger to Lingmo and pointed to her head. "I am interested in the guy who influenced you."

"What?!" Ling Mo's heart suddenly "squeaky", but after thinking about it, this "Little Moon" and his situation seems to be quite similar... just Ling Mo did not feel strong on her. The mental fluctuations did not sense what was detected...

"Maybe we are still the same kind." The next sentence of "Little Moon" has already said what Lingmo thought, and she squinted. "At least you are the first one I met. If ......"

She suddenly smiled and licked her lips: "If I can swallow you, I will definitely go further. This kind of thing is just exciting, it is exciting! I just didn't expect it, You see my little brothers and sisters, that would be the kind of reaction... Don’t you want to swallow them? It’s weird...”

"Little Moon" looked at the silence with greed and doubt, and the tongue kept moving. Light is her eyes and expression, it has already made Lingmo somewhat unbearable... But the meaning in her words is to make Lingmo stunned and dare to love her. This is to treat herself as a zombie of the same level as her!

In other words, her previous behavior is just a temptation... This is how professional and lying!

However, for the zombies of the "Little Moon" class, it is indeed a big thing to be able to meet a suitable supplement... Even if the zombies are undergoing an overall evolution, the zombies above the leader level are still very rare. .

"But it doesn't matter. There are two high-grade similarities in it. There is still one hidden outside... I don't know, which one is your real body?" "Little Moon" squinted, very Asked expectantly.

"Do you want to swallow it?" Ling Mo quickly glanced at the incubator and looked at "Little Moon" again, suddenly sneer.

The "small moon child" who was in the middle of excitement suddenly stunned, and then immediately realized that something seemed to leap: "No! You dare!"

"What are you afraid?!"

In a low voice, Ling's toes slammed hard.

With the muffled sound of “嘭”, a group of sparks flashed out immediately, and the entire incubator shook.

A smoky smoke floated out, and the interior of the incubator continued to sizzle.


"Little Moon" made a screaming scream and stared at the incubator.

Lingmo didn't look at the incubator at all, but quickly rushed to the other few.

"No!" "Little Moon" screamed and rushed toward Lingmo.

The earliest Silom immediately lifted his foot and kicked a charging treasure, and the one on his hand was accurately picked up on another incubator.


The muffled sound came again, and the eyes of "Little Moon" had become completely red.

She stared at Ling Mo, screaming and screaming.

At the same time, Lingmo's foot just turned to the last incubator.

But at this moment, the monster in the incubator suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lingmo coldly.

Compared with the zombies, this monster's eyes are even more dazed... no excitement, no cruelty, no coldness... like two inanimate glass balls, staring at people while still shaking strangely...


The monster's body suddenly moved, and a hole appeared in the incubator in the next moment.

Ling Mo quickly looked around, but did not find the figure of this monster.

"You let me wake them up in advance... I will feed you with your flesh and blood, but your head is mine..." "Little Moon" has already lowered his head at this time, and in her Deep in the mouth, Ling Mo faintly saw something... (to be continued.)

Ps: Four more!

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