My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 899: Fatal dance of a beautiful snake

"Oh..." Ling Mo immediately turned to look at Li Yalin and gestured.

The two tacitly stepped back a few steps, then stood on either side of the door and stared closely at the door.

The closed security door is like a big mouth that can be opened at any time, and it looks like it is dangerous. Every second, Lingmo can feel a little pressure that is gradually increasing...


A clear sound suddenly came, and the next moment the door slammed out. In a large group of dust, a huge figure appeared at the door.


"It's now!"

Ling Mo controlled the corpse and rushed out, waving his arm and slamming directly into the head of the figure. In the moment when his arm waved, Li Yalin’s figure flashed silently in front of the zombie. The snake kissed a cold light under her soft and agile movement, like a snake that suddenly attacked. Very fast, angled.

In terms of cooperation, they have reached a point where they are seamless. It can be said that such a combination attack is almost to block all the evasion and counterattack directions of the zombies... The only thing he can choose is to retreat...

But this big man obviously doesn't understand this choice. The first thing he sees is the momentum of the momentum, and his reaction is also made against the silence... when he realizes that there is another When only the senior peer stared at himself, it was already late...


The giant fist of the corpse and the claw of the zombie slammed together, and in this short moment, Li Yalin almost madly carried out dozens of attacks around the big man. Her body is constantly twisting like a snake, but in this dazzling and feminine figure, the hidden fangs are constantly biting...

Such a terrible attack speed. Even if Ling Mo was the first to see it, he could even feel that when Li Yalin launched an attack, her whole breath showed a subtle change.

Dangerous, gorgeous. It was cold and at the same time exuding a sweet scent... Looking at her figure, it was like watching a beautiful snake dancing. It’s just in the glamour of the pair, it’s the cold and frantic look...


In less than a second, Li Yalin has left countless knives on the body of this zombie. But when she landed, the words she shouted were: "Linger. Hurry back! It is still alive!"

Ling Mo has already stepped back after waiting for her to finish. In fact, without Li Yalin reminding, he can feel the strangeness of this zombie... In Li Yalin’s attack, the hand that hardly slammed the smashing fist continued to work harder...

"I have eaten the arms of countless spinach!" Ling Mo thought silently, and looked at Li Yalin with a little surprise.

Why... I feel she is more serious than usual? Is it because of the interest in hunting? Plus. The opponent is the same kind of strength?

So, when fighting humans, her instinct can't be motivated...

Somehow, Ling Mo faintly felt that perhaps Li Yalin in this state was the leader-level zombie who was completely awakened by instinct... There was some calmness and excitement from the zombie instinct... In her Seen in the eye. It’s not just killing, it’s fun here...

"This also means that the gel or the nest of this product is also useful for the school sister..." Lingmo looked up at the zombie, and his eyes flashed a chill.


This zombie has been squatting since its appearance, but now it’s just finished... Its body is like a broken water bag, and it’s blood everywhere. However, in the process of bloodshed, it’s suddenly all over the body. Shrink it up. As the skin and muscles tightened, the wounds were immediately stopped, almost in the blink of an eye. When the body relaxes to its original state again, the wounds are gone...

"See it? The general attack is that there is no way to kill it. And every time it attacks, its muscles will shrink, it is difficult to break the layer of meat." Li Yalin whispered on the side.

"It's the head corpse... the guy named Xiong Ji. From the situation of the spiritual group, it should be about to break through to the leader level, but it looks like a zombie..." Nod.

"It's a change, and its layer of meat has changed. Although the general kind can shrink muscles, but it is not so powerful. Just like many similar types can stretch joints as much as possible, but they all do Not like me..." Li Yalin said affirmatively.

"I always feel that you are suddenly a lot smarter... Does instinct activate still have this effect?"


Ling Mo sighed and stared at Xiong Jidao: "That is, you must first find a way to get this guy's fat layer right..."

"Yeah!" Li Yalin nodded again and again, then widened her eyes. "But in addition to this, we have other things that need to be fixed..."


A dense muffled sound came from outside the door, and Ling Mo said with a blank expression: "Rely, almost forgot..."


Xiong Ji had an arm and squeezed in from the door.

It stared at Li Yalin, then took a deep breath...


At the same time that Li Yalin made a cry, Xiong Ji, who was inhaling, saw a black shadow that was constantly magnified in front of her eyes.


The muffled sound came immediately, and Xiong Ji’s face was sunk all over, and even the huge body flew backwards.

Ling Mo still maintains a punching position, and even the body rushes out with Xiong Ji, and the mouth does not return to the ground and screams: "Get out, it is awful to be blocked here!"

"Ah... I know." Li Yalin responded, and then did not forget to say, "I don't want to be a human being..."

"Can you change a word...etc...this..."

Ling Mo’s fist almost exhausted all his strength, and the two zombies also slammed into the walls of the corridor. But when he wanted to take back his fist, he suddenly found a horrible thing...

Can't pull it out!

Xiong Ji’s facial muscles are constantly shrinking, and his fists are firmly sucked on the guy’s face!


A large number of childcare bags have appeared not far away. These dead bodies are almost occupied by walls and ceilings, and are constantly crawling towards this side in a distorted posture. Some of the dead bodies have shown signs of decay, their abdominal wounds are wrapped around the mouths of the larval parasites, and the strange mucus flows out of it...

And Xiong Ji has raised his arm and stretched his claws to grab the chest of Lingmo.

"There is no dead corner on the face, what about the scalp! There is a kind of scalp that shrinks to me!"

At a critical juncture, Ling Mo did not hesitate to raise another fist and slammed directly toward Xiong Ji’s head.


In a soothing muffled sound, Xiong Ji’s head suddenly fell into the chest and slammed down.


Lingmo's arm was raised again under the action of the anti-shock force, but it was once again kneeling down in the next moment.

In the blink of an eye, he has smashed several punches in a row, and Xiong Ji’s facial muscles have finally been released.

At this time, the nearest childcare bag from Lingmo is less than three meters...

"Come on, you have to get rid of these things first!" Li Yalin's figure passed by, and in the place where she passed, several nursery bags fell and fell on the floor. But more nursery bags are constantly crawling from behind, giving people the feeling that it is like killing.

"Cut, only the number is the most troublesome." Ling Mo said. He lifted his foot and kicked a foot toward Xiong Ji’s key, which opened the distance. In this short attack, his fist has been cracked in many places, and the fist that was sucked by Xiong Ji’s face was completely deformed.

"Good horror contraction ability... In this case, you can't just get close to you! No wonder the school sister will take the kind of quick attack method, otherwise it will be difficult to get entangled."

At this time, Li Yalin pointed to one of the dead bodies of the childcare bag: "This can't be easily touched. You see it," her finger is facing the wound. "See?"

"The tongue...and the mucus..."

A long tongue is pulling there, as if the body's abdomen had a mouth more, and a lot of mucus flowed out along the wound, like the saliva that was pulled out.

"Not ordinary mucus." Li Yalin said, and lifted her foot and turned the dead body over.

As the wound came into contact with the ground, Lingmo immediately heard a familiar voice.


"this is……"

Li Yalin nodded: "Is it the stomach acid that humans say? I also thought about it for a long time."

"This is much more so than stomach acid..." Ling said with amazement.

"Of course, because this is the acid that the little guys secrete. They eroded the inside of the body by acid and then used it for themselves. When they grow up, their acidity will get stronger and stronger. Finally, The body will be completely disintegrated, and then it will come out. The most corrosive thing is the first to start the decay of the internal organs, and then the bones." Li Yalin said the head.

"Then they are... at what stage?" Lingmo asked.

"Well..." Li Yalin thought for a moment and suddenly smiled. "Probably it will let us run first. The number is too much. They will be sprayed out of the air, although it can't be sprayed far..."

"Sister... what information can you finish in one go!"

"Xana is in the elevator..."


"Ah! I still remember English! But... what does it mean?"

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