My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 902: That moment of madness...

"This is me"... This is the second sentence that the white woman said after she appeared. It is not difficult to understand the meaning of this sentence from her posture of bowing and the gesture of trying to reach out and touch the female body. In the scene deliberately created, the role played by the female corpse is replaying her previous experience...

Just... What does this scene tell?

Ling Mo quickly adjusted his breathing and forced himself to calm down. He glanced at the bodies with his eyes and looked at the white woman, then slowly asked: "You are the mother zombie who calls himself ‘sister’?”

But the white woman did not answer his meaning. She still remained the same, and her mouth read as if she said to herself: "Don't you be curious? Do you know that there are still many people between humans and zombies? The same point, for example... curiosity. Human beings are very curious creatures, and zombies are even more so than humans. Because humans have concerns, they will consider the so-called risks, but zombies. They don't think about such complicated things... but think about it too, isn't the zombies originally human? The similarity is normal..."

"..." Ling Mo was silent again, but his mood was not as calm on the surface.

"Hey, do you suddenly jump out to chat with me? Still haven't shared your little theater with you for a long time, so I can't wait to explain it! Even though your dress and voice look normal. ...but this scene is already very abnormal, okay..."

At the same time, the inner belly was stunned and looked at the side window... because it was blocked by the curtains. He could not see the situation outside. But between the white woman and the window, there is still a cabinet... "It’s just a cabinet. As long as I stay here, she won’t leave the room, so I can always find a chance. But... before the **** Is there a shot? At that time, the eyes that I saw through the perspective of Shantou were hers..."

He turned his head and looked at the female zombie, but her hair was too long, almost completely covering her side. What Lingmo can see is just a pair of pale palms. On the other hand, the instinct from the zombies is also reminding him that you must not act rashly... Don't look at her now a bit stunned. Can be used as a mother zombie, but she can be transformed into a bloodthirsty dragon beast in minutes!

Before I found the opportunity, Lingmo didn't want to conflict with her... I want to talk and talk about it. It can be a good time for him to delay a little time.

"You are also curious?" The white woman said to herself, then suddenly giggled. As soon as I heard this weird laughter, the hair of Lingmo’s body almost exploded. This smiles... normal people can't make this sound! He is more vigilant. The white woman quickly stopped laughing, and then went on.

"I don't know why, I obviously forgot a lot of things, but these things have always been remembered... and in order not to forget, I left them all. I just didn't want them to rot and become bones. Then I left one. ...but unconsciously, I have a stronger ability. I have attracted more of my kind to come here, so it slowly started to become lively. But... no matter what I do, no Ways to let them really understand my words. No matter how they are cultivated, how can they make progress..."

Speaking of it. She smiled again: "But I at least let them become like me... just like before. As long as someone is doing the same thing as himself, it feels different..."

"I mean something..." Ling silently thought.

However, the most shocking thing in his remarks was that the white woman said "always remember." The "always" inside, it will not be counted from the beginning of her mutation... In addition, she also unintentionally explained the situation here and the process of her own evolution. In order to save the bones, to find a companion, and then to make people understand themselves, so that they are no longer alone. If you listen roughly, you may feel this way. Well, the accident is quite touching, she is just A lonely zombie...

"I feel a head... This is simply looking for accomplices! What do the same thing as before, what you mean is what happened in the warehouse!" Ling Mo thought in the cold, mouth Carefully speaking, "I don't understand, can you say it carefully?"

The reason why he chose to say this is after careful consideration. The idea of ​​zombies is relatively straightforward and simple, which means that she may suddenly turn her face at any time... After all, her goal is to swallow, and chat is just a pre-dinner entertainment. Therefore, any rashly raised question may lead to the suspension of entertainment, and then ring the hour of the meal in advance. Let her play like this myself... He is just listening to the clouds!

So the best way is to seduce... both to show interest and not to push too tight...

The white woman immediately stopped talking. She was silent for a while before she spoke again in the intense gaze: "Tell it from here..."

"Well, I’m going to get it, it’s a law.” Lingmo’s thoughts at the moment were naturally the experience he had learned when dealing with the three female zombies at home...

In the still room, the white female zombie standing sideways stroking the face of a female corpse, slowly telling a real event about a year ago, it was this incident that happened to have her today, and At this time, the Rosen company stands here -

"Ah! Ah, please! Let me go! I am not infected, I am really not infected!"

"I haven't...please ask you, we are not colleagues!"

In the dimly lit warehouse, two employees were struggling with tears.

And by their side, there were six or seven employees who put them firmly on the ground and tied them up with ropes in the warehouse.

Others are still sitting in the corner, watching them silently...

"Save me, save me!"

In the process of being towed to the stairs, one of the employees strove to grab the iron bar on the stairs and screamed wildly at the two women not far away. The two women held tightly and avoided the sight of the employees and shook in horror.

"I am not infected! I just have a fever, I am just sick! Why don't you believe me, I beg you to believe me! I am not the monster outside, really not... Ah! No... Ah! You are not good. Die! Don't die! And you... why don't you die?"

The desperately screaming staff screamed, and the two men kicked him heavily and then dragged him up again...

One of them suddenly turned his head and yelled at the employees who avoided the line of sight: "What are you doing? Come up and help!"

"Yes, everyone agrees on this matter. What happened to the end is gone! You also heard what he said, even if you don't do it, you can't change anything at all!" another person shouted.

The warehouse was quiet, and no one except the two employees who were identified as infected had no voice.

The earliest man shouting on the railing, the loud noise of "Dangdang" made most people involuntarily shocked, and the two women even sobbed.

"When you want to do it together! Otherwise, after the rescue arrives, who knows if you will push everything to us? Don't say anything, if everyone is confidential, I don't believe it! Their way is to mutate, you guys No one wants to die? Compared with the two of them, isn’t it more important that the lives of all of us are more important?” The man shouted.

"Han Tao, you fart, you can't be good... ah!"

The employee just cried twice and was stepped on.

"Now don't start, wait for them to mutate, the people present, really can't die!" The man added another sentence.

Several men looked at each other and then stood up with a bite. At the same time, the employee rolled down the stairs, and another employee who had been tied to the stairs burst into tears...

Screams...cry... These movements seem to be the last straw to crush these people, almost at the next moment, and some people yelled and rushed up... the blood that splashed quickly quickly dyed the stairs around The two women’s faces also splashed a lot of blood... everyone is almost the same expression, crazy, full of fear...

"I am one of those two women... Now in retrospect, I don't really understand the behavior of human beings. But I still remember the idea of ​​my time... I was scared, I wonder if I did something wrong, I was worried that the human being had I was not really infected. But this idea soon disappeared. I kept telling myself that he must have been infected. It is correct for most people to sacrifice him. Others must think so. It’s like everyone believes that there will be rescue, because once you lose your confidence, you really don’t know how to go on tomorrow. If you think about it, human beings are really complicated...” The white woman paused. Said.

Ling Mo listened a bit heavy. For zombies, the competition between the same kind is just an evolutionary path. I can hear a zombie so flat about what happened to a group of humans, but still let him feel a trace of sadness and helplessness. However, when I heard this, Lingmo understood the true meaning of “doing it together”, and the reason why the white woman still remembers it now, and even affects her behavior, is probably because of this profound memory. ......

"But this is just the beginning..."

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