My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 905: Parasitic memory

Pulling the curtains is also a technology of the door... It’s fast, there will be movements, and Fang Ying’s evolutionary level, even a slight slight noise, is enough to attract her attention. In addition, how much to pull, choose what angle to pull, this also needs some careful consideration. Once there is extra light coming in, then this is a waste of time...

"Speaking so high, in fact, it is because of tension!"

Lingmo's nerves tightened tightly. He stared at Fang Ying without squinting, and stepped back again. He said at the same time: "Do you know what it is?"

Such obvious delays are usually made to death, but for Fang Ying at this time, it has played a very important role... She ignored the silence and continued to retreat, and hurriedly asked: "You are going to say."

"Don't want to guess?" Lingmo took a small step back.

This time Fang Ying finally showed a trace of impatience, she suddenly shouted: "Stand up." Followed, she looked suspiciously and looked at Ling Mo, "What are you doing?" Waiting for the silence, she I waved again. "Hurry up, no matter what you want to do, but as long as you are still in this company, you can't do anything. It's a cage, and it's not just for me, but for you. These outsiders."

Fang Ying unknowingly threatened two sentences, and his eyes complicated and secretly sneaked a sneak peek. She concealed it well, but in the case of continuous output of mental power, Ling Mo’s observation at this time was extraordinary... He keenly caught this eye and could not help but secretly marvel – in the eyes of a zombie Seeing such a humanized and richly varied look. This is really worth it! After all, unlike Shana, this Fang Ying is a real wild zombie! Her evolutionary trajectory is completely based on the popular line. Therefore, it has excellent reference...

Opportunity! There must be a special opportunity in her body!

"Oh, since you want to know this... the answer is still simple. The moment when humans complete the mutation, that is, when the body is completely eroded by the virus. The body mentioned here also includes the human brain... unless some Some special means, otherwise the process is irreversible. From your description, the 'sister' obviously does not have the conditions to avoid in advance. Therefore, she can't know what she is doing at the moment of mutation... ..." Ling Mo said quite calmly.

"You..." Fang Ying was shocked. First, he didn't understand it. Second, he didn't think that this unclear, it was actually from the mouth of such a low-level zombie... even His body is also a mother-only zombie, but how can he achieve this level in intellectual evolution? !

She was completely crushed!

"Let's just rely on this..." Fang Ying tried to struggle.

But Ling Mo has already interrupted her, his face full of blood and looks. At this point, it seems that there is a bit more confident and calm. Even the move he walked to the side seemed so natural and casual...but if Fang Ying could calm down completely, she would notice the only flaw in Lingmo.

The abnormal heartbeat represents the danger of getting closer...

"Yes, with this, I can be sure that you are definitely not a 'sister'! Why don't you just say it because you can't lie! It's like you have completely substituted yourself into the role of 'sister'. Subconsciously Still remember that this is the story of someone else. Just because everything that happens in your memory is real, except for identity, so your hints about yourself can be successful. But when it comes to things that haven’t happened, You can't make a fiction."

Lingmo said as he stared nervously at the cabinet that was getting closer and closer to himself.

Soon. Soon……

"So you deliberately skipped that fact, but I can help you restore it."

Fang Ying stayed a bit. Suddenly screamed: "I don't want to hear!"

Ling Mo took the opportunity to speed up the pace and said loudly: "Everything you said is true, but there is an important fact that you have deliberately avoided, or is it selectively forgotten? When leaving the warehouse At the time, my sister had been seriously injured, and she could not leave the company alive in that situation. Even though the injury and anger stimulated her evolution, in essence, it was accelerating her death. Of course, This is something you don't know, but it doesn't hinder your plan - use her until the last moment."

"So when she is facing you, she is already running out of oil... In view of the embarrassing emotions left by this memory, then I can boldly speculate. Since she attacked you, to the end It’s true that this paragraph of your grasp is true, then there may be some unexpected changes after this. For example... she wakes up briefly.”

"Ah! Don't say, I don't want to hear!" Fang Ying hugged her head, but her eyes were still lifted, staring at Ling Mo.

Lingmo continued to say for a moment: "And she hesitated... even if she did something terrible, she did not kill herself afterwards, and she did not kill a familiar person, still crying. The person who begged her. However, what she did not expect was that the voice shouted back to her humanity, but it also brought her own fatal consequences..."

"do not talk……"

"The girl who was crying and shouting at her sister suddenly started to do her," Ling said calmly.


Fang Ying screamed with a harsh scream, and his hands slowly grabbed from the top of his head: "I am right! I just want to live! After all, we are only good colleagues. I Yes, I am right..."

"Indeed, if you just kill yourself, you can find a lot of reasons, not like now. So, you must have done other things... Imagine the scene at the time, you followed her to escape, but not yet I left the company thoroughly, so when she found out the truth and started with you, it was still crowded with zombies... The place where she started must be in the hiding place when you tracked, but that kind of place could not be in the zombies. How long does it last? It’s a zombie attracted by **** smell, and a companion killed by you...”

Ling silently summed up: "As you said, some things have been done once, and it is much simpler when you do it. However, I think you understand it now. This sentence is only half right. Some things are simple when they are done, and they are destined to be a heavy burden."

In the process of Lingmo's speech, Fang Ying's screams gradually weakened.

Her nails left a trace of white on her hard shell, and the eyes kept staring at the silence.

Suddenly, her eyes became cold and the half of her normal face showed a sneer. This expression made her whole person look very strange, even to some creepy points... At this moment, there seemed to be two people on her face. One was wearing a heavy expression and it seemed to be crying. And the other, the "sister" who appeared after being distorted by her.

These two faces were crying and laughing, and they were ugly and beautiful. After they were brought together, they became Fang Ying at this time...

"Hehehe..." Fang Ying smiled and opened her mouth. From the moment she laughed, Ling Mo understood the reason why she would give birth to the parasite. She used the memory of "sister" as a Parasites, that "other people's memory" is rooted in her mind, it is horrible, oppressive, and controls her...

At this time, the laughter from Fang Ying’s mouth is exactly the same as the “Little Moon” when it was controlled...

"Really... it’s a big deal... Although you don’t know the details, the focus of the matter is all told by you. First stimulated my memory, then forced me to think of myself...” Fang Ying The laughter was getting more and more crazy, and her body suddenly and distortedly distorted. "This feeling... this feeling makes me want to eat you!"

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