My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 911: When the school sister walks away


After a while, the door was opened again. The childcare bag manipulated the body and squeezed it inwardly. The position above the abdomen was already explored. The sly wound also cracked open, revealing the parasites hiding inside.

"Oh..." The parasite was holding his mouth and struggling to reach out. Its two forelimbs also stretched out, with a pair of sharp palms on the thin arms, and a lot of sticky liquid hanging on the hook-like nails. As soon as the liquid dripped onto the body, it immediately sounded like a squeak, and there was a weird rancid smell.

The parasites that popped their heads stared at a pair of greedy eyes, staring at Ling Mo and Li Yalin in the cafeteria, and the palms were constantly scratching.

As soon as I saw this position, Ling Mo was a bit cold. I dare to love this guy is ready to open the meal!

"Go to hell!" Ling Mo copied the chair and slammed it.

The zombie’s full blow is naturally not a carrion that can survive. As the groaning sound of "嘭" came, the parasite suddenly screamed and the body slammed back on the door. A lot of mucus spurted out from the edge, and when the chair landed, Ling suddenly wrinkled his disgustingly.

The inside of the corpse was obviously hollow, and it was so stunned by the silence that his chest was immediately like a shrinking, crumpled and squeezed together. The parasite was also squeezed out with the mucus. After losing the parasites, the monster of this shape became more fierce. When it jumped, it rushed to Li Yalin, who was next to Lingmo.

"Ah, it bites me!"

Li Yalin screamed excitedly, and after a slight mistake, she appeared quietly behind the parasite.

The parasites in midair split into two halves without warning, and remained fiercely attacked until they landed.

"A strange, you call it like this..." Ling Mo said here, but suddenly found that every time the school sister made a cry, the monster seemed to be on the look. Although only a short moment. But it created a wonderful opportunity for Li Yalin, who attacked extremely fast.

“Is it the ability to mutate? But it’s not sure...”

Ling Mo was thinking, suddenly heard a loud noise from the door, and even the ground shook twice.

The tables and chairs that arrived there were crushed and deformed, giving a crisp sound.

"The trough..." Ling Mou suddenly smashed.

The structure of the staff canteen is quite special. The back of the door is also facing the half of the wall, forming a small passage. At one end of the channel is a vending machine, which seems to be a relatively tall company facility. But at this time the vending machine was also used as one of the tools to reach the door. Pressing under a pile of tables and chairs, responsible for supporting between these tables and walls...

Just listening to the increasingly dense "squeaky" sound, obviously there is a vending machine can not hold it.

"The two seniors are coming." Li Yalin said with a smile. It was only her mouth that smiled, but her eyes narrowed slightly, and she also began to change color. Her slender fingers acted subconsciously, and the snake kiss reflected the coldness of the monks in her hands.

"Just outside the door?" Lingmo asked.

His gaze is locking the gap that is constantly being pushed open. After the gap, it seems that there is nothing. And since the loud noise came, the door of the nursery bags was not seen after this door. In a strange calm, only the sound of the door being constantly hit, and the invisible enemy are left.

Li Yalin nodded nodly and nodded: "Well..." The voice just fell, and she suddenly changed her face and shouted, "Be careful!"

Ling Mo’s heart jumped. Subconsciously jumped back.


Another loud noise came, but the source of this time is not the door, but their head!

As a lot of messy things fell, a black shadow fell heavily on the ground.

Lingmo immediately after landing, looked anxiously at Li Yalin's direction, but found that the line of sight was blocked by dust.

"I'm fine..." Li Yalin's shouts just came, and it became a sigh, followed by, and Ling Mo saw a shadow flying out of the dust.


Lingmo eyes are fast. The mental power was instantly input, and a tentacle immediately smashed out.

At the moment when the tentacle caught Li Yalin, Ling Mo immediately felt a violent bulging feeling in the temple, and a large amount of mental power was also drawn out. After fully consuming the energy equivalent to three or four spiritual tentacles, this power was finally offset, and Li Yalin was also pulled to the vicinity.

"Is it okay?" Lingmo stood up alertly and turned and asked.

Li Yalin nodded. Keep your eyes fixed on the dust.

"Strong power, and intelligence..." Ling whispered.

"Yeah, if you look at the power, it can already be divided into the leader level." Li Yalin said.

"Is it stronger than you?" Ling suddenly felt a bit tricky.

Li Yalin’s mouth is hooked. Someone laughed at him with a funny look: "But I have strong defense."

Ling Moyi, then sweated a hand.

Don't look at the strength of the team just now. With Li Yalin's skin defense and softness of the body, even if he doesn't help, Li Yalin will probably be safe. But think again, even if she is safe to reach 100% chance, he can't just watch Li Yalin being hit by it.

So some things can be judged not by rational analysis...

"Attention, he is coming." Li Yalin suddenly said.


In a piece of dust, a distorted figure emerges slowly. The figure slowly approached, and every step seemed to step on the silent heart, and suddenly Lingmo felt a slight depression. And when this figure is about to get out of the dust, the sense of oppression in Ling Mo’s heart has reached its peak.

He suddenly became a spirit, and the whole person suddenly woke up.

"Repression at the level of evolution..."

This is actually a natural law, like a weak animal who saw the king of hunting. Instinctive tremors, fears from the heart... Like Lingmo, the low-level corpse is running to provoke the mother's zombies, which is extremely rare in the entire zombie population.

Ling Mo just controlled himself to return to God, and found that Li Yalin's breath has also changed.

Her hazelnuts gradually became red, and a layer of eye-catching amber appeared on the edges. The whole person suddenly looked different. As her eyes changed completely, her skin gradually tightened. Other than that. Her smile has also become a lot of cold, coupled with a slightly elevated chin, instantly brings a very dangerous feeling.

From the eyes to the overall changes in physical condition, Li Yalin at this time looks like a poisonous snake with a high head.

"I rely on..." Ling Mo looked a little dazzling, which is like the school sister just now! After entering the zombie state, she really showed the strength as a leader-level zombie, and this strength. It’s not what she did before.


The figure finally came out, and half of it was reddish with blood, and the eyes looked crazy and angry.

Almost as soon as Ling Mo saw it, the zombie, named Pudge, had already waved his arm like an axe and rushed toward them.

In the rush, Paige suddenly disappeared!

This scene is no stranger to Lingmo. Whether it is the zombie sister flower or the mother zombie Fang Ying, they will have the ability to accelerate instantaneously. But to really make this ability to the extreme, it is still Paji! Its feet have evolved into that way, obviously for this ability.

No wonder his corpse died silently, with such an instant speed, how can his low-level corpse hide away...

This series of ideas is actually in the blink of an eye. At the same time that Paige disappeared, Lingmo shouted: "Be careful!"


Li Yalin's figure swayed, and she had already rushed out. It was just different from Paige. She didn't disappear, but at the moment of rushing out, she suddenly broke out several identical phantoms!

The same is an instant acceleration, and Paji pursues a straight line speed. And Li Yalin relies on the softness of the body, moving quickly in several places, several times, dozens of times, even dozens of times!

These ghosts are fake, but they are all true! Because at the same time they appear, Li Yalin is still moving!

A gap of a few tenths of a second, even a zombie can not be distinguished...

Ling Mo did not mean to sit still, although not far in speed. But this good health is also a transformation...

While shouting the word "caution", he has already blocked his arms to his own key. When the double-expanded arm was used as a shield, it was quite more than enough...


There was another loud noise coming from the gate, and then a bang suddenly rushed through the door: "Hey!"


Li Yalin’s illusions suddenly moved. Then there was a series of fierce collisions in the sky.

To the astounding thing, this actually splashed a spark...

As he stared at the door, he opened his mouth in a timely manner: "Pudge!"


In the anger, Pagton showed his body shape, and there were dozens of white marks on his arm, but he did not really cut its skin.

"Play it on the belly!" Lingmo shouted.

The wound left by his previous attack was still there, and it seemed to be slowly bleeding. But compared to the poor resilience, this monster's defense ability is good. Especially his arms!


Pudge’s gaze immediately turned to Lingmo, but at this time, Li Yalin had quietly appeared behind it.

Just as Paige turned and waved his arm, the "Li Yalin" suddenly disappeared. Then, a pair of arms appeared on both sides of the head, and then slammed into the middle...

"The meat is here!"

PS: When you are dreaming, please support me!

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