My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 933: Red and black!

"Ha ha ha..." The butterfly laughed exaggeratedly and swayed quickly. With his brisk movements, the butterflies on his body are also like to be alive, constantly "fanning" their wings. However, this scene is not only aesthetically pleasing, but rather a creepy feeling. A big living person is covered with a butterfly with a sly shape. What do you think is a very embarrassing thing...

Lingmo just frowned and glanced at it, and suddenly there was a feeling of dizziness, and even the manipulation of the tentacle was immediately slowed down. At the same time, the laughter of the butterfly suddenly magnified in the ear of Ling Mo. This voice suddenly disappeared from men and women, sometimes overlapping, and the time was as long as countless butterflies were trying to drill through the ears into the human brain.


Ling Mo immediately raised his hand and grabbed his ear, then swayed his head.

With such a distraction, his tentacles have been escaped by most of them, and some of them have even dissipated.

"There is still this trick..." Ling Mo thought with a black face. Speaking of it, although the spiritual tentacle can be manipulated as desired, it will always be affected by the temperament during use. Once he is distracted or subjected to other mental attacks, it is easy to affect the precision of the manipulation. The more the number of tentacles, the greater the impact. In the same way, the mental strength of the ontology will also weaken this negative influence to a certain extent. If it is stronger, you can directly ignore it. Interference, even let the other party suffer.

Of course, in terms of the current strength of Lingmo, it is still impossible to achieve the last two points. In fact, so far, he has not encountered a spiritual abilities who can achieve this level, or a zombie change... In his opinion, there may be only a source of mental infection that has never been met. It is possible to evolve to this point...

"Oh... if there is a chance, you must find the source of the infection... This person’s butterfly tattoo can affect the mind through vision, and he is almost full of butterflies all over the body, as long as he is looking at him with the naked eye. I can't escape this influence... As for his laughter, it should be a special sound wave that is made after the transformation of the vocal cords..."

Ling Mo quickly analyzed the new ability of the butterfly, and at the same time, his remaining tentacles have followed up again.

"Oh, I really want you to look at your present expression! How, I didn't expect it? Do you really think that I can't do anything with the spiritual abilities? Hahaha... but also, like you Stay with the 'big forces'. People who eat and drink, and gun weapons, how can we understand how these people live in the gutter? We are different from you, every day, we are It’s hard to get it. 24 hours a day, there’s no real security. It’s human beings living with you. But living with us is a zombie!” Another of the butterflies The face turned sharply, and the face covered with half of the black wings had a strange look. It was both smug and resentful. At the same time, the voice of non-male and female was completely transformed into a madness. Male voice.

He raised his arm and moved his body suddenly to the side, lightning-fast escaped the next tentacle.

"You will definitely give people a buckle," Ling said coldly. "The way of life is chosen by myself. Even if you are in the camp of the survivors, you can't do anything without paying. It's so mixed. It seems that people are really divided into groups... for things that they don't understand, You all like to make a total denial. This is true for zombies, and the same for the same kind."

"Ha ha ha... you know what!"

The butterfly flashed a tentacle again, and screamed wildly in his mouth: "Do you have any other abilities? So you dare to say..." His voice did not fall, and suddenly his eyes widened and his body was involuntarily The land lost its balance and suddenly stepped back two steps.

And in the process. His eyes were incredibly looking at his feet... In a few blood holes that suddenly popped up, Yin Hong’s blood was slowly infiltrating...

"It seems that this ability of light, you have been difficult to deal with it..." Ling Mo said.

The butterfly snorted at the foot of the butterfly and suddenly screamed: "Ah! When are you..."

"In the beginning. If it wasn't for you to interfere with it, you should have been tied in just now." Ling Mo replied very cooperatively.

It’s just his “candid” attitude. Instead, the expression of the butterfly suddenly distorted: "You dare to hurt my sister, ah!" His palm, which was covered with black butterflies, clenched his fists sharply, and the butterflies immediately bulged from the surface of the skin. The form is more and more horrible. Even after such a long distance, Lingmo can feel what is being accumulated in that arm.

"I am going, the sister control has to enlarge the move." At the time of the crisis, Ling Mo still did not forget the belly.

However, his look suddenly became serious... The sneak attack that has been brewing for so long is only to wear the guy's foot, enough to see how strong the reaction ability of the other side is. If it is not for the butterfly to retreat in time, his head should now be worn out. At the same time as the dark passages, Ling Mo also had a deeper vigilance against this person.

"You remember I said, we are two people..." The butterfly suddenly came up with somehow.

"What do you mean, isn't this the sister-in-law's delusion?" Without waiting for the silence, the butterfly slammed forward and rushed toward him quickly.

The distance between the two sides was originally less than 50 meters. Such a short distance is just a blink of an eye for the butterfly at this time.

"Once he is close, he is finished!" Don Juan behind her eyes widened and excitedly stared at the scene.

From the initial fight to the present, he only saw "invisible attacks" and mental interference in Lingmo... Even if he has hidden other abilities, it is no different from ordinary people as a melee ability. The spirit of the abilities, as long as the butterfly rushed to him, then he must be dead!

The question now is, can the butterfly rush over? Lingmo will watch him close to himself? !

Don Juan is looking forward to it nervously.

Even his little white snorted and snorted, seemingly hesitating to rush out. For a mutant panda, it is obviously a bit difficult to consider such a complicated problem...

The butterflies and Lingmo, who are really in the whirlpool, have different feelings at this moment.

Sharp, but it is very brisk. At the moment the butterfly rushed out, Lingmo felt like a thin blade was pointing across his eyes.

Headed by the big butterfly on the face, countless red and black butterflies huddled together and rushed toward him. If they are rolled up, then when they leave, there is only one bone left behind.

This is not a butterfly in the ordinary sense, but a form of zombie...

"Don Tang said that it is not complete. This mutated ability has actually been transformed and distorted. On the basis of the original, there are some traits from zombies..." Lingmo only feels scalp suddenly. A hemp, closes his eyes.

Can't see... can't listen... Once it's affected, the next second is hit, I am afraid it is myself.

At this moment, Ling Mo's spiritual concentration suddenly climbed to a new height, and countless blood-red tentacles rushed out of his spiritual light, as if an invisible storm rolled around him.

The butterfly in the high-speed running is also shrinking at this time, the black side is still crazy, and the red half shows a strange look.

"Although I can't see it, the butterfly is very sensitive to the change of I can avoid his mental attack. But now it is around him...what is it?"

In just less than a second, the feeling that the whole person gave him has changed dramatically.

His side is like a lot of chaotic, distorted airflow, but he is standing in the middle, but it gives people a calm, unshakable feeling...

"But I can still avoid!"

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