
However, the last thing I can write is the testimony...

So for the part of the testimony, let’s condense it a little...

Thanks to the editors of the black tea and the expedition two greatly, thank you readers for their support!

Then, today I will work hard to break out!

Someone who has been thinking about making a manuscript but never falling down has already burst into tears when he said this sentence...

Then we have to say something about dreams.

First of all... I know this pillow is very shame! But it’s also a cute explosion table. ! At this time, I will be thrown aside decisively! ! Gentleman is justice! ! !

Cough... the last sentence when I didn't say it.

But everyone, I really need everyone's support!

My girlfriend wrote it now, maybe the first result of a newcomer is still pretty good. But many times, Litchi’s heart is a little scared.

No publication, no adaptation... Although it is a bit greedy to think of so many things as a newcomer, it is a year of creation, and Litchi still hopes to leave something behind. Not as an electronic file in the network, but something real.

They will prove that I have written this book with enthusiasm, which will prove that this is the first step I took on the code word. No matter how many books I write, how many words I write, when I see this kind of thing, I will remember that I used to support me when I was still ignorant of new people.

Moreover, if there is a real thing, then even if the girlfriend finishes the book, it will not be forgotten so quickly.

I know that I still have a lot of deficiencies, and this book has many shortcomings. But in any case, it gave me a lot of precious moments. It is also because of it that I know that I have something to do. I can write down the stories in my heart and bring some joy and happiness to some friends. They will recognize me, encourage me, and spur me.

Although most of the time I was sitting alone in front of the computer, listening to the keyboard's percussion in the still room, but in my heart, I could not feel lonely at all.

I think this is the happiness of creation.

the above.

Ps: I know that the last few paragraphs are not like my tone, but I occasionally have this shame when I burst the watch!

Silently drilled his head into the bed... Even if you look at this black history, don't vomit! (To be continued.)

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