My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 943: Simple and rude "disorder"

"The sound is not coming from somewhere behind the door..."

When he first stepped into this corridor, Ling Mo had already noticed the embarrassment of those noises.

However, in the absence of anomalies at both ends of the corridor, including the walls, he naturally turned his target to the adjacent corridor. However, standing here at this time, he faintly felt a slight sense of vibration...

"Is it wrong?"

Ling Mo frowned and walked two steps forward, then back again.

Two seconds later, he simply slammed into the ground and placed his palm on the ground and slowly moved.

"What is this person doing?" Tang Hao and Xiao Bai followed, and kept a distance of about five meters from Lingmo. His eyes gazed with silence, but his eyes could not help but keep up with the silent action.

"He himself said that the time left for them is only two minutes, but why should he waste his time here?" Tang Yan thought a little anxiously.

From the moment I came to the building, Ling Mo’s action was full of unknowns... “Since I listened to my intelligence, why didn’t he do what I said? Avoid risk and choose the fastest route. And the action plan, I have already hinted at it! In such a short time, there is no space for him to consider!"

Tang Yan secretly squeezed his fist and revealed a painful look: "The injury is too heavy... It is already very difficult to stop bleeding. There is no way to save physical strength... Considering the current situation, it is best. I will continue to cooperate with him first. After the internal bleeding has completely eased, I may be able to think of escape. But like this, I have been used as a pathfinder. I will die here sooner or later... calm, don't be angry, good. Think of a way..."

"It's really there." Ling Mo suddenly "snapped", and this time, Tang Yan returned to God.

"Don Tang, what's underneath?" Ling Mo asked.

"It should be... nothing." Tang Hao replied.

"Is it?" Ling Mo nodded thoughtfully and returned to the ground.

There is indeed a sense of vibration... a faint feeling that comes from below... and the timing of each occurrence is exactly the kind of time when the door is coming, this can't be a coincidence.

"If you use tentacles... I don't know if I can penetrate the cement layer smoothly. I don't know if I will be amazed." Ling Mo thought, suddenly stood up on his knees and turned quickly. "Does the rest of the building? Is there any basement in the vicinity of this building, or in other locations in the building?"

"It seems that there is a power distribution room? I don't know, because I didn't fix it when I saw it..." Tang Yan was shocked by Ling Mo's attitude. Quickly replied.

"Where?" asked Lingmo.

Tang Yan recalled, pointing to the door door behind Ling Mo: "Go out from there..."

"Let's go," Lingmo said.

"Now go to the power distribution room?" Tang Hao once again stunned.

"That plan..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Ling Mo suddenly raised his hand and only heard the loud noise of "嘭", and the ladder had already landed heavily on the ground.

"I rely on! Heart disease has been scared!" Tang Yan, the whole person could not help but stunned.

Even Xiaobai raised a paw, but watched it look like a small, short tail. Obviously, it is not the same thing as Tang Yan’s frightened look.

"Planning is your business. What I have to do is to disrupt your plans, not to follow your plans." Ling Mo said while patping the dust on his hands.

Tang Yan hated to gnash his teeth. He had already determined that Ling Mo had no choice. However, I did not expect that the "disorder" that this person thought of was actually caused by "hit" to mess up!

The method is simple. However, in the case of a very urgent situation, people who are deeply involved are often unimagined, such as Tang Yan.

But this move is actually accompanied by great risks, especially in such a strange corridor, suddenly creating such a big movement...

"Don't let me drag!" Don Juan swears.

"You can go now." Lingmo opened the door and said.

Before entering the door, he looked back at Tang Yan and said: "You don't have to squat when you vomit blood. By the way, give your companion a mark."

"Rely!" Don Juan died.

He was really squatting on the way, and that was because they were getting closer to the main street where the zombies were dense.

As for this... He really doesn't want to vomit blood.

Even if he does not vomit blood, the **** smell on his body, and occasionally the blood drop under the sole of the sole, it is also impossible for him to control.

So Ling Mo’s words are heard by him, it’s just looking for swearing, it’s shame!

"Or it is a warning... He won't see what is coming?"

After the plane that Ling Mo had just explored, Tang Yan could not help but look down.

His feet swayed in the sky, and from the top, there seemed to be no abnormalities except for some traces of friction.

"Yes, how can it be so easy to find. Unless we know something in advance, like us... Speaking of it, the most important part of the plan, he may not understand it until the last moment... The so-called strong dragon pressure However, the local snake, although he has the upper hand by strength, but compared with us, but still a lot of things ..."

Tang Yan sneered in his heart. However, I don’t know why, as time goes by, he gradually has a feeling of suspicion. He even thinks that his thoughts at this time may be just some self-consolation...

"No! I must be alive... It’s time for this, I am sure I can live..."

Thinking so, Tang Yan’s forehead has already had a cold sweat. He slowly squeezed his fingers and felt his nails slowly plunging into the flesh. He couldn't help but use the light to go to the corridor: "Those people... can you realize?"


Shortly after Ling Mo took him and Xiao Bai, a figure appeared in front of the door in the middle of the corridor.

He carefully looked inside, then frowned and retracted.

"How?" someone asked later.

"I didn't see anyone, it seems that something has fallen down." The man replied.

“Would it be those survivors?”


"Under the search everywhere, there can be no zombies here, only people...the arrangement is ready, it can't be destroyed."

"Wait..." the man suddenly said, "If it’s those survivors, isn’t that just right?”

"But if there are not many people, then it makes no sense," said the man behind.

"Also... don't distract, go find it together."

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