My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 953: Before doing this kind of thing... give a hint!

"I rely!"

Ling Mo immediately widened his eyes, his hands on the ground, and he gave himself a hard forward.

In front of this black and white, I couldn’t see Li Yalin’s figure... From her crying to disappearing, there wasn’t even a second in the middle...

"What happened?" Ling Mo desperately accelerated the speed.

However, just as he passed through a certain place, a huge force suddenly came from above and accurately caught the back collar of the corpse. Without waiting for the silence, his whole person suddenly left the ground, and the next moment appeared in a small space.

"It's me!"

A hard object blocked his palm, and then he fell on his shoulder and pressed him to death. At the same time there is a girl voice, although the volume is very low, but the kind of strange spirit is not changed at all.

Li Yalin’s figure also appeared on the other side, but she looked more calm and calm, and even a little happy...


As soon as Lingmo opened his mouth, the girl immediately said, "Oh! Don't talk."

As her voice fell, it immediately became silent. Even though the three were crowded in this closed space at the same time, they still did not make a slight noise, and even the breathing sounded as if they were stagnant.

In the process, Lingmo subconsciously reached out and touched the "wall" behind him, suddenly revealing a look of surprise.

It turned out to be a smooth, cold cement wall...

Just two seconds later, there was a sudden "brushing" sound from the far side. The frequency is fast. It’s so fascinating...

"Oh..." The girl put a finger on her lips. Then slowly explored the hole.

"Hey, this is what I want to do!" Lingmo glared at her big eyes.

After Xia’s mouth was hooked and she smiled strangely, she clenched her sickle quietly.

"Brushing brush..."

The sound is getting closer and closer, and Lingmo is also nervously looking at the hole.

In fact, from a distance point of view, they are simply stuck around the hole, not to mention that something has come in, that is, from the outside. It is very likely that they will be found. If you are stuck in this little cement hole with so many monsters, then the ending can be imagined...

Shana immediately looked back at him with a sigh of relief...

"Oh, no..."

Looking back is Nana, and Hena, who is close to her, is still staring at the hole.

It feels quite strange. I watched a girl's back of the head suddenly "turned" over, and then revealed another face that looked exactly the same, but the hair color and the eyes were completely different... but the strange thing happened in Shana. On the body, it will also give people a feeling of natural beauty.

And as Lingmo is so accustomed to, let alone.

As soon as Nana appeared, she smiled apologetically. Then he licked his lips again: "Hey..."

His attention has just been distracted, and there has been a tidal wave of intensive sounds.

"The trough!"

Ling Mo suddenly got a goose bump. No way, this sound is too horrible!

Think about hundreds of humanoid bugs crawling through their own side, even if it's not the body hiding here, it feels tortured... Compared with these monsters, the zombies are still shape and behavior patterns. Both are more normal species.

However, it is uncomfortable to be uncomfortable. When I think that so many monsters are passing underneath, Ling Mo still wants to take a look at it... His body has not been able to see these monsters with his own eyes. If you think about it, I feel very curious...

But Shana is still concentrating on it, almost in just a fraction of a second, Shana suddenly moved.

Ling Mo only saw her long hair move gently, and the next second she slammed the sickle into the direction of Ling Mo.

Followed by Nana, she also rushed over, and the blood-like spirit of the sickle directly pointed to the front.

"I rub!"

Ling Mo vaguely saw a group of things being thrown over, and the next moment felt a sticky and slippery thing directly attached to the arm of the corpse.

The most amazing thing is... this thing actually moves!

However, after being accurately poked by Nana, it was immediately violently struggling, but the body was still consciously twitching...

"What's special is teasing me! Can you give me some hints!"

Although Ling Mo was shocked, he still instinctively held this thing... but this one regrets him...

Sticky or second, the key is this touch...

It’s disgusting to slide!

Simply put, it’s like grabbing a snake and grabbing it...

"No... there is more than one..."

When Ling Mo just came up with that thought, he felt like he was climbing something on his back and body.

Forcing this feeling of being hairy, Ling Mozhen continued to hold his breath...

Shana was also attached to the cement wall at this time. Her eyes were wide and her eyes were tightly held in her arms.

When the "brushing" sound finally went away and eventually disappeared, she suddenly sighed.

"Call..." Li Yalin also spit out a sigh of relief.

"You can come down." Shana said, she jumped out of the hole.

Nana has returned to her at this time, and it looks like it is in the moment when the body jumps out, and then it is thrown into the body.

"This separation and integration is getting more and more sophisticated..."

Ling Mo just felt a bit of gratification, and immediately scalp stunned and grabbed something. But what made him depressed was that this thing actually wrapped him up...

"It’s really like a bug..."

Needless to say, this stuff is the kind of monster...

Grab the monsters in the monster army... so ferocious things, only Shana will be so excited to do it like this...

"Ling brother, you are coming down!" Shana urged underneath.

Ling Mo blackened his face and jumped. When he reached a spacious place, he carefully looked at the monster...

But this shot, he is crazy...

The monster wrapped around his arm was about one-four-four meters long, and the mouth was probably smashed by the sickle, so it was wide open. It leaned back on the neck, and the face just faced the silence silently... Looking at the face, this guy was a little scared, but it was still within the psychological tolerance of the silence.

The pale, almost transparent skin, the almost red eyeball, the shrinking nose, and the deep cheeks... but the mouth is full of dense fangs, and the **** throat is still squirming... ...

In addition, the hair on it seems to have all faded. The most important thing is that this guy is naked... (to be continued.)

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