My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 956: Sewer-like doll

"I have been followed several times before." Shana said, pointing to the abdomen's abdominal cavity with a knife tip. "But it's not a solution to solve them all at once... See you? Just attack here." , they can make them die instantly."

"This way..." Ling Mo immediately looked at the scalp, and in the direction pointed by the tip of the knife, he saw a large group of internal organs. Although there is no real feeling, but such a large number of things tightly together, giving people a feeling is quite disgusting. However, when Ling Mo wanted to remove his sight, he suddenly found a difference.

In the middle of this pile of internal organs, what seems to be hidden...

"this is……"

One visual test is only the size of the baby's fist, and the outer surface is covered with a thick mucous viscera, which is beating slightly...but because the frequency is very slow, it is easy to ignore the past at first glance. Needless to say, this is definitely the heart of the monk...

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, Lingmo really can’t think that the heart of the human body can evolve to such a low-key position... As for the scorpion’s chest, there are other organs, and obviously not the kind of injury that is fatal. The type... From the perspective of Ling Mo, he does not even know what the role of these organs is...

"Wait... Isn't its head not a weakness?" Ling Mo quickly recovered from the surprise and immediately thought of Fang Ying. The maternal zombie of the parasitic class does not have a heart in the general sense, but after being headshot, isn’t she also very quick and desperate?

Shana shook her head. Said: "It's a pity. This is the truth. It's not so much that their heads are 'heads'. It's better to say that 'mouths' are more appropriate."

She pulled out the sickle and reached into the mouth of the monk and pressed down.

The chin, which had already been dislocated, immediately moved up. In the gaze of the three, the mouth that was originally terrifying was also getting bigger and bigger, and finally it reached an incredible degree... It’s no exaggeration to say If you bite your head with this mouth, I am afraid that there will be only half of the head in the next second.

"See it." Shana said.

"Wow..." Li Yalin curiously reached out and gestured. Her palm was compared to this mouth. It's like a pocket.

Lingmo said stunnedly: "The trough..."

"But they are not weak at all." Shana looked up and smiled and said, "Without intelligence, this is their biggest flaw. They rely solely on instinctive monsters, even if they are strong, they are still caught by me." And just destroying their weak neural response, they can be ruined without any reaction."

"Yes..." Ling suddenly reacted. I was looking at the strange structure of this monster, but I didn’t think of it in time...

"But don't take it lightly... I want to do this to make you more fully aware of this monster. Losing me still leaves a hint on the road, how can you just come in casually? "?" Shana handed the knife and landed the result of this monk. White and silent.

"When did you remind me of this kind of thing!" Ling silently.

"Oh... didn't you even see the things they were free to enter and exit?" Shana also followed her eyes and asked incredulously.

"This is seen." Li Yalin cheerfully raised her hand.

"Then you should know that they know how to hide. So when you get to this place..."

"The jump is too big!"

After confirming that the deaf had died, Ling Mo looked up at the other end of the passage.

The long passages seemed dark and dark, and the monks who climbed deep into the depths could not be seen.

"Come on, if they can't find the prey, they will come back soon." Shana also straightened her body and said.

"Then we..."

"follow me."

After Shana ran a distance with them, she turned into a black concrete cave.

This cement cave is about half a person high and the length is only five or six meters. After the three men got out, they came to another wider and higher passage, and the cement opening was about one meter above the bottom of the passage.

There is a very strange smell filled in here, and occasionally there will be a "tick" sound in the silent environment. After Ling Mo jumped out of the concrete cave, he felt that he felt that he had stepped on a pool of stagnant water. After looking around, he found that the passage was covered with a layer of silt.

"I found this place before, but in order to wait for you, so I only looked back a distance and returned to it just now." Shana also carefully jumped down and muttered happily, "I am still wearing thick-soled shoes... Is the school sister a high heel? Great..."


As soon as Lingmo opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Xia Yan: "I don't mind if I don't mind this detail... By the way, here is the sewer."

"...Thank you for reminding me." Ling Mo replied with a twitching whisper, while secretly brewing... "When I go out, see how I can clean you up!"

"I thought I was at the top of the building. I didn't expect to climb to the sewer..."

Shana handed her hair behind her ear, revealing a youthful face. Her smile is also very energetic: "If you go from here, you can escape the group of monsters. But there are many monsters on this road, I don't know." She turned her head and looked at Ling Silently, then said, "We may have discovered another new population..."


"The beauty of the sewer... ah, no, it's a humanoid!" Shana said with excitement. "In fact, think about it, we should have thought about it for a long time. For the zombies, this dark place is safe." And can quickly reach all parts of the city! Although most of the zombies live on the ground, there are always zombies going underground... As long as the first zombie falls into the sewer without a manhole, it may become Mother!"

"I always feel that something is wrong..."

At this time, Shana has taken the lead in the front: "Whether you believe it or not... I have a feeling after discovering it." Her tone gradually became a bit more fanatical. "Maybe the underground of this world has already It is completely covered by this creature. Not only is x city, it is not only this province... Do you know what it means?"

Shana suddenly turned her head and her eyes changed color silently: "The zombies are no longer the only monsters." (To be continued.)

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