My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 982: "Meat grinder"

After a second or two, Xu Shuhan only looked down on the cold, and Lingmo had already put the phone back in his pocket. The two men were in the dark fog, and they were silent for a while.

It’s just that one eye can’t see anything, but if you look at the outlines and details carefully, you’ll find that the shape of these monsters is absolutely amazing. First, they don't have eyelids... Second, they don't have hair yet. Even the eyebrows are gone, it is hard to imagine what other parts of the body can keep the hair...

The shape is special, the speed is extremely fast, the lethality is strong, and it is still group activities... The most important thing is that they are hiding in this dark fog, and they are not only affected by the senses, but also the most basic breathing is restricted. The result is too bad...

The feeling of Ling Mo is even worse. This monster is different from the monks he had seen before through the corpse. Although he had thought so at first, after seeing this eye, he knew that he was completely wrong. The evolution of these monsters is significantly higher than those of the deaf, and the degree of danger is not at all a level. Just as Shana can drag a scorpion back with a sickle, but Lingmo can't easily grab a monster like this.

These monsters can not be temporarily suppressed by mental disturbance. Even if one can get one, other monsters will react quickly. In fact, in the backhand attack, Lingmo has already tried. This kind of monster basically does not have any thinking ability, they are pure biological weapons. And they are almost completely faithful to group activities based on their combat instinct. As soon as one of them is attacked, the other will immediately block it. If you really want to fight face to face. This winning percentage is too low.

"No, they must have weaknesses." Ling suddenly said.

Xu Shuhan looked up and glanced. Some disheartenedly asked: "What's there? How long has it passed since they launched an attack and we fled? This is still a quick reaction. If you look a little, what will we end now?" I don’t dare to think about it. I am afraid when I think about it. But when she thought that Yu Wenxuan still didn't know how to live and die, she forced her spirits and smiled reluctantly at Lingmo: "But are we not escaping? I think..."

"No, no, I mean." Ling Mo frowned and stood up. Going back and forth two steps, "These monsters, can they be regarded as a kind of mutant creature? Just one year from the original human to another creature, even the zombies gave up a lot of things. Such as emotion, memory , sensible ... sacrificed the brain in exchange for the sudden strengthening of the body, in a sense is not an evolutionary sequelae? And the high-level zombies do. It is to relieve this sequelae a little."

Yes, it’s relief, it’s not clear... At least for now, it’s almost impossible to completely eliminate this negative effect... but Lingmo didn’t say this because he wanted to of. It is this surface that does not seem to have any success rate. And no matter whether others believe it, Ling Mo has already vaguely felt that there are more and more clues in his hands...

He paused and then said: "So, these variant humanoids must be the same. In fact, their evolution has been full of loopholes, and it is quite obvious. But these are hidden in the dark fog. Guy. But it is a bit tricky..."

Xu Shuhan suddenly showed a thoughtful look... Gastron is fast, but the behavior mode is single. The muscle defense ability and intelligence of the "Great God Soldier" are quite high, and the transformation ability is also very amazing. But it's very problematic, and these black fog... What are their problems? intelligence? For the monsters of these group activities, they actually don’t need intelligence at all? By the number, you can crush your opponent...

"Wait! Maybe it's the wrong direction I think..." Ling Mo moved a few quick steps and held his eyebrows. "Maybe it's not a defect, maybe something more important..." After a few seconds, he finally In the thoughts and recalls, I stopped and looked at Xu Shuhan. "I just watched the video. What is the most profound impression they have left?"

"Ha? That... ferocious? Not right... the enemy and me are not divided?" Xu Shuhan blurted out.

"This is it!" Ling Mo said.

what is this? Xu Shuhan did not understand. This feature actually strengthens their murder, and there is no benefit to them. Or, it's worse. It means that all their strategies are hard to play any role, because these monsters are hard and soft.

However, since he said this, he must have his reason. Therefore, while questioning, Xu Shuhan also involuntarily generated a hint of curiosity, and could not help but ask: "What do you think of?"

Ling Mo did not answer her positively. Instead, he said: "Why did the ‘big **** soldier’ bring us here?”

"Hey those monsters?" Xu Shuhan frowned. This feeling is not very good...

"I know what you are thinking, but you think back, is that 'big **** soldier' ​​being eaten?" Ling Mo said more quickly, "I think the real purpose and mission of the monster, just to bring us to Here, then those black fog monsters are dealt with..."

Handling... Xu Shuhan’s mind suddenly popped up with a meat grinder. According to Ling Mo’s statement, the role of those black fog monsters is actually no different from the meat grinder. They will kill the people who are taken away... Thinking of this, Xu Shuhan’s eyes suddenly widened. "It seems that you have already thought of it. Yes, they will kill the target. Then, since they don't eat it themselves, who will these foods be left for? It is definitely not the 'big god' because it It’s just a part of helping to serve, you can buy it when it comes...” Ling Mo said.

Xu Shuhan’s mouth is pumping... Do you want to describe it so aptly! The more she wants, the more scared she is! At this moment, she was quick to make up for herself being loaded...

However, it can make her feel this way, and it also shows that Ling Mo’s speculation is very reasonable. Even if you think deeper, these monsters may have a more important role, and that's why they evolved into this...

"The focus is not on this passage, but on the area behind the passage... They are guarding!" Xu Shuhan said excitedly. She finally thought about the problem inside! And when this passage came out of her mouth, she really had a feeling of being a new person again... The zombie mindset is really straight! And this is all cost! I think it’s really tears...

But excited, Xu Shuhan could not help but secretly scream. Ling Mo’s observation ability is indeed too strong... I can notice all the details in any situation, which is probably the reason why he can live in the zombies now... In fact, everyone knows. But to be truly implemented, it is very difficult.

Her heart was still silent, and she suddenly stunned her shoulders, and the man was quite pleased to say: "It's not easy..."

Xu Shuhan was silent for a second, and his heart suddenly yelled: "Go to death!"

Of course, after Lingmo has finished boasting, he has continued to say: "And I have a feeling that Yu Wenxuan may be behind that too... So, I plan to go through that area and go to the back of the passage to see ""

Going through? Still want to see?

"You are crazy!" This is Xu Shuhan's first reaction, and she did not hesitate to scream out, "You can't keep your nose all the time? Once you are discovered, you will die!" She didn't mention herself, because as a zombie, she is much better at suffocating than Ling. This is the advantage of the population.

"No, actually, now is the best time." Ling Mo smiled and said.

"Ah..." He said this, Xu Shuhan also calmed down. "You mean that the monsters are gone? Is this hard to be sure?"

"Even if you don't leave all, the number is definitely reduced? And the most important thing is... we should go back and look at the body of the ‘Great God Soldier...” Ling Mo said with some meaning.

PS: First of all, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Then... ask for a dream! Not many days, the distance is still far from success. QUQ

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