My girlfriend is an idol

Chapter 680: The Script Under the Clothes

The production cost of "Avengers 2" is 250 million U.S. dollars, and it is not ruled out that some additional funds will be added to the post-production or special effects production.

2 million US dollars, this remuneration can only be in the lower reaches of the actor in the reunion, and it is similar to the treatment of Marcrufano who plays Hulk and Scarlett the black widow.


The 20% box office dividend seems to be a lot, but Li Xianzhe knows that his own cooperative relationship with Marvel, and the interest entanglement between Downey Studios and Marvel...

Together, as long as the producer recovers the cost, which is equivalent to the global box office exceeding 600 million to 800 million, Li Xianzhe can get a dividend of 20 million US dollars.

This is the minimum guarantee. The higher the global box office, the more dividends Li Xianzhe will get.

"You guessed it right. I had an idea about the script for the Avengers movie two years ago, and during the two years of military service, I have fully conceived it."

Realizing that Kevin had made up his mind to push himself into the vortex, Li Xianzhe sighed heavily and met his sight seriously, with a mysterious smile flashing on his face.

"Really? Tell me, how many do you think?"

Kevin looked at him in surprise, he was too familiar with Li Xianzhe's expression, and he could tell even the slight skin movement.

"I came to the United States this time and brought the third script. I originally planned to get more things for myself on the board of directors. Now it seems... it is unnecessary."

Li Xianzhe’s luggage is in the living room, but it is naturally impossible for Downey and Susan to move it.

After opening the code lock, Li Xianzhe took out a thick book from under the clothes in his bag and handed it to Kevin.

"We have been preparing for so many years. The third part will bring the plot into a high dynasty stage. After Ultron, Thanos should be on the stage..."

Infinity War, based on the works of the same name in Marvel comics, but compared to movies, the superheroes participating in the comics are an unprecedented collection.

Considering that it will be difficult to implement in reality, Li Xianzhe just referred to Marvel's filming plan and put together the heroes of the two organizations "Avengers" and "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Kevin looked at the logo on the cover and wanted to open it for the first time, but he held it back.

Like the reactions of Downey and Hemsworth before, the first draft script of "Infinity War" by Li Xianzhe is three times thicker than "Era of Ultron".

Kevin can't wait to hug Li Xianzhe and kiss him at the moment, this is great!

"Damn! Li, do you know how important this thing is? You just put it in your bag."

Kevin still remembers that when the actors on the crew got the first script, they took it out of the safe. Before that, only the screenwriter, the director, and he had seen it.

"This is only the first draft, and regarding the idea of ​​confidentiality, I will tell you later. Don't worry, the script is gone, and I can write a new one."

Li Xianzhe pointed to his head and whispered slowly, "Such IPs are not the only ones. Infinite Warfare is just the end of the first stage. Maybe there will be a fourth...the fifth..."

Kevin stared at him blankly and suddenly laughed. He liked Li Xianzhe's self-confidence look. Only Li Xianzhe in this state would always surprise the people around him.

"Lee, I have decided. After the filming of "Ultron Age", your company will be responsible for all the work in Korea?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Li Xianzhe was stunned for a moment, the other party's decision completely exceeded his expectations, so that he couldn't agree to it for a while.

After integration, Empire Entertainment has its own theater chains. Although these theater distributions are mainly from Loen and other cooperative brokerage companies, Li Xianzhe believes that once authorized by Marvel, Empire Entertainment's position in the film industry will be completely Changes.

What would be the attitude of the Korean film industry that was hostile to and squeezed out your company before?

This question has been entangled in his heart, because he did not want to lose, so he hesitated at this moment.

Marvel's movie is a cake that is enough to fascinate giant film companies.

Li Xianzhe believes that it might not feel like everyone knew that he was a Marvel screenwriter before, but when it is released in the future, he will return to China with the authorization of Marvel. The expressions of those in the film industry who have closed their doors to entertain themselves will be How wonderful.

"Of course, the Asian market has always been a delicious cake for Hollywood filmmakers.

I know that you are very dissatisfied with the money-trapping behavior of those people who disrespect the market, but this is Hollywood. If you want to make rules, you must first produce results."

The position of screenwriter is not considered high in Hollywood, and low is not considered low.

However, it has always been suppressed by both the film company and the producer. The HK film is still lonely and still adopts this system of imitating Hollywood.

In the entire North American film circle, there are countless examples of being promoted as a producer or investor as an actor, participating in box office dividends, script rewriting, or eventually becoming a director.

Compared with them, Kevin's words are tantamount to reminding Li Xianzhe that in the depths of Hollywood, he must make good use of his own advantages and not be wasted.

Marvel is not so much invincible in the world as it is just dominating the superhero universe.

Although there are many superheroes and villains with Asian faces in the original "Marvel Comics", because of many factors, Marvel has never allowed Asian faces to play positive roles and protagonists in the movie.

There are too many factors behind this, but in the final analysis, it is the arrogance in American hearts that makes many people unwilling to take the initiative to make changes.

Kevin made up his mind to let Iron Fist appear in the movie, and catered to the Asian actors suggested by North American netizens. In Li Xianzhe's opinion, it is a rare breakthrough.

It is precisely because of this persistent attitude and the most direct offensive of interest that Li Xianzhe's eyes softened a lot. "So, Iron Fist is suitable for launch in such an environment?"

Kevin patted Li Xianzhe on the shoulder and made a nuisance. Li Xianzhe turned his head and looked around. Susan was waving at the two in the living room.


Touched the stomach that was beginning to protest to him, and came to the living room. The two ate a simple breakfast prepared by Susan. Kevin seriously suspected that he had excreted all those things in the toilet many times last night.

"In the previous live-action drama, we have received too many complaints from netizens in North America.

The blond white-eyed white people digested Eastern culture. This is ridiculous in the eyes of many people. If the board of directors bowed their heads at that time, I believe this kind of mistake would not happen."

Pushing on a shirt that Downey threw over, Kevin rubbed his red nose.

"Don't worry, Li, many filmmakers in Hollywood are trying to make changes for the Asian market.

Implanting Eastern culture, or setting the scene in Eastern cities, launching well-known Asian actors, but compared to them, if we want to successfully win the hearts of audiences in Asia.They must make greater changes than them."

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