My Girlfriend is an S-Class Adventurer

Chapter 141 - Nathalia's Spear

Nathalia didn't sigh or frown when she realized she was in an adverse situation. She just thought clearly and calmly.

If her opponent's advantage was her speed, the Elf just had to get faster, and for that, she needed her spear.

Kaga slowly walked towards Nathalia while snapping her stiff shoulders from waiting so long. The boxer had a smile on her face, and when she breathed in again to use <Lethal Velocity>, Nathalia already knew she would advance.

'Come on! I'm ready for you!' Nathalia thought excitedly.

Again, Kaga surged in front of Nathalia at an absurd speed and tried to punch her before the Elf could react, but Nathalia was also somewhat fast and had good notions of dodging.

All it took was for Nathalia to move her spine back slightly for the powerful punch from the boxer to hit the air. Kaga's punch was so fast that it made a loud noise as if the sound barrier itself was being broken.

That right jab from below was followed by a second jab, this time a left jab, aimed at Nathalia's throat.

Okay, this one I won't be able to dodge, so...'.

Miss Strogueher put her bracelet as fast as she could in front of the fist of the boxer to try to defend her face and throat. The blow that hit the bracelet was powerful enough to break it into many small pieces and throw Nathalia away.

Kaga was smiling because he had the upper hand. "Fist style is the best! Even if I don't have Panspermia or steel weapons, I will still always be able to fight! That's the wonder of knowing how to use your fists!"

"You should talk less and focus more on where your opponent is looking! <Malevolent Hook>!" Nathalia exclaimed.

Upon hearing the cry of skill, the boxer tried to defend herself with her arms; however, the Elf was shrewd enough not to pull a strong foe close to her, this time she used <Malevolent Hook> on her fallen spear in the sand.

When Nathalia picked her spear back up, she quickly spun it around and already launched another Skill. "<Aura Amplification>!"

This ability of Gene's allows the range of an attack by Nathalia to be increased by ten times, meaning she can practically cut from afar. As soon as Kaga noticed the glistening slash coming toward her belly, she rolled in the sand and dodged.

Nevertheless, the boxer smiled happily for having a great opponent. The two girls began exchanging intense short and medium-distance blows.

With each blow that Kaga managed to land, a part of the Elf's armor simply exploded into pieces, even though it was made of steel. The boxer's punches were so powerful and loud that they gave the impression that Nathalia was losing and losing badly.

Despite the promise Luke made to the Elf, he did not interfere at any point. To the sharpest eyes, the battle's outcome was becoming more and more certain.

Less than 10 minutes after the start of the battle, Nathalia was almost without armor and with her partially torn clothes, which showed off her beautiful body and her moon-white skin well.

When Nathalia Strogueher and 'The legendary pugilist from Parato' stopped in the middle of the battlefield, exhausted. The two smiled at each other, wet with sweat and blood.

Before the girls stopped fighting, most thought Nathalia would lose, but when Kaga finally stopped moving, everyone looked at the dozens of deep cuts on her skin.

This was a shock to everyone because Kaga was the one who was moving the fastest between the two and was also putting pressure on her opponent. That is, the viewers did not know that the boxer's insistence to advance was her enormous pride.

Throughout the battle, Nathalia used her spear with extreme proficiency, and with each strike of her spear, her bonus was activated: increasing her speed and critical damage. These additional effects discovered in the Panspermia Weapon ensured that Nathalia could match the speed of her blows with Kaga's.

"Looks like I still have to improve my fist art a lot..." said Kaga and smiled just before falling to the sand. "In fact, I give up..." She said, her voice still muffled, which made Nathalia relieved because she thought she fainted.

Seconds later, Nathalia was teleported back to where she was, and a 15-minute break was announced to change the ring structure.

When Luke saw Nathalia appear on his side, he simply put his hand on her head and stroked. "You did really well down there..." He complimented her in a soft voice.

She was quite happy that she could focus on the battle despite her worry and anxiety. Even though she was already 20, the same age as Luke, her life was different because she was raised away from social pressure.

Nathalia smiled gratefully as she looked at Luke: "I've become much calmer because of your words from before."

"I don't doubt that you have succeeded in proving to Wang and the others in your family that you will be a great woman. Now let's take advantage of the break to take care of those clothes of yours, get our weapons, and find out about Shiro's condition."

So, they left the stands and went to ask the tournament assistants where they could retrieve the Axe, Claymore, and Spear, as well as get a place for Nathalia to change.

As they sorted out these minor complications, the battlefield began to transform in front of the audience. Before it was just a huge pool of sand, but suddenly magical circles appeared over the sky of the Municipal Arena and threw huge stones against the ground, creating several obstacles, or rather, places to hide.

As soon as Luke and Nathalia returned to the competitors' stand, they were surprised by this change, although they heard the thunder of falling stones.

The half-wolf thought the change was very positive, after all, this way he could use his stealth much more, but Nathalia didn't like it, because this way she would have complications to use spears.

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