My Girlfriend is an S-Class Adventurer

Chapter 217 Oukiwa Academy Of Nobles

The Oukiwa Academy of Nobles was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places in the entire city. Its refined architecture graced all the people who passed near its buildings, and the pediment of the main building was imposing and had gold lettering in relief, which said the name of the renowned educational institution.

When Luke entered this place, he was attracted by the series of arcades that made up some of the main corridors.

'So, this is what a school looks like from the inside.' The half-wolf was awestruck and unsure how to react.

He never dared to enter a school before because he knew that they were costly, but now he was finally getting the chance to satisfy one of his desires. To improve matters, he was inside the Oukiwa Academy of Nobles, one of the oldest buildings in the entire Broteforge Empire, whose construction dated back to The Calamity, over five hundred years ago.

'That's... exciting.' He thought and pressed the part of his uniform over his chest. For some reason, his heart was racing faster than usual.

In the end, Luke chose to become a Duel Teacher, and for that, he had to take a test first, but first, he could wear the Academy's training uniform.

This uniform was quite formal for Luke's tastes, almost like a formal suit. The sleeve ends of his protocol coat were black, and the gold glints on the buttonholes gave it a touch of opulence. The reddish tone of the coat might not match up with the yellow-gold eyes of the half-wolf; however, the black cape that everyone was requested to wear disguised this, as well as the rest of the uniform, which was also black.

Luke looked down at his hands, which were covered by white gloves, and found it strange to move his fingers wearing them.

"Mister Lange, it's your turn." A dark-haired girl alerted Luke, so she could guide him to the room for the test, which he was waiting for.

Since the half-wolf had become Champion of the Tournament of Legends, it wasn't hard for Ayumi to move a few lines and get a test for him to enter as Duel Teacher, even though Luke just preferred that she stay out of it.
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The Duel Teacher is the only position in a compulsory course in the second year. At this stage, most of the students were only E or even F level, so Luke didn't feel pressured to be ambitious.

The half-wolf could remember meeting two boys at the Strogueher selective who said they had studied at the Oukiwa Academy of Nobles. Apparently, both had already finished their fifth and final year at the Academy. Although Luke couldn't remember the boys' names, he still remembered that they had a rank no higher than D-level.

This was also why he chose to try to become a teacher, because he wouldn't have to study subjects below his level. Also, as a teacher, he would have more time and chances to interact with Professor Vinigo and try to find out something from him.

While the half-wolf was following the girl to the room, two men in uniforms similar to the one he was wearing walked past him, both badly injured. One of these men, who looked around thirty years old, grabbed Luke's sleeve, forcing him to stop.

"You're going to take the test for Duel Teacher, right? Be careful... that guy is a beast. Cof... Cof..." He warned.

When the man let the half wolf's sleeve go and continued on his way, Luke looked back and noticed how strong this injured man looked. His muscles were as big as Shiro's or Zack's, and still, he could barely stand on his own two feet. This made Luke wonder what kind of test he had to go through.

Once the black-haired girl opened the door to allow Luke entry to the Training Court, he saw a middle-aged man. This man was wearing a long black overcoat and carried a gothic look, because the metal components he was wearing were black and a bit pointy.

Seeing the half-wolf walk through the door, this man let his sunglasses slide down to the tip of his nose and, at the same time, raised his large black hat with his left-hand so that he could look at Luke more appropriately.


"Ow! That's so cool! You're actually this year's Champion? That's pretty fucked up!" Namor surprised Luke with his dispassionate way of speaking. "Come on, come on! By the way, thanks Violet for bringing him here!" He thanked the young woman.

The girl smiled briefly, nodded, and left the room.

Luke looked around and analyzed the environment where he was left with the man. The large room had no chairs or desks as expected in a typical classroom, but many weapons on shelves on the walls. The place's floor was also made of a sand so firm that shoes hardly left a mark.
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Undeterred, the half-wolf walked up to Namor and greeted him with a handshake. "Good afternoon, my name is Luke Lange, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, you are more serious than I expected. Well, I watched your matches in the Tournament, so I should remember that..."

Then, Namor raised his sunglasses again and with the shadow made by his hat, his eyes were completely hidden. He was holding a cigar between two fingers of his right hand, and before he continued speaking, he took a puff.

"Phha!" The man let out the smoke from the cigar and pulled it through his nose. "The test will be simple. We will fight, and if you are able to beat me or almost beat me, the spot will be yours. But know that I am the vice director; just don't underestimate me. Hahaha!" He explained while he walked away from Luke now.

This made Luke smile briefly because, in fact, he had his guard up since the man warned him that the judging could be scary. Besides, there were no fight marks in the room, which could mean that Namor finished off the other candidates for the teaching position before they could fight back.

"I just need to defeat you?" asked Luke. He wasn't convinced by the brief explanation and thought that maybe there was some catch.

Suddenly, Namor stopped his walk and looked back. "I mean... it won't just be me you'll have to win against..."

? The smoke coming out of his cigar quickly grew thicker and bulkier, falling to the ground next to his shadow. This dark smoke gradually blended with the man's shadow and began to take shape. Two pairs of eyes appeared in the smoke next to Namor's legs. These eyes were as orange and vivid as the sparks from the tobacco burning at the cigar's tip.

Calmly, the half-wolf stepped back into that room.

At last, the strange eyes gained elongated snouts, sneaky paws, and half-pointed ears. At Namor's feet, Luke saw what were clearly two twin summons, both with appearances of wolves imbued with darkness.


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