Now, Luke was prepared to show Orion his abilities.

After the flight training, Luke helped Megan with the research. The young mage kept asking for books and files, and the half-wolf had to run back and forth between the three domes of the Zhanid laboratory. A few hours later, Adrian arrived on the scene.

As soon as he entered the room, Luke stared at him with a deadly stare.

"Ehee! Is everything all right Luke?"

If Adrian was around, the search for the files would probably go faster. Even with Megan's guidance, helping the research progress was something much more difficult than he had imagined. The least of it was giving up his mana for the objects, all the work of searching and sorting through documents was extremely stressful.

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The Young Mage then turned and began to take slow steps outside. When Luke's hand touched the boy's shoulder. At that very moment he could feel the giant killer instinct of the half-wolf behind him.

"You're going to help me, here!" said Luke, his eyes showing all his anger.

Adrian then turned around, and stood beside the young half-wolf as another research assistant for Megan. The Young Magician was extremely demanding and methodical, and in a moment of sloppiness, Adrian ended up knocking over some of the books that were on a table. Little did he know, that the books were arranged in a scheme of the girl's reasoning.

"You did it again!"

Megan was furious and began to give the young man a long scolding. She only ended the lecture when Luke questioned her about how she organized the books. The Girl completely changed her mood when questioned with an interesting question.

"You... You are a genius." said Adrian, his eyes watering with happiness.

'At last, I finally understood how to deal with her. Thank you, Master Luke.'

These thoughts went through Adrian's head. When Luke turned around, he saw the kneeling boy swearing allegiance.

"Please accept me as your disciple." said the blond-haired young man, his forehead glued to the ground.

"Well, sure..." Said Luke, who soon went back to proofreading the texts Megan asked him to transcribe.

The Task in the lab was long and extremely tiring, but only with the fragments of books that Luke needed to transcribe, and the questions he asked the girl known as Living Library. Luke's knowledge of the magical arts increased with surprising speed.

Adrian proved to be extremely useful as well, the boy had a very good notion of magic and was completely familiar with the collection of the three laboratories. When Megan asked for some material for the transcription of scrolls, Luke would go straight to Adrian who knew the location of any necessary item. This made it much easier that day.

As night was approaching. The lab activities closed. However, Megan, Luke and Adrian continued on the beach chatting. The two mages, although younger, were obviously much more experienced in the magical arts. They both decided to support and give short instructions regarding the most basic magics.
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"The manipulation of basic magics, in general, is simple. You just have to take it from one place and put it in another. For the intermediate level spells, you put what you have together to generate what you want." said Adrian, looking up to the sky thinking about what he was talking about.

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Obviously, this explanation was very bad, which left the half-wolf full of doubts. But soon Megan cut the blond boy off, giving a much more specific view of the use of magic.

"Let's suppose you want to create fire magic, you need to turn mana into heat. Both to burn something, and to keep the flame going by itself."

The young girl stood with her index finger up. At the top of it, a small flame appeared. She then pointed her finger with a certain speed. The small ember flew out.

"The amount of mana you put in, and how you visualize the ending happening, determines how the spell will happen. If I, for example, add more mana and manipulate next to the fire some air to be used as fuel."

Megan then made the same gesture with her hands, but this time, the flame was much stronger. As the fire came out of her finger, a large fireball appeared, speeding towards the sand.


The Fire then collided with the sand, going out at the same instant. The young woman then spoke again.

"If you add more fuel and control the end, the effect of a simple magic becomes much stronger."

The Ease with which the girl-controlled magic was something that left Luke extremely surprised. Her knowledge was also extremely vast, but unlike Zhanid, Megan's explanations made sense and were easy to understand.

"But, if we have Fire, Earth, Air and Water as basic attributes. How would it work to create an ice magic like Zhanid's?"

Luke's Question made the young mage's eyes sparkle. She then excitedly began to explain:

"You do know what a wet pike looks like, right?" Megan asked.

"Yes... He has more water in the air than normal." Answered Luke.

"The thing is that every place has some water in the air. When we use water magic, we use our mana to gather this water and concentrate it. When the purpose of the spell is to turn the water into ice. The Conjurer just starts concentrating more and more of the water, while using an auxiliary spell to lower its temperature." Young Megan then held out her hand, creating a sphere of water in front of the three of them.

The sphere of water then began to rotate, increasing its speed. Gradually it became a massive sphere of ice. Luke's ears showed his surprise at the spell.

"To turn the sphere into ice, I just used the wind to lower the temperature of the water. Until it became ice."

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Megan then made a gesture with her hand, which threw the ice ball with extreme speed into the sea.

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"Sure, there is how you can create basic elements by manipulating mana. But that already goes into a much more advanced level of magic, and requires much more understanding and mastery."

Megan then held out her hand in front of Luke. Slowly, small blue crystals appeared, forming a small bird. The sculpture grew larger. Then it stopped growing.

"I just condensed some of my magic into a mana crystal. Some experienced mages, like Zhanid, are able to create fire, water and even electricity with their own magic."

Then the young mage looked at the horizon with certain remorse in her chest.

"I am still far from becoming such an amazing mage. I can do high-level spells, but I'm still far from surpassing the old man or even the advanced class students."

She felt guilty. Which made no sense to Luke. Megan was an amazing mage, she could master so many difficult subjects that he, until recently, couldn't even imagine were possible.

Luke then put his hand on the girl's shoulder and began to speak.

"To become stronger, you only need to look at what you already have. Understand what you don't have, and see how to reach your goal. The one you want to overcome or the one you want to conquer. Don't feel weak for still being far from where you want to get to, everything is a process, it's a path."

Half-wolf's words were extremely welcoming to Megan, who then smiled at him, controlling herself not to fall into tears. The girl worked harder than anyone else at the academy, which was even why she got that nickname. She was only known as Living Library, after years of continuous effort reading, learning, and memorizing various books at Melki's academy.

Megan was an orphan girl, having only her sister to keep her company at the academy. She took books and knowledge as her main focus in life. Her goal was to become a mage capable of improving and revolutionizing the world. With such a great desire came a much greater self-charge.

The three then said their goodbyes, Megan went to the girls' dormitory while Adrian and Luke continued walking together to the main plaza. The young mage's respect for Half-wolf grew quite a bit the day of.

"Dude, you can say some pretty thing buddy." Adrian said, giving Luke a little punch on the shoulder.

"I'm just trying to help, haha!" Luke laughed as he continued walking.

The two then talked about the research in the lab and what should be done for the next day. When they reached the main square, Adrian went to the rectory building and Luke headed for the dormitory.

[You stole that phrase from me, big boy].

'Your message helped me; I think it was right to share it with Megan.'

[You really are quite the romantic.]

Luke walked up the stairs to his bedroom door, when he heard the sound of the bathtub filling from outside.


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