News of this race quickly spread throughout the academy.

When Luke arrived in front of the laboratory, it was already possible to see several people walking around the area. Normally that beach was extremely empty, but from the academy's news and gossip, the beach now had dozens of curious students.

At first Luke found so many people strange, but he didn't imagine that he was the reason that brought the curious visitors. Only a few hours had passed since this had happened. The moment Luke opened the main door of the laboratory, Megan pulled him by the arm, closing the door immediately afterwards.

"Uff! I didn't quite understand what you did, but they've been asking about you for a while now," Megan said, breathing heavily from pulling the young man along.

"Humph! What do you mean?" Luke asked, confused.

"They're talking about you beating someone important in a duel. Everyone is curious to see who the wolf boy is who defeated a golden pendant." replied the girl, turning and heading down the hall.

'That looks a little different from what happened...'

[There's not much that can be done, you attracted quite a bit of attention earlier. Just wait a bit, this group will get bored].

Luke then followed Megan, they both still had work to do.

Megan began to conduct some experiments related to the use of magic on plants. As Adrian hadn't arrived yet, the half-wolf and the living library were walking back and forth between the lab.

The idea of Megan's main project was to connect the different types of magic that exist in the world; to accomplish this, it was necessary to understand how each type of magic related to mana and to living organisms.

And this is where plants come in. Zhao's healing Magic channels the conjurer's mana to treat the wounded, in the case of Far North Magic, the wounded's mana is used to heal themselves. These small changes in how a group of spells work was something that needed to be studied and noted.

So, most of Luke's work, up until then, was to pick up books and bring them to Megan. But today would differ, the two were now in a lab room, Megan was holding a notebook with several spells written down. Each line in the notebook seemed to be in a different language, some were even in different letters.

"Breezing Heeling Ikeradis." Conjured Megan, placing her hand in front of a red flower. The flower then changed color, glowing white.

The branches of the flower began to grow, the little flower doubled in size. It kept growing until it gradually stopped. The flower's glow then faded, but its petals remained white.

The young magician then cut a small branch from the flower. She left it on a table next to some books and turned to the vase again.

"Ikyuradinyz Zhaynkokuryuga Wanyokyuoda." Conjured Megan, now, with her hand on top of the flower. Now the flower was shrinking in size. The white color of the petals returned to red, but the spot where the girl had cut it off, grew back.
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"If you notice Luke, the two spells have the same function. To strengthen living things. But in the first one, my mana was used to feed the plant. In the second, the mana the plant received was used to heal the cut branch." Megan concluded, noting the effects of the experiment.

"You really know quite a bit; it makes sense that they call you Living Library." Luke replied.

The moment the half-wolf said this, the young mage's face blushed at the same instant. She ended up messing up what she was writing with her fright, dirtying the page with ink. The girl then sidestepped Luke, turning away.

"But where did that nickname come from?" The half-wolf continued.

"It's not a nickname, it's a title..." Answered Megan

She left her notebook on a table and turned to the half-wolf. Placing one of her hands on his chest, she continued.

,m "I received that title because I memorized all the books from the advanced session of the academy. No matter what the question is, I know the answer!" The Girl was confident, this sudden change in attitude only made Luke more confused about the situation.

"Hmm! So, how can I make an electric spell? Adrian commented about them, but I couldn't find a way to create that." Luke said.

"Later we can test that on the beach..." Answered Megan, again becoming embarrassed. She had never had very close contact with men before, so just the possibility of being alone with Luke was enough to make her scared and embarrassed.

After the brief pause for conversation, they both continued on with the experiments. Luke had to erect and position several small potted plants on the laboratory table. With each test, small changes in the spell took place.

The half-wolf could not understand clearly what was happening, but with his ears alone it was already possible to perceive that each spell had a different sound. They sounded like completely different languages. The tests continued to go well, until Megan got tired of standing and sat down on a chair.

"With that we finished the strengthening and healing spells. Now all that's left to do is check the variations of the putrefaction spells." Megan concluded, in a noticeably tired voice.

Luke had read about Rot Spells in the introductory book of combat magic that he had borrowed from Zhanid. These were spells intended to cause an injury or wear and tear to the target. Because they are not elemental spells, they are classified in the group of mana manipulation spells.

After a few minutes rest, Luke placed three pots on the experiment table. Megan was visibly tired, which made the half-wolf curious. It was impossible that such a skilled mage would have problems with mana.

"You look tired, did something happen?" Luke asked.

"I didn't sleep a wink last night, I've been re-reading the research references." Answered Megan, who was almost asleep leaning on the table.

Watching the tired girl, Luke had an unusual idea. He then turned to the mage and made a suggestion.

"Let me do the spells, you just need to guide me and make the notes. You must be tired from standing around for so long." Said the half-wolf.
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Megan then put her hand on her chin, thinking about the idea. After a few seconds, she picked up her notebook and a pen. She positioned herself on the table and directed Luke to go to the first flower.

"Let's start with this glass rose. Imagine your mana channeling itself into your hand, then imagine the flower rotting away. Repeat the spell with me, while keeping the idea of the plant wilting." Megan concluded.

"All right." Answered Luke. Placing his hand on top of a flower with a pink appearance, but with a blue coloration.

The two then began to conjure the spell. As soon as Megan spoke the phrase, Luke repeated it in sequence.


"Zenitryx." repeated Luke.

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The moment Luke finished the last word, the flower immediately began to wilt. Decreasing in size, losing its blue color and having its petals crumble. A strange sensation came over the half-wolf's hand. It was as if a sort of chill was rising from his fingertips to his wrist. That feeling reminded him of a moment not so long ago. He had just stolen the mana from that flower.


After finishing the spell, the half-wolf was visibly pensive. But he decided to just continue and finish the necessary tasks. He repeated the same process three times. The second time, a very small amount of mana came out of his hand, but the effect was the same. In the case of the third time, almost no mana was spent.

It was a challenge for Luke to repeat the casting of the spells, even more so because of the difference in languages between them. Even with this small problem, the tests ended there. It would still be necessary to check how other putrefaction spells, but Megan was already too tired to remain productive.

Luke then picked up a book to read while Megan made her notes, after she finished and put the notebook beside her, it didn't take a minute for the young mage to fall asleep on the table.


The half-wolf was now beginning to understand the basics of magic, how it occurred, and how mana could be used in so many different ways. It was surprising to him how even plants have a very small amount of mana.

It seemed that every moment there was some new information for Luke, some new knowledge or concept. But every time he had some free time, when he wasn't reading or talking with Meredith, only one question was on his mind.

'How are they doing?'

This question was making the half-wolf's heart troubled, even though the academy island was isolated from the world, there was a war going on in the outside world. As calm as the days were for Luke, he needed to keep focused on why he had gone to the academy.

Just the possibility that something bad had happened to Alexis or Ayumi made the young man's heart worry, even with the protection of bastet, this question still remained present in Luke's heart.


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