My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 111: Why are you so skilled ===

After reading part of the outline that Mo Nanbei typed, Li Ziqian's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

After pondering for a while, he drank the mocha that Mo Nanbei bought for him, and then said to her,

"I said, when will your book be a eunuch?"


Mo Nanbei listened to what Li Ziqian said, but for a while he didn't realize what this person meant.

what happened?

Did you ask her just now? Not finished? Why did she suddenly ask her when she cut it?

The composition of this person is not a general problem!

Just when she hadn't figured out what to order back to Li Ziqian, Li Ziqian continued to ask,

"It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing the day, let's cut it today."

The attitude of his speech has the meaning of taking over the decision-making power for Mo Nanbei, and there is also the temptation to urge her to cut the book.

"Cut your mother's chicken! I cut it so badly, the editor cut me the next day! It's no wonder he didn't kill me!"

"Why, your editor still knows who you are?"

"I've changed my editor!"

"What's the matter? Can't writers cut a book? It's a very common thing."

"Don't, anyway, the editor is quite interesting, and gave me some recommendations."

"That's not a big problem, just come to me to edit it."

"Damn you, can you not arrange the back road so well!"


"You're so crazy about opening a new book, but in the end, you came back and made clear arrangements for the future. Do you give me a reason to continue writing?"

"There are still 100,000 words to finish the book?"

"Fuck you, I don't want to wait a minute longer now."

"Then what?"

"What else can I do, ah ah ah ah!!! orz."

Looking at Mo Nanbei, who was already going crazy, Li Ziqian's mouth showed a very pleasant arc.

In the group of writers, once someone starts to complain that there is a problem with their grades, except for Versailles, they are complaining without a lot of heart, or they are really asking whether the data is good or bad.

Except for the last case, in most cases, the unanimous response of the group friends is,

"This book is useless, just cut it."

Then it was derived that as long as you want to cut a book, you will definitely complain in the group to seek comfort and self-confidence.

After all, there is no such thing as generating electricity for love.

People are open to money.

The dream is to eat.

Unless there is a mine at home.

Oh, sometimes even a mine can't hold on to the dream of not giving back at all.

Those who sneakily pursue their dreams by feeling the stones in the dark are either desperate, blind, or destined to achieve great things.

However, according to probability, the latter occupies the smallest minority, the former is more, and the middle is very middle.

"Damn your mother, I'm sorry, grass, I will open the book at the beginning of next month."

"Hmm? Then what file are you creating now?"

"You have a problem with rewarding yourself for your efforts."

"no problem."

"No, then what are you doing at the station?"

"Find a cover image, can't you give yourself some motivation?"

"Well, yes, but what do you do to check my editor QQ?"

"You can vote for me in the small window!"


"So, do you want to recall what you just said?"

"I opened the book on the spot today, and even the gods couldn't stop me!"


"No, how can you rescue me?"

"Rescue a hammer. It happened that the book was written on fire. It was very annoying. It was cut and cut."

"Are you going to end it?"

"Duck doesn't have to, not next time."

"Ah this."

"There are thousands of Internet writers, and I am not inferior to this."

"Everything you say when you want to cut is an excuse, it's nothing more than the attraction of a new lover."

"Keep your mouth shut and write more if you can speak."

So, this is the writer.

From the first day of entering the industry, he has become a master of pigeon science in a subtle way.


Li Ziqian shrugged and gave up arguing with Mo Nanbei on this topic.

After all, he knows that a pigeon has absolutely no capital and position to stop another pigeon.

"I said, do you want to come over with me to see this."

Suddenly, Li Ziqian, who was on the way to collect materials, handed over to Mo Nanbei.

"Huh? What are you looking at?"

"Movie commentary."

"What movie?" Mo Nanbei moved his hand from the keyboard and asked Li Ziqian with great interest.

"You'll know when you come and take a look. I think it's quite inspirational." Li Ziqian responded to Mo Nanbei.

"Hmm, ojbk."

With that said, Mo Nanbei got up and walked to Li Ziqian's side. She looked down at him and the phone in his hand. After thinking for a few seconds, she pulled Li Ziqian's arm away and took the foot handle. Li Ziqian pushed out a few times in a coiled manner, and then sat down with only half of his cup of coffee in his arms.

It seems that the position of his head is not very comfortable. After sitting down, Mo Nanbei moved down a few times, the height of his legs was lowered, and finally he moved his head to Li Ziqian's chest.



This time, Mo Nanbei gave himself an evaluation of 86 points.

Comprehensive evaluation A.

Li Ziqian:

"I said"


"Forget it, nothing."

Li Ziqian opened his mouth to think for a long time and didn't know what to say, so he finally chose to give up.

"Look at what?"


Mo Nanbei:

"Can't you just say a few words of nonsense?"

Hearing Li Ziqian's answer, Mo Nanbei couldn't help but complain.

"Death to the Lord!"

With that said, Li Ziqian raised his hand and gave Mo Nanbei a brain break.


Immediately afterwards, without giving Mo Nanbei any room or time to fight back, Li Ziqian directly clicked and played the video.

The name of the movie explained in the video is Suo Po He

The content is taken from Sanskrit, the specific meaning is very rich, and the meaning is somewhat obscure. This word is generally used at the end of Buddhist incantations, and ordinary people cannot explain it, and if it is explained, they may not understand. It is impossible to express the meaning, only that you can understand it.

The film is a fictionalized blend of different religious elements.

The story takes place in a small village.

It was an ordinary afternoon, and the heroine was born.

And her twin sisters were born together.

The twin sister was covered in black hair, and her birth was like a curse.

"Wow wow wow wow, what do you think about this kind of thing!!!!"

As soon as the explanation started, Mo Nanbei couldn't sit still.

Being familiar with various plot developments, she can conclude that this film is definitely not serious!

It's hell!

"Watching a movie, what's wrong?" Li Ziqian tapped Mo Nanbei's head again to express his dissatisfaction.

"Can we watch something about Yangjian, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm leaving." After speaking, Mo Nanbei was about to get up and leave.


When he sat down, Mo Nanbei had the initiative, but if he wanted to get up, he had to look at Li Ziqian's mood.

Obviously, Mo Nanbei is less than Li Ziqian in terms of force value, as if his arms can't twist his thighs.

Therefore, even if she had already expected that this was a **** movie at this time, she had to sit in Li Ziqian's arms and watch the movie commentary with her eyes open.

While Mo Nanbei was struggling, the movie commentary continued to play.

At this time, the explanation came, about the sister who was covered in black hair and survived by sucking the nutrients of the heroine when she was in her mother's belly.

So the heroine was lame as soon as she was born.

The doctor looked at such a strange creature, he didn't want to let his sister live.

He directly threw his newborn sister aside, completely disregarding it.

But, she won't die at all.

"It's over, this mother can't live anymore."

Hearing this, Mo Nanbei suddenly said.

How did you know before Li Ziqian had time to ask? Why do you say that? When I just listened to the movie clip with a white cloth covering my face in the video, I said,

Their mother died within a week of giving birth to them, and their father hanged himself a month later.

Li Ziqian:

Mo Nanbei:

"Why are you so skilled!!"

At this time, Li Ziqian inevitably asked Mo Nanbei this classic quote.

"Ah this"

Having never seen this movie at all, Mo Nanbei, who said these words purely by instinct, was also at a loss for words.

"I'm convinced."

"e, this should be just a coincidence, right?"

Listening to Mo Nanbei's explanation, Li Ziqian raised his brows, raised his voice, imitated someone's tone, and repeated a famous scene and famous line when the two were playing the game yesterday.

"Oh? Coincidence? Do you think this dog head suddenly reacted and gave me a hammer?"

Mo Nanbei:

"Shut up so much!! Crap!"

It was a match that was almost etched into its DNA.

Because it was an assistant, but there were good brothers who were in double row, and the top orderer communicated in the chat window with Mo Nanbei, who was an assistant.

After Mo Nanbei said that he was not good at meat and only mixed, the other party still strongly demanded to change paths.

So, Mo Nanbei chose a Teemo.

In the game, his own mid laner Nuo said that he was eager to hit the dog's head, so Mo Nanbei, who was the top laner, was switched to the mid lane again.

This time she was playing with Teemo, the mid laner, and the laner was Happy Yasuo.

Li Ziqian is a jungler mantis. With the efforts of the opposing jungler, he developed very well in the opening 30.

Mo Nanbei, on the other hand, acted perfectly as a bastard. In the first fifteen minutes of the game, apart from killing small soldiers, he did not get any kills or even assists.

The scene where this sentence appears is a wave of team battles in the opponent's lower jungle area.

The four big brothers who are fat and oily, two of them are in the second tower opposite

At this time, the team battle was about to break out. Mo Nanbei was operating Teemo. With the advantage of small size and long hands, he stood in the back far away. The dog's head that dropped Nuo's hand.

Li Ziqian's mantis and Mo Nanbei's Teemo are on the same parallel line, forming a perfect and solid triangle with the enemy dog's head.

In this chaotic team battle, Mo Nanbei nodded the dog's head while watching the dog's head who tried to chase people but couldn't catch up and couldn't kill him and said to Li Ziqian without warning,

"Do you think this dog head suddenly reacted to something and just turned around and gave me a hammer?"

At the moment when this sentence was finished, the dog head opposite seemed to have received some kind of apocalypse. He turned his head and flashed to narrow the distance with Teemo, and it was a hammer.

Teemo, who had less than 300 blood lines, died suddenly.

Li Ziqian remembered that he wanted to laugh at that time, and Mo Nanbei also felt that he and Ben couldn't forget Li Ziqian's unscrupulous, even wild laughter in his voice.

Both of them recalled what happened that day in their heads, Li Ziqian coughed twice, while Mo Nanbei took a deep breath.

After a brief interlude, the two continued to talk, focusing on the video playing on the phone.

All the bad luck seems to have started from the birth of the twin sister.

For more than ten years, the grandparents have dragged the heroine up, forced to move countless times, and have always taken the demon sister, locked it in the back room, and used a cross to restrain her.

But no matter where you move, things will happen everywhere.

It was another move, and all the cows in the village they moved to suddenly died for no apparent reason.

After dancing for a while and doing the Dharma practice, the ambassador of the dance **** invited by the village saw that it was bad luck from the newly moved hostess' house.

So knock on the door.

But the grandparents, who have long been used to all this, watched the people in the village walking towards their house, locked the doors and windows, and closed the curtains, as if there was no one at home. The knocking sound is ignored.

At this point, the screen switched, and the male protagonist began to be introduced.

The male protagonist's occupation is tentatively regarded as an anti-counterfeiting expert.

The country where the film was shot is Nanbang.

There are many villages in Nanbang and there is freedom of belief. Those false religions under the banner of authentic religion are bad organizations that cheat money and deceive people.

The task of the male protagonist is to collect this kind of information, then publish it and earn royalties.

Recently, a Luyeyuan organization marked by a deer quilt has entered the male protagonist's sight.

In order to investigate and obtain information, the male protagonist rushed to the local area all the way. According to the information provided by the younger brother A who sneaked into it, this one taught him to worship the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Oh, there's something to take small notes."

After seeing this, Mo Nanbei suddenly spoke again.


"Just this thing, it must be a foreshadowing, what are the four kings hinting at?", Mo Nanbei continued to respond.

"I said you understand."

Having seen a part of Li Ziqian, listening to Mo Nanbei's description, his brows were slightly raised, as if a little surprised.

"Isn't that the norm for this underworld movie?"

"Well, yes, but don't you watch this kind of suspenseful reasoning and supernatural horror?"

"Don't watch it! But I like it!"

Listening to Mo Nanbei's narration, Li Ziqian suddenly said,

"Oh! Understood! It's cowardly, but it's still worth watching. Isn't this so cheap?"

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ?

"You curse again???"

"Hey! I'll keep scolding, what can you do to me?"

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