My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 129: Mo Nanbei seized the opportunity ===(1)

After thinking for a while, Li Ziqian continued to study the same type of questions.

In terms of problem solving, his and Mo Nanbei's ideas are somewhat different.

This is also the reason why he has been unable to get to Mo Nanbei to explain.

Because when looking at the topic, their focus is different.

The same is done for questions, and Mo Nanbei's way of doing questions is more inclined to brush points.

And he sometimes has curiosity and doubts about the relevant knowledge points that are involved and not involved.

It is true that in Mo Nanbei's view, this is an "irrelevant" content that he does not need to care about at all, but if he does not understand this through research, it is difficult for him to understand the logic of this question.

As a result, the two of them had such a big difference in communication.

Mo Nanbei belongs to the flow of efficient learning, while he is more inclined to the flow of logical understanding to some extent.

It was more than half an hour after Li Ziqian had thoroughly studied this type of question.

Of course, he didn't spend more than half an hour to understand only one question, that would be a waste of time.

This is not efficient.

He studied the knowledge points involved in this question, as well as related types and variant types of questions.

When doing the questions, because of the explanation of the problem solving steps dubbed by Mo Nanbei's hysterical version, this type of question may be one of the few reminders that he can get full marks with his eyes closed.

In a sense, this is still thanks to the powerful associative memory of human beings.

Come to think of it, if he really encounters this question in the exam in the future, he will never have to worry about forgetting its solution.

Grumpy maid online teaching or something...

It takes a lot of power to forget this memory.

Obviously, he has not yet reached the power of Mahayana, so he cannot do this.

And he didn't really want to forget.

It's actually quite interesting that Mo Nanbei is irritable.

Suddenly I found that she and the groundhog seemed to be a bit similar, especially after I found that I couldn't communicate with myself no matter what, I put both hands on my lap helplessly, and my expression collapsed to 'Aah! ' while shouting.

There is a chance another day, use Mo Nanbei as an emoji!

When chatting with her, it will be a very interesting thing to send her emojis.

Just imagining how Mo Nanbei was at a loss for words, wanted to say something but couldn't say it at all, but was very angry, he was already happy.

Li Ziqian, who was immersed in learning and his own spiritual world, completely ignored Mo Nanbei who was sitting next to him.

Reached over the pencil case that ran to the edge of the table at some point, opened the zipper and prepared to take out the ruler from it, and then strengthened a wave of his own drawing questions.


The moment he opened the pencil case.

An unexpected thing happened.

Countless white, long, elastic and attacking unknown objects popped out of the pencil case.

The number is roughly estimated to be dozens.

After opening the pencil case, it was as if the pencil case had been ripped open, and various things such as "viscera" popped out the moment the pencil case was opened.

Among them, there are a few with strong elasticity, and they even jumped on Li Ziqian's face.

For a while, seeing the scene in front of him, Li Ziqian couldn't help being stunned.

His hand was still in the position of pulling open the pencil case. He lowered his head and stared blankly at the pencil case in his hand, motionless.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Looking at his appearance, there was a burst of hysterical, undisguised wild laughter next to him.

This laughter can only be described in two words - magic.

At this time, Li Ziqian, who was already a little guessing, just because of the sudden incident, could not understand what Li Ziqian could not understand?

This is especially a good thing done by Mo Nanbei!

Snapped! Immediately, Li Ziqian threw the pencil case in his hand onto the table and turned to look at Mo Nanbei.

In the end, it was fine that he didn't turn around. When he turned around, it was like pressing Mo Nanbei's joke button, and she laughed even more.

Just when he was wondering, he suddenly felt a tug on his arm.

Looking down, the good guy didn't know when he had a large layer of scotch tape on the handle of his chair and the corner of the table.

It was as if he had pre-judged his action pattern in advance—after opening the pencil case, he turned around and slapped the table in anger.

"It's not that it's not, it's wrong, it's wrong, come and drink some water to calm down."

Mo Nanbei, who was already laughing with tears in the corners of her eyes, saw Li Ziqian's expression froze for a moment, and quickly stopped her demonic smile.

He hurriedly held down Li Ziqian who wanted to get up and beat someone, handed Li Ziqian the ice-cold fat house happy water beside his hand, and moved the straw to his mouth.

Looking at the bubbles rising from the bottom of the cup, Li Ziqian instinctively bit the straw and took a sip.

Then his expression froze.

This is a mouthful, with the taste of vinegar, carefully aftertaste and some sour and spicy cola.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! No, why do you drink it!!!

The initiator had already put down the cup at this time, patted his thighs, and was lying on the table with a smile.

This made Li Ziqian's temper that was already on fire burst instantly.

Mo Nanbei must die today!

Thinking about it, he got up and walked in the direction where Mo Nanbei was sitting. Although he was about to laugh, Mo Nanbei, who had been watching Li Ziqian secretly, noticed his movements and suddenly got up and ran to a safe area. go.

But as the saying goes, those with short legs can't run without long legs, and Mo Nanbei was soon forced into a corner.

"It's not, it's really not." Mo Nanbei waved his hands frantically, and said to Li Ziqian while retreating behind the corner.

"Isn't it?" Li Ziqian repeated Mo Nanbei's words and asked her back.

"Yes, yes, no, really no!" Mo Nanbei nodded frantically to Li Ziqian and repeated.


The last time he heard that he stopped and drank a coke with a vinegar flavor, what about this time?

Can he be any more stupid, can't he be fooled?

Ignoring Mo Nanbei's explanations and rants, Li Ziqian reached out and grabbed Mo Nanbei and pressed her against the wall. With the other hand, he held the 'Mao Mao', a stack of paper that was taken out from the pencil case. The worm was placed in front of Mo Nanbei.

"Why, you like to play with this thing, don't you?"

Although Li Ziqian's expression is very kind, in Mo Nanbei's view, this kind smile is no different from Heshan.

She hurriedly shook her head, even if the back of her head was stuck to the wall, she still leaned back desperately.

"No no no no, I don't like it."


I see you like it very much! It's a lot of fun, and it's fun! "

If Li Ziqian's tone was not angry and arrogant before, then now the killing intent in his heart is about to burst out with this sentence.

What is gnashing your teeth word by word!

Li Ziqian's current tone is a perfect demonstration.

Obviously, Mo Nanbei also smelled death from it.

She raised her hand to hold Li Ziqian's wrist, and while trying to push him out little by little, she said to him,

"No no no no! Your illusion! Illusion!"

Li Ziqian: ?


"What, are you saying I'm wrong?"

"Ah this... no no no, you are not wrong."

"Then I'm not wrong, what are you denying here?"

"I..." Mo Nanbei was at a loss for a while after Li Ziqian's words.

"What are you?"


At this point, Mo Nanbei didn't know what to quibble about.

But a man can bend and stretch, not to mention this kind of life-and-death crisis!

"I'm wrong!!!!!!"


It is true that Li Ziqian had long thought that Mo Nanbei would admit his mistake so enthusiastically.


Hasn't it always been like this? !

You know it's wrong, so what did you do?

What did you do when you folded that silly caterpillar and put tape on his table and chairs?

He took a step back and said, seeing that he was about to fry, what did he do when he was feeding him vinegar-flavored Coke?

Now I'm blocked in the corner, and I've cut off the back road. Do you know what to do?


Obviously, Mo Nanbei also knew this.

However, there is nothing difficult in the world, only those who have a heart. At this time, she is still stubbornly emphasizing to Li Ziqian,

"It's not too late."

"Why did you go early?"


"Guang laughed, right?" Before Mo Nanbei could answer, Li Ziqian added himself.

"No, no, you don't remember villains, I really know I'm wrong!"

"I know it's wrong, so dare to do it next time?"

I have to say that every time Li Ziqian's additions are made, they just go into the heart of Mo Nanbei.

It really made it hard for her to resist her urge to speak affirmatively.


She was naturally unrestrained.


Li Ziqian: ?

"It's so 'yes!'???"

Mo Nanbei's bravery really made Li Ziqian laugh out loud.

"No, don't laugh..." Mo Nanbei, who was stunned by Li Ziqian's laughter, really realized that the knife that was lying across her neck was about to start cutting down.

"What, now you know what to do?"

I don't know how stupid.

What's the matter, Mo Nanbei saw the word death on his head in Li Ziqian's eyes.

It is no longer 'dangerous'.

Maggie's teeth are white.

It's all Li Ziqian's fault. If he didn't talk too much, there would be no such thing!

She is really sincere and wants to admit her wrong!

But this kind of answer is so badly engraved in the DNA, she can't restrain her giggling! ! !

While thinking about it, maybe it was because everything had been taken lightly in the face of life and death, but Mo Nanbei actually said exactly what she wanted to love you.

"Oh~ saying that, it's all my fault."


It's over.

Listening to Li Ziqian's strange words, Mo Nanbei knew that this time it was really over.

She is dead!


Humans are inherently mortal!

She felt like she had to die decently!

Moreover, as the saying goes, it is better to die than live!

She chooses to live!

How do you know there is no chance if you don't try it!

Practice is the only way to test theory!

Therefore, Mo Nanbei chose to communicate in a shameless manner.

"Nei, give me a chance." Mo Nanbei blinked and pleaded with Li Ziqian.

Stop it, stop it, stop talking!

She really suspects now that this person is just trying to block herself in a corner and beat her.

Really beat.

No, doubt is the wrong word.

She was convinced that Li Ziqian just wanted to beat herself up.

Listening to Mo Nanbei's 'pleading', Li Ziqian's brows moved slightly, and he slowly opened his mouth and said,

"Opportunity? The opportunity was given to you by someone else?"


The moment he heard these words, Mo Nanbei's pupils could not help shrinking.

This...don't be what she thought...

Just after this very ominous premonition rose in her heart, Li Ziqian continued to add,

"Didn't you seize all the opportunities yourself?"

These multiple keywords made Mo Nanbei affirm the very subtle guess in her mind.

This is what Li Ziqian meant.

The last time I heard something like this was in a business card.

- Seize the future in an instant

Then, as if confirming Mo Nanbei's thoughts, Li Ziqian raised his hand and pressed Mo Nanbei's head down.



"Why do you have such a subtle expression on your face?"

Mo Nanbei:  …

After a long silence, Mo Nanbei frowned slightly and replied to Li Ziqian,

"There's a subtle sensation in the throat."


"You 'Huh?' What 'Huh?' Ah!!"

"What? You can't talk properly again?" Seeing Mo Nanbei's tendency to fry again, Li Ziqian asked her back, looking eager to try.

Mo Nanbei:  …

Li Ziqian's invisible threat took effect.

She is cowardly! She admits it.

After hesitating for a while, she tried to describe her current feeling to Li Ziqian,

"That is, there is a subtle stickiness in the throat, as well as a subtle taste, um... I can't describe it, but it is very subtle..."

"Rinse your mouth? How many sips of water?" Li Ziqian suggested slightly concerned after listening to Mo Nanbei's description and looking at her frowning brows.

"I've been on a ton for a long time..."

"There's no other way, why don't we fight poison with poison?"

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ? ?

"Don't force me to tell you."


"I'll tell you, I'm tired to the point of dislocating my jaw, but if you force me, don't think about it if you don't see blood today."

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ? ?


What's the matter with this person?

Did you play with him like that?

Definitely next time, definitely next time.

With a subtle look, he glanced at Mo Nanbei, who was following the trend of laying down and laying flat. Li Ziqian threw Dafu, who had taken it from his hand at an unknown time, towards Mo Nanbei.


Mo Nanbei changed his previous guarded appearance, caught the big blessing thrown by Li Ziqian with both hands, tore open the package with a happy face, and Amu nibbled it up.

Li Ziqian:  …

Sure enough, Mo Nanbei is a good friend of mankind.

She is so cute! ! !


After that, after a great blessing, Mo Nanbei's mood gradually returned to stability.

The two of them went back to their computer desks as if nothing had happened, and they went back to their computer desks.

Li Ziqian stretched and continued to flip through the questions he wanted to write before he opened the pencil case.

It's true that temptation helps motivate people, but it has a powerful ability to make people go astray.

Although his grades have improved, his body has become weaker in some sense.

But it's a bit over the top, thinking about the next time.

After all, after the first time, everything will have countless times.

This is the inevitable status quo.

While writing the question, Li Ziqian thought about it.

fifteen minutes later.

"I said, let's play games." Mo Nanbei, who was too bored to flip through the book, suddenly opened his mouth and suggested to Li Ziqianru.

Turning to look at Mo Nanbei, who had already turned into a pool on the table, Li Ziqian sighed.


Afterwards, the schedule of the two became, play a game, study for 30 minutes by Li Ziqian, and chat for a while.

"Mine is almost over." After finishing the game, Mo Nanbei casually said to Li Ziqian while sorting out her documents on the new computer.

Li Ziqian: ?

"No, you've been fighting like this lately?"

How many days has passed since the last time Mo Nanbei told himself that he wanted to open a new book?

Is this going to end?

Today is... April 9th...

Why only seven or eight days? ? ? ?

Thinking of this, Li Ziqian hurriedly asked Mo Nanbei,

"How much have you updated every day recently?"

"At least 10,000 to start." Mo Nanbei replied.

10,000 starts...

With a twitch, Li Ziqian complained to Mo Nanbei,

"You are so arrogant."

"That's right! The new book is full of motivation!" As if he didn't hear the rant in Li Ziqian's words, Mo Nanbei proudly explained to Li Ziqian.

Li Ziqian:  …

New book...motivated?

bird food.

He is also very motivated to open a new book.

However, because of the particularity of Mo Nanbei's new book, he couldn't help but asked Mo Nanbei,

"Like this???"



Hearing this, Li Ziqian was a little bit happy.

Well, only a tiny bit.

No more.

If there is more, I am afraid that Mo Nanbei will be proud.

After all, I haven't bought her a tail yet. When I buy a tail and praise her, maybe I can see someone's tail up.


I was looking forward to it.

Whoops, my mind wandered.

Back to Mo Nanbei's new book.

Although Mo Nanbei is excited to open a new book, it has the author's ability to write a new book in it, but... in addition to this, are there any other emotions in it...?

Isn't it very clear that she is looking forward to writing her own story!

This wave... This wave is called happiness.

After a burst of joy in his heart, he remembered what Mo Nanbei said last time about how many ten thousand words could be finished. Li Ziqian continued to ask Mo Nanbei,

"Can it be finished today?"

"Well. The main drama is finished today. If the book is to be written, maybe I will drag and write a few extras or something." Mo Nanbei replied to Li Ziqian thinking about it.


"After all, follow-up reading is quite important for opening a new book."


Hearing Li Ziqian nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly thought of something, he asked Mo Nanbei,

"By the way, did my editor add you?"

"Add it, it will be added on the day of application." Mo Nanbei replied.

"So, as expected of Kaguya."

"Indeed, the big weekend is still very online, and it is almost second to friends."


"I also feel that way."

"Then you are starting next week?"

"Who are you looking down on? Touch it tonight!"

Li Ziqian:  …

"as long as you are happy."



After another game and another paper, Xu Shi's attraction to open a new book was too great, and Mo Nanbei actually opened up to Li Ziqian to take the initiative to mention the matter of wanting to code words,

"Let me say code."

After listening to Mo Nanbei's proposal, Li Ziqian glanced at the time.

It is about five o'clock in the evening, and it is indeed time to code words.

At five o'clock, I started to play the fish code, and before twelve o'clock in the evening, no matter how I thought about it, there were more than enough games every day.

No, just have a hand.

As long as there are no surprises in between.

It is true that life is full of surprises.

The frequency of this accident is still high.

Basically, on average, three or five times a day.

After all, codewords are something that consumes emotions and is very inspirational. Maybe when you codewords, you glance at the comment area and your mentality explodes instantly.

Or, something happened in reality, a fight with a fool or something.

In such a situation, unless you write the kind of cool text that slaps the villain in the face, it will be difficult to brew emotions.

Li Ziqian and Mo Nanbei also had a detailed discussion on this point.

She writes love stories, so her own emotions are really very important.

After all, Tianwen did not write youthful dejected words.

Depressed and irritable, it is difficult to write words that satisfy him.

In addition, the most annoying thing for the author is that it is true that this text took a lot of effort, but for some readers, it is not what I want to read, what I don't understand, and what I don't understand. It's all water.

After ten thousand days, looking at the occasional rhythm, what is the water, the author pouring water, and what is written? A proper mentality exploded.

Oh no, not an explosion.

Total explosion.

If it weren't for the fact that human beings still have their limits after all, they would all want to self-destruct a whole wave of split reactions or something.

This kind of emotion can be roughly summarized as:

I want to cut the book on the spot.

Especially when his grades and income declined because of such remarks and unrestrained jokes, he even wanted to take a knife to find someone to solo offline.

This kind of impulse is not without Li Ziqian.

And Li Ziqian's temper in this regard is a little more northerly than Mo Nan.

In the vast majority of cases, Mo Nanbei would choose to ignore it, or he would be a dragon.

He is different.

He will open a single chapter and rush directly.

This is like a shopkeeper opening an octopus dumpling shop.

A customer who wanted to eat dorayaki came over and bought an octopus ball. After eating, he sat on the ground and said, this restaurant is not good.

In other words, customers who only like to eat small balls, but do not like to eat the octopus in the small balls, after eating the octopus balls, complain that the octopus in this octopus **** is really unpalatable.

This is so special, isn't it forcing the shopkeeper to beat people?

It is true that guests do not like to eat octopus.

However, what is not so special about octopus **** is that the **** fried with octopus, sauce, and dough are called octopus balls?

I like small balls, but I don't like octopus. Can I blame the octopus in the octopus balls?

Don't say this example is outrageous.

In reality, there are quite a few of them.

Li Ziqian has met, and Mo Nanbei has also met.

Moreover, the comments sent by such customers will really reduce the number of customers who come to this store.

It's true, looking at it makes people feel emotionally exploded.

If it weren't for the recent self-cultivation, it is estimated that the battle stickers will come out.

Delaying people making money for no reason is not bullying honest people!

Too much!


"Okay, let's code it."

The speed of spit in the head is very fast.

Thinking about this thing is like salt in a seasoning bottle.

I can't pour a single grain of it, and when I can pour it out, it's a big clunk.

"OK, then I'll open a room."


"Is the double room ok today?"


Anyway, the people invited basically don't write.

For example, any shrimp.

Actively enter the room, but will not write a word.

Speaking in the group every day, other than making myself look more like an old general on the stage, it is meaningless and useful.

There was nothing to do, and when Li Ziqian was setting up a house in Mo Nanbei, he went to watch the update of a random shrimp.

good guy.

The book he wrote, this person has 30,000 words, and he has listed this person with 50,000 words.

What does he do every day!

Do you play games?

But, haven't you seen him getting stronger?


Next time you have a chance, mock him again.

The relaxation time didn't last long. After he joined Mo Nanbei's spelling room, the room opened.

What kind of experience is it to sit and code with Mo Nanbei?

First of all, it will make people wonder what axis her keyboard is.

The second is that there is a kind of fear that can be felt from the sound.

Then, seeing her hand on the keyboard that was about to pull out the afterimage, the description of 'small and fast' was very pictorial.

The most intuitive reason for the above three ideas is that...

The sound of her typing on the keyboard was too crisp.

Looking at Mo Nanbei's appearance, she seems to be trying too hard...

ah this...


The two of them are obviously using the same keyboard, why can't he type this sound?

Regarding the fact that the two of them use the same keyboard, we have to talk about it some time ago.

Some time ago, Mo Nanbei suddenly said to him,

She lost her keyboard and committed suicide.

How can you not think about it?

She said her keyboard was so hungry for water that she drank her Coke.

However, that wasn't enough. It didn't take long for her keyboard to steal her yogurt and bone broth again.

Hearing this, Li Ziqian even wondered what Mo Nanbei's ingredients were.

How crazy does a person have to be to drink this kind of thing again and again in front of the keyboard to challenge the limit of the keyboard!

Does she just want this keyboard to die!

So, when she bought herself a keyboard, she took his share with her.

The reason is that this keyboard is for couples.

Dude, is even the keyboard doing these bells and whistles now?

Li Ziqian feels that he no longer understands current consumption.

Amilo's "Mandarin Duck" keyboard.

In terms of color matching, it is still very good, and the keyboards of Amilo's family are very good-looking.

However, for some unknown reason, Mo Nanbei stole the mandarin duck and left him with the mandarin duck.

In this regard, Mo Nanbei explained that she likes yellow.

Well, I see, she does like yellow, you can tell.

But that's all off-topic.

What Li Ziqian is most concerned about now is that it is obviously the same keyboard and the same axis, but why does Mo Nanbei make a sound that is several times his own when he hits the keyboard.

What does this mean?

As expected of playing the piano? ?

The fingertips are powerful and the wrists and elbows are relaxed, right?


Now, his music somewhat understands why Mo Nanbei's previous keyboard wanted to commit suicide.

Actually it doesn't make sense.

Just, maybe it's not Mo Nanbei's fault that the keyboard ate so much, it's really what the keyboard thought.

It has been devastated and tortured enough, and has lost its desire to live, and wants to live a decent life before its body is damaged.


But... are your fingers so strong?

To be fair, a little curious.

He was just out of curiosity, nothing else.


Just, after all, oh, be reasonable, oh man, you can't get the wool of a sheep.

Even if you catch a sheep and kill it, you have to take it slow.

At the very least, we have to wait for her to grow longer, right, right?

Xu Xutuzhi is the way to go up.

So as not to be afraid of Mo Nanbei, what kind of thing, his little cutie moved away as soon as he moved in.

Then don't fight.

And he has always been a democratic person, especially respecting the opinions of others.

As long as Mo Nanbei didn't take the initiative, he wouldn't force her to do something.

Just like today, it was the opportunity that Mo Nanbei took the initiative to ask for.

What does it have to do with him?


However, Mo Nanbei is very cute.

He had already recorded the picture perfectly in his mind.

At least, there is something to remember before going to bed recently.

I hope Mo Nanbei can fight for his anger and give him more materials.


Hey hey hey.

After writing quickly for a while, Mo Nanbei stopped.

She took down a notebook from the small bookshelf next to her, flipped to a certain page, picked up a pen, lowered her head and wrote on it seriously.

While Li Ziqian was staring at yesterday's coded document, figuring out what to write in today's chapter, she already filled a page of A5 notebook.

What's more, this person's hand speed in every sense is astonishing.

Looking at the unknown things on Mo Nanbei's notebook, Li Ziqian asked her,

"This is…?"

"Zhang Gang of what I'm going to write today." Mo Nanbei replied.

"Ah this?"

Quantity...isn't it a bit too much?

"What's wrong?" Looking at Li Ziqian's surprised expression, Mo Nanbei asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, just think you're a little too much?" Li Ziqian explained to her.

Last time, when discussing with Mo Nanbei, he didn't actually write so much content.

Mo Nanbei's sentence of "Zhang Gang" really made him stunned.

As for Li Ziqian's astonishment, Mo Nanbei felt that this person was making a fuss. She said,

"It's okay, this is the amount of 10,000 to 15,000."

"What's the matter, if I write so many words, it's probably enough for me to write 100,000 or 200,000."

Li Ziqian twitched the corner of his mouth while looking at what was written in Mo Nanbei's notebook and said helplessly.

"No, everyday text is not the same as things like you.

Just, the daily text will be more scattered, there is very little such thing as the main line. "

Mo Nanbei began to explain to Li Ziqian the necessity of this chapter and the difference between the two writing books.

"The love essays I write are based on daily life, supplemented by the main line, which is the normal career line.

Therefore, if you normally follow the way of straightening your career line, then writing this outline and fine outline is equivalent to not writing it. "

"Is that so?" Li Ziqian was stunned after listening to Mo Nanbei's explanation.

Li Ziqian does not understand everyday language.

Except for Mo Nanbei, he has not read any other daily texts.

Therefore, it is the first time he has heard what Mo Nanbei said.

Although he didn't use it, he was more or less interested.

"Is such that.

For me, it's easier to write this way. "

After speaking, Mo Nanbei continued to explain to Li Ziqian,

"Because the 'daily' thing is very scattered, it needs to be recorded in detail.

That way, you won't forget what to write when you're writing.

Moreover, if you want to write interesting daily interactions, you also need a lot of stalks, or add a lot of interactions that you think are interesting, or the points that need to be reflected in the daily interaction of male and female protagonists, emotional changes, etc...

As for these bits and pieces, if I don't make notes and organize them in advance, I feel that I can't remember them at all when coding. "


After listening to Mo Nanbei's words, Li Ziqian nodded thoughtfully.

This is really not the same as what he wrote.

After all, fantasy, the main line, foreshadowing, hatred value, cool point, the logic of the previous chapter is slowly going down, and what to write in this chapter is very clear and clear.

However, Mo Nanbei said that she couldn't remember, and it was probably because she had been writing big chapters.

If a chapter is only 1,500 to 2,000 words, what can't you remember?

While Li Ziqian was thinking like this, Mo Nanbei was still explaining the role of Zhang Gang to Li Ziqian.

"And write this thing out first, and when I code it later, I don't have to use my brain at all.

The speed will increase a lot, because you can really not think about the content, just need to think about how to write the sentence.

When the speed goes up, Riwan will be relatively easy, oh more, you can be invincible when spelling. "


After listening to Mo Nanbei's explanation, Li Ziqian felt that this person's core argument was definitely in the second half of the sentence.

That spelling is invincible is very important, to the extent that it is underlined and highlighted.

"However, didn't you say that when you write something, you will do two revisions?" Suddenly, Li Ziqian was a little puzzled when she remembered the personal habit of spelling that Mo Nanbei and herself briefly mentioned before when spelling. asked her.

Didn't she say that she would be able to cultivate second, then in fact, her writing speed should not have much to do with Zhang Gang, right?

After all, the first draft is just words, and the rest of the complicated process is left to myself during the second revision.

"Yeah, it's a second revision!" Mo Nanbei didn't quite understand what Li Ziqian meant by suddenly mentioning this matter, she just thought that Li Ziqian suddenly changed the subject and started discussing with her about the need to revise the article after writing ten thousand articles. sex.

So, she asked Li Ziqian in a slightly confused tone,

"For you, you can change it from 2k4 to 5k, and 7k to 1w2 at one time. Can you fix it?"


Although it was not the first time I heard about this, Li Ziqian was still very shocked.

The last time Mo Nanbei just told her that there would be more words after the second repair, but... after hearing the actual number, he was still unavoidably surprised.

He took a deep breath and asked Mo Nanbei with an unbelievable attitude,

"What the hell, what did you write the first time?"

"Write a text normally, but sometimes I skip a little detail." Mo Nanbei blinked and explained innocently.

"One hundred million points?"

"No no no.

It's really rare that it's close to a million.

That's really what I wrote until I was a little annoyed. "


"Specifically, that kind of situation mostly occurs in the later stage of the codeword.

Because I usually write down six thousand or seven thousand in one breath, at least five thousand in one breath.

Sitting directly in front of a chair will take three hours less, so I often feel impatient.

But don't have the patience to write! I forced myself to write, but I didn't have the patience, so I jumped to write, giving myself the illusion that I was about to be done.

And then... um... After that, I don't know when I started to develop this habit.

Even if you want to be passionate about 4,000, you will write 2,400 first, and then go back and revise it. "

While speaking, Mo Nanbei had the urge to cry. really hardworking.

woo woo woo woo.

while listening to ink

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