My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 139: duck doesn't have to ===

"You're too much! It's really too much, I'll tell you!!!"

Before the real action, Mo Nanbei warned Li Ziqian symbolically.

Of course.

For Li Ziqian, Bantam Mankikang's warning was completely deterrent.

"Okay, then you're angry."

To be honest, he really wanted to see what Mo Nanbei's anger was like.

Especially this kind of angry look after the quarrel has not been quarreled.

Really is

So much looking forward to it! ! !

Thinking of this, Li Ziqian simply leaned on the back of the seat, put his arms around his chest, and looked at Mo Nanbei with a leisurely look, waiting for her to make a big move in the future.

Coincidentally, this action, the change in Li Ziqian's expression, and what he was thinking about were all understood by Mo Nanbei.

good guy!

How can it be so!

Mo Nanbei felt that his dignity was greatly challenged.

This doesn't work.

She had to find a chance to get revenge.


In vain!

Just looking at Li Ziqian like this, no matter how angry she is, it will only increase the other party's entertainment attributes, which is completely useless to herself.


Gotta find another way.

Just, suddenly, let the other party completely unexpected or something.

That being so

After thinking about the logic conversion for a while, Mo Nanbei has a new plan.

I saw Mo Nanbei instantly converged to the expression on his face, his brows turned from anger to frown, and his expression changed from anger to grievance.

She slid down from the chair, sat on the ground and hugged her knees, and then burst out crying at a speed that shocked Li Ziqiandu.

"Wow!!!! You bully people!!!"

At first, Li Ziqian thought that Mo Nanbei was bluffing.

But what he never expected was that the moment Mo Nanbei shouted these words, tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes.

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ? ?

Others are stupid.

What is this?

For a while, he couldn't tell the composition of Mo Nanbei.

Is she really crying, or is she pretending? ? ? ?

really cry?

Not so much?

He has been playing with Mo Nanbei until now, so there must be some sense of proportion, right?

And if Mo Nanbei can't afford to cry because of this kind of joke, then the two of them won't have a friendly communication for more than a month?

Is that what it was made of?

no? ? ?

Can it be dressed like this?

The tears are coming down too fast, right?

Sure enough, women are all made of water?

Would someone like Mo Nanbei whose head was full of water shed tears faster?

For a while, Li Ziqian became confused.


This confusion is just between lightning and flint.

After being stunned for two seconds, he took a deep breath.

No matter if Mo Nanbei is pretending or real, he has to be coaxed!

How much crying is a little pitiful.

But then I thought about it again, I couldn't argue anymore, I sat on the ground and started crying, what kind of stinky idiot!


Ah this.

While her mood was extremely complicated, Li Ziqian squatted beside Mo Nanbei, hugged Mo Nanbei, and patted her on the back.

"My dear, it's wrong, don't cry anymore."

"You, bully!!!!"

Not comforting is okay.

With this comfort, Mo Nanbei cried even more. While sobbing, he continued to accuse Li Ziqian in a loud voice.

"No bullying, no bullying."

"Wow!!! You also said I'm not human!!!"

Li Ziqian:

No, it's all like this, why is this person's thinking still so clear?

Too much!

After all, you are crying, why don't you be a little dedicated to your work? ! !

I have to say, Mo Nanbei's strange obsession once again made the atmosphere in the room weird.

Should I say that Mo Nanbei is cute or stupid?

never mind.

Another meaning of cute is not stupid, and there is no difference.

"I didn't say you were not human, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Mo Nanbei's tears slipping down his eyes and the tendency of a flood to burst, Li Ziqian hurriedly put away the strange thoughts and complaints in his mind, and hurriedly continued to comfort Mo Nanbei.

"You are still murdering me! Saying that I talk nonsense! Don't even let me talk!!"

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ? ?

"No, I didn't."

"You also said that what I said was wrong!! You are bullying people!!!!"

Said, accompanied by a burst of wow! , Mo Nanbei's cry rose by another level.


Ah this.

Ah this! ! !

He was all too familiar with this phrase.

He had thought that Mo Nanbei would one day retaliate with his own way.

However, he never imagined that this day would come so early.

Never thought that Mo Nanbei would take revenge in this way.

what is coming.


Double it back, a hundred times it back, right?

But the so-called stand at attention to be beaten, the attitude must be positive and sincere.

In order to coax Mo Nanbei for a while, Li Ziqian also gave up explaining and dragged Mo Nanbei to analyze. Are you really saying this because of grievance or because you want to take revenge on me.

He directly apologized to Mo Nanbei,

"No, no, I was wrong, I shouldn't bully you."

"Didn't you just say you didn't bully me? Did you just lie to me?"

Li Ziqian:


Originally it was just some speculation, but now he is certain, Mo Nanbei is just revenge.

But partial.

He also had absolutely no way of taking this revenge.

After all, who can really bear to continue to bully a tearful short-legged Mankikang?

Appearance is useful.

Temperament is also useful.

There is no need for other arguments, just look at Mo Nanbei, who is as ambitious as this villain, doesn't he understand everything?

A small lump of melon, with tears in her eyes, because she couldn't fight, she was in a hurry, and finally sat on the ground and cried angrily, relying on her loveliness and the mercy of her master to win back a city or something

And who can bear not to get used to her in this regard?

I feel that it is not impossible if she is holding such a lore trump card in terms of tearing each other.

Although it's quite tiring when coaxed.


She is so cute!

that is

I hope Mo Nanbei can work hard so that he can bully her even harder for a while in the future.

In this way, the crying is more powerful or something, it seems to be more cute.

"Why don't you talk!!! You don't want to talk to me!!!!"


Li Ziqian, who was immersed in thought, forgot to answer Mo Nanbei's question for a while.

And Mo Nanbei seized this gap and carried out a wave of spiritual output on him.

Li Ziqian:

"No, dear."

In order to prevent Mo Nanbei from talking back further, he turned his face and kissed Mo Nanbei's cheek.

Sure enough, this method effectively stopped Mo Nanbei's speech.

After the kiss, Li Ziqian slightly reminisced about the taste of this time.


a little salty?

Is it because of the tears that slipped before?

Can it be so obvious?

Li Ziqian, who has a thirst for knowledge and an exploration in his heart, has absolutely no selfish thoughts, lowered his head again, and kissed Mo Nanbei twice on the cheek.

It seems that he failed to taste a more specific taste, and finally he stuck out his tongue.

Mo Nanbei: Д? ? ? ?

Stay, stay, stay, stay.

Since Li Ziqian hugged Mo Nanbei, Mo Nanbei has completed the above evolution one after another.

It's definitely out of breath now.

After all, she wasn't really angry.

She cried out just because she was really aggrieved today!

Losing the phone in the pocket and thus missing out on benefits, what level of idiot can do!

Seeing that Mo Nanbei was stunned, and the tears did not tend to fall, but just sniffed slightly, choked up slightly, Li Ziqian hurriedly asked Mo Nanbei,

"Are you all right? Stop crying?"

After being silent for two seconds, Mo Nanbei snorted twice, blinked at Li Ziqian and tilted his head, and then replied,

"It's okay, I can still cry."

Li Ziqian:

"Duck doesn't have to. Be good, be good, stop crying, stop crying."

While speaking, Li Ziqian hurriedly stretched out his hand and frantically rubbed the top of Mo Nanbei's head, trying to appease Mo Nanbei's mood by this means.

cry or something.

Although quite cute.

But if he really couldn't stop crying, he would still feel distressed more or less.

This is the advantage of being good-looking.

This is the sore spot that comes with powerful beauty filters when falling in love.

And Mo Nanbei didn't respond to Li Ziqian's words, and continued to pouted silently, sobbing from time to time.

"Don't be wronged! Be good! Tell me, how can I coax you to be happy?"

Finally, when Li Ziqian said these words, Mo Nanbei's eyes lit up.

good guy.

Finally made me wait for this sentence.

"If you let me take a picture in women's clothes, I won't feel wronged." Mo Nanbei replied grumblingly.

Li Ziqian:

good guy.

I'm being polite to you, but you're really being so **** rude?

He could see it.

Mo Nanbei cried, feeling a little angry, incompetent and furious, but then this guy was so smart, he started calculating.

good guy.

Originally, he thought that Mo Nanbei would give a little face to hide his true intentions or something.

But he never imagined that Mo Nanbei would play a clear card with him here.

Seeing that Li Ziqian didn't mean to answer at all, and even looked speechless, Mo Nanbei pursed his lips, and continued to ask with an aggrieved and pitiful expression,

"Can't you?"


Is there no such thing as an option?

Li Ziqian knew that whenever there was a word in his mouth now, Mo Nanbei would be waiting for him to cry and screech wildly on the wall.

Obviously, he was cowardly.

"Then change it now, okay?"

Now Mo Nanbei has already resorted to any means in order to achieve his goals.

She even pinched Li Ziqian's cuff, dangling around and started acting like a spoiled child.

Because of the slightly nasal little tail sound after crying, because of the eyes that sparkled in the light of the crying tears, the hands that dangled their sleeves


Why does this person always go all out in strange places? ? ?

Can she use this skill in the right way?

Too much!

Tell the truth.

But Tucao is Tucao, and the things that promised Mo Nanbei had to be done now.

After a few sighs, Li Ziqian got up from the ground and walked back to the bedroom to change clothes.

three minutes later.

Someone contentedly held the mobile phone and sat in front of the computer desk with a smirk on his face.

"Hey hey, let's play games."

Li Ziqian:

She felt that some intangible historical descendants could find a way to contact Mo Nanbei.

Just at the speed of this face-changing, it's really a pity not to do something big.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

After saying these words, Li Ziqian was very tired.

He feels that the happiness that he has gained from the routine Mo Nanbei these days is not as much as the happiness that Mo Nanbei has gained himself.

It can be seen that Mo Nanbei is the kind of model who can either stand still or play a big role.

Not much.

This wave of losses, he has to find a way to make it back.

Although Mo Nanbei's triumphant appearance is quite cute, but! ! ! ! He got it cheap!

Not long after the game started, Mo Nanbei suddenly spoke to Li Ziqian again,

"I said, May Day is still a long way off."

"Well, it's okay." Li Ziqian replied.

"It's quite far, and it feels like it's still a long time before we can go out to play."

"That can't be helped, just wait."

"Well, what I mean is, you don't think about it in the test. Before we go out to play on May 1, let's go out to play again."

"Specific?" Upon hearing this, Li Ziqian paused slightly when he went home to buy equipment.

Listening to Mo Nanbei's words means that she has other plans for the near future?

"Do you think about this weekend's Comic Con?"

Comic Con? ?


Yu Yi mentioned this to him before, and what he thought at the time was to go with Mo Nanbei.

This guy's 2D concentration looks like he's going to love Comic-Con.

But there were too many things, and he forgot about it.

After all, it was Yu Yiti.

And Yu Yi or something.

Is he important?


"Okay, let's go!"

All right.

Now happily forget what is appropriate, forget what brother's invitation, and negotiate with Mo Nanbei about going to the comic exhibition.

Today's update is here.

I'm in a bad mood today, so far.

In other words, I probably understood why my back hurts so much recently.

It's just the arm that hurts.

I analyzed it carefully, and then I got the answer to this thing in a dream.

At once.

I'm so cute, I'm going to grow wings.

After thinking about the location, I found no problem at all.

This dream should be a precognition dream.

Well, no problem, it must be like this.


Ah, I will try my best to update it tomorrow, to be honest.

I accidentally fell asleep this afternoon, otherwise an update will be sent this afternoon.

ε′ο` alas

Sorry, Minasang.

Okay, that's it, see you tomorrow.

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