My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 148: Such a gift ===

While holding Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian felt that the two of them got along very well.

After walking into the shop that looked very 'magnificent', he carefully avoided the surrounding shelves and began to browse row by row.


After about two rows, Mo Nanbei covered his mouth with one hand and made a wow Jue Ji sound.

"What's wrong?"

Because the front are all female character figures and some recent popular anime figures, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, these little things are good-looking, but they are still less attractive to him.

"It's so expensive." Mo Nanbei snorted a few times when he said that.


Listening to Mo Nanbei's emotion, Li Ziqiancai looked at the inconspicuous price tag in the showcase.

good guy.

2333 yuan.

6666 yuan.

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ?

It's that he doesn't understand the second dimension.

From now on he has been expelled twice.

"No, is the price of this thing so exaggerated?"

Li Ziqian twitched the corners of his mouth, stretched out his finger and asked Mo Nanbei a certain bunny girl figure priced at 2333 in the showcase.

"It's really a bit pompous here."

Mo Nanbei replied to Li Ziqian,

"For comparison, for the same figurines compared to the same period last year, the ones here are more expensive than those purchased by members, and some specialty stores on Sakura Island are at least five hundred to one thousand less expensive.

Then I don't understand this 6666 very well, and the workmanship is not much better than the normal figure.

Just... the premium is too serious. "

After speaking, Mo Nanbei frowned in confusion.

"Understood, right?" Li Ziqian suddenly understood.


In fact, the purpose of this store should not be to sell these thousands of dollars, but to sell those small thousand or early two thousand.

Tsk tsk, it is really a good grasp of human shopping psychology. "

"Huh? How do you say it?"

Then Mo Nanbei gave him a detailed knowledge of the cost, pricing and market price of the figure.

Taking these basic knowledge and looking at these figures, Li Ziqian felt that what Mo Nanbei said was very reasonable.

This kind of store really grasps the human shopping psychology.

Generally speaking, in the vast majority of cases, people spend more money than the budget when buying things.

The budget was 1000, maybe 1500 to 2000 was spent in the end.

Those who can come here to see the figures are naturally prepared with a part of the money, and in their pockets, there is a small thousand and two thousand funds that are ready to be purchased.

After all, most of the two-thorned apes are now instilled in the value of the figure, bringing a dozen yuan, two hundred yuan to buy this exquisite figure, there are few in my heart.

In this case, it is hard not to be moved when looking at the figurines with inflated prices in the front showcase, and seeing the figurines in the back where the workmanship is 'not much worse' and 'much cheaper'.

Expensive I can't afford it, can you and I still do it?

It fits your budget perfectly, or a little bit less than the budget.

In this case, most people will choose to pay for it.

Be deceived by the so-called 'gap' and forget the price the item should have.

In fact, a figure of this level can sell for over 1,000.


However, Mo Nanbei thought she was a smart person.

Unless this figure is labeled with a discount, buy one get one free, etc., she will not be on it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there is indeed a saying that is true!"

"What?" Li Ziqian asked Mo Nanbei.

"Without the money, you can make more money. But without the can make more money!!!"

Li Ziqian:  …

What should he expect?

"let's go."

Grabbing the hood behind the amazing Mo Nanbei sweater, Li Ziqian dragged Mo Nanbei out of the store.

"Where are we going next?", Li Ziqian asked Mo Nanbei after walking out of the store and visiting all the black-hearted businesses around.

"Um...let me think about it."

Before Mo Nanbei could finish thinking about what to answer, Li Ziqian's phone suddenly rang.

It's Yu Yi's phone number.

Although he was a little puzzled, after signaling Mo Nanbei to wait for a while and be calm, he answered the phone.


"Hey hey hey! Brother! Big brother! My brother! No, no, no, you can call your father! Where are you now???"

Yu Yi's anxious voice came from the other end.

Li Ziqian: ...?

Is this... such a gift?

"What's wrong?" Li Ziqian asked.

Seeing that the other party was called Dad, Li Ziqian didn't hang up the phone immediately and turned to text to ask him what was wrong, but rarely picked up the phone and waited for what Yu Yi was going to say next.


After hesitating for a few seconds, Yu Yi asked Li Ziqian with a very conscientious business.

"Would you mind coming to that convention center today?"

"Which convention center? What's wrong?"

"It's the one on Xiaoyi Road, isn't it a comic exhibition today! I'll send you the address later."

Li Ziqian: ...?

Can he say he happens to be here right now?

"Is something wrong?" Li Ziqian continued to ask Yu Yi because he happened to be at the place of the incident.

"That's it... I found a shop with a friend to jointly set up a stall, and as a result, I was forced to eat some devil's spicy noodles last night.

sent directly.

This morning, I got up for the time being, and I saw the store with me, but now, after several trips to the toilet, the person fell directly to the ground.

There are three of us, one died, the other dragged the dead to the hospital, and I was the only one left to be too busy! ! !

If there are two people left, it will be fine, but I am the only one left. If there is something missing, or if the turnover is lower than the target, we will still pay for it! ! "

Li Ziqian:  …

What the **** is this!


Li Ziqian rubbed his temples with some headache and said to Yu Yi,

"Then whoever eats devil's spicy food, who do you ask to make up for this loss?"

"If he can take it out, I will recognize this wave!!!

The key is that this compulsion is purely for free prostitution! !

The situation at his house is actually quite delicate, and if it is not a last resort, I don't want to make trouble like this.

Even if...even if it is clear that this person is unreliable, I will definitely not take him with this kind of thing in the future, but when it comes to dealing with still have to be a person, right? Everyone is more than just making too much trouble..."

"I'm very busy today."

Li Ziqian understood what Yu Yi said, so he didn't finish listening to what Yu Yi said, and directly stated his position.

Hearing Li Ziqian's words, Yu Yi panicked.

He is true, there is no one to come to the rescue! ! !

So, he hurriedly said,

"Don't, don't, help!!!!

Come and help me for a while!

Up to two hours at most! ! ! !

I found two people who had cram schools in the morning and said they would come to help me after class in the afternoon. "

Li Ziqian:  …

When Li Ziqian answered the phone, he didn't wear a headset. Even though the phone's voice was not too loud or too small, Mo Nanbei's pointed ears could clearly hear the appropriate words on the phone.

Hearing the mourning coming from the receiver, Mo Nanbei frowned slightly. After pursing her lips a few times, she poked Li Ziqian twice and said to him,

" go and save him?"

Hearing this voice, Mo Nanbei tentatively had a slight impression of this person.

Li Ziqian seemed to have eaten with him before, and the two still looked like good friends.


Although Li Ziqian had not introduced this strange son to her, she... had paid attention to it herself.


It was obviously because the two of them happened to sit next to her every time they went out to eat alone.

At this time, Mo Nanbei forced herself to forget that when she went to the cafeteria to eat with the plastic sisters, she was the one who picked the place.

The other party is called Dad, they are so acquainted, and it only takes two hours at most...

To be honest, if Li Ziqian really went to help, even if today was a rare date, she wouldn't mind very much.

After all, she just bought a lot of comics, and she was worried that she couldn't find time to read it while playing with Li Ziqian every day.

Therefore, if Li Ziqian went and returned quickly, she would not even have the idea of ​​being unhappy.

After all, Li Ziqian is going to suffer and be busy, and she can also sit leisurely in the cafe and enjoy a leisurely afternoon.

Hold the grass.

It was unexpectedly happy and a little excited.

Listening to Mo Nanbei's remarks, Li Ziqian lowered his eyes slightly, ignoring the continuing mourning over the phone and the faint banging of his head knocking on the desktop.

He said to Yu Yi on the other end of the phone,

"Wait for me to think about it."

"do not!!!"

"I'm dating."


Hearing Li Ziqian's words, Yu Yi took a deep breath.

He suddenly realized the subtlety and seriousness of this matter.

"Then think about it slowly!!! I'm sorry!! Brother!!!"

After saying this, Yu Yi hung up the phone.



Li Ziqian didn't know what to say to Mo Nanbei for a while.

He opened his mouth, then closed it again.

Mo Nanbei seemed to see Li Ziqian's embarrassment, so she took the lead and said,

"Huh? Just go and save him, it just so happens that we're not here too.

I go to the cafe to eat delicious food, read comics, and then you go to work as a laborer, and come back to me when you're done, that's right. "

Li Ziqian:  …

No, why is Mo Nanbei smiling so happily?

To be honest, this smile once made him a little scared.

After staring at Mo Nanbei for a few seconds, Li Ziqian said,

"Forget it, don't go."

He just thought about it calmly.

After all, it was his agreement with Mo Nanbei that came first, and after making an appointment with him, it was not good to leave it aside.

"No, let's go."

Li Ziqian:  …

Hearing Mo Nanbei's words, Li Ziqian suddenly panicked.

There was always a sense of what he was doing to give a proposition.

The mood suddenly became complicated.


"no no."

Mo Nanbei could see the hesitation and entanglement on Li Ziqian's expression, she quickly waved her hand and comforted Li Ziqian,

"It's not ironic, you just go. To be honest, I really want to read comics. Now, it's good for you to get out."

Li Ziqian:  …

"Really?" Li Ziqian raised his eyebrows slightly and asked Mo Nanbei tentatively.

"Really! What did I lie to you for? If I don't want you to go, I'll just say it."

With that said, Mo Nanbei raised his hand and poked Li Ziqian hard.


"Really really really!"

"Then I really went?"

"just go!"

"Really really gone?"

Mo Nanbei:  …

Is it over yet? ? ? ?

Thinking of this, Mo Nanbei rolled his eyes, changed his previous attitude, and cursed at Li Ziqian very irritably,

"Can you get out of here?"

"You actually let me go, woo woo woo."

Mo Nanbei: ?

Is this Li Ziqian seriously ill?

"Okay, don't make a fuss, help me get the things, I'll buy the stutter, and then you hurry up and save your good brother.

Remember, go early and return early, up to two hours. "

Li Ziqian: ?

"Ah? Buying food? Didn't you go to the cafe to eat?" Li Ziqian was puzzled for a while.

To this, Mo Nanbei's response was,

"Yeah, I'm going to eat, what are you eating? Just go to the toilet and eat some **** to solve it?"

"What are you..."

"Okay, hurry up!"

"okok, see you here later."



Five minutes later, Mo Nanbei walked back with a bag of food.

"So many?" Looking at Mo Nanbei's bag full of dangdang, Li Ziqian was a little confused.

He... can't eat so much?

Why did Mo Nanbei buy so much?

Are you really raising him like a pig?

Ok? ? ? ?

And Mo Nanbei was stunned when she heard Li Ziqian's inexplicable question.

After thinking for a while, she understood where the miscommunication between the two of them was.

So she put on a very surprised expression and said to Li Ziqian,

"No, you are so cruel."


"You eat, and then let that big brother watch you eat?"

Listening to Mo Nanbei's explanation, Li Ziqian suddenly realized.


He himself has a complete set of logic in this matter.

So, he replied to Mo Nanbei,

"Yeah, my girlfriend bought it for me, what to do for him."

Mo Nanbei:  …

"It seems to make sense." Mo Nanbei nodded, affirming Li Ziqian's logic.

Oh indeed.

There is nothing wrong with what Li Ziqian said.


"That's fine, you can eat it yourself, and put it aside if you can't eat it."

"Grass, you are too dog."

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ?

"Hurry up!!!", she raised her hand and pushed Li Ziqian forward.

Oh shit!

I don't want to spend more time with this person for a second! ! ! !

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving." Li Ziqian responded, patting away Mo Nanbei's pushing hand.

"Well, goodbye." Mo Nanbei is indifferent.jpg.

"Don't miss me too much~"

"Well, goodbye." Mo Nanbei is indifferent jpg+1.

"I'll be right back."

"Well, goodbye." Mo Nanbei +2jpg indifferently.

"You perfunctory me, do you want me to go and read the comics.

I get it, I can't compare to comics. "

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ?

Does she know you well today?

Very considerate, right?

Works well, right?

What's the matter with this person?

Do you want to be beaten up?

Is this how he repays his great kindness?

Too much! ! ! !

But thinking about it, this may be Li Ziqian's awkward expression of his gratitude to himself, and Mo Nanbei's raised hand and the national quintessence of his mouth stopped.

After thinking for a while, she temporarily put her pocket full of comics on the ground, walked to Li Ziqian's side, wrapped her arms around him and hugged him gently, then tiptoed and sipped his cheek. .

"Well, that's it, go early and return early."

After saying this, Mo Nanbei picked up his pocket and ran away without looking back.


Today's update is here.

Look at other people's dk.

When someone places an order, you don't have to catch it to death, you have a role to play.

People's ad is not c, so they take the jerk, so the assistant keeps swimming.

Other people's junglers are blind, and they will help the building to fall.

I Nima


No, I've been wondering today why I'm watching this year's game.

It's like being tortured.

Find yourself uncomfortable.


As for the middle order.


In yesterday's game, did a certain Royal Army team have a mid laner?

Wasn't it a four-five-five loss? ? ?

Oh wor.

Great resentment.




This year is destined to be a breakout year.

I announce that from today onwards, my goal of watching the game is whether the rise of the Demon King or the fascination of Brother Rongguang.


It's hard not to suffer from this.

No, I must rant about it.

This bp, it's your mother's p! A control team, why put Olaf, why? ? why why why? ? ? ?

Can't handle the male gun? Can you?

C can't, can you get some team heroes? Can you be a little clearer and know who the father is?

It's all over the world, can you be a little enlightened! Don't keep your mother a **** kda!

Operation Operation Operation!

You are scolded for saving your life, and you are scolded when you are sick. Can you show it off and work hard! !

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

People are crazy.

Say bp, play your mother luden cat.

No, can you not play, can you not have a bunch of Luden cats with a few crispy skins.

Missing that q? ? ? Missing? ? ?

Can't deal with the barbarian king, can you ban it, can you? Can you please don't give it away! What a mid laner that madly sent an entire team.

Oh wor.

The blood pressure raised by watching the game in the past two days broke out yesterday.


send! ! ! !

I announce that this year's League of Legends World Championship is canceled due to the pandemic.

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