My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 157: youjumpijump

Mo Ranqiu turned around and saw that Mo Nanbei was like a stubborn Shiba Inu led by its owner.

Ink dye autumn: …

"What's wrong?"

The complicated mood was stirred up by Mo Nanbei for a while.

The center of the organization's emotions was overwhelmed, and Mo Ranqiu laughed out loud.

"What's wrong with you looking like this?"

When asked this question to Mo Nanbei, Mo Ranqiu's voice had an unstoppable smile.


Before Mo Nanbei finished speaking, Li Ziqian answered,

"She is sick every day, so don't worry about her."

Mo Ranqiu: ...?

Good guy, is this deliberately calling me back to show dog food?

Rao is also suspicious of Mo Ranqiu, who has a high opinion of Mo Nanbei.

Looking at the doubts on Mo Ranqiu's face and Li Ziqian's gradually increasing strength, Mo Nanbei finally swallowed the 'please for help' he wanted to call out earlier.

Mo Nanbei:…


Dad just wanted to call you.


The words in his head were waiting for options, causing Mo Nanbei to bite his tongue again.

All I can say is that since she is used to scolding Li Ziqian, it is really getting harder and harder for her to talk casually outside.

"I just wanted to ask you, won't you be hungry if you just jump without eating?"

Mo Ranqiu: ...?

Why does she think Mo Nanbei is a dumb girl?

Bungee jumping after dinner?

Do you think you can't do a high-altitude jet?


"You're not hungry, let's eat after dancing."

However, Rao was puzzled. With his eyes wearing filters, Mo Ranqiu's response to Mo Nanbei was still 'decent'.

"Mmmmm...Okay. Then you can walk a little slower, it's still early before our appointment, right...??"

Hearing Mo Ranqiu's face-saving reply, Mo Nanbei twitched the corners of his mouth and continued to look for a topic and said to Mo Ranqiu.


Looking at Mo Nanbei a little confused, Mo Ranqiu was full of footsteps and walked beside Mo Nanbei.

In this way, Mo Nan held Li Ziqian on the left and Mo Ranqiu on the right, and was dragged towards the entrance with a strange posture.

Ink dye autumn: …


It was fear.

But if you are afraid, why go?

Because you want to challenge yourself?

Due to her character, Mo Ranqiu didn't express the doubts in her heart, but just continued to walk forward.

Soon, fifteen minutes later, inside the fence, on the high platform.

At this time, Mo Nanbei was arguing against Li Ziqian.

"Jump together! youjumpijump!!"

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ?

What is it about Youjumpijump that makes you use it here?

Did you drag me to death?

Feeling bungee jumping today is there anything special about him?

Didn't he come to see the fun? ? ?

Not long ago, just after listening to the precautions and protective measures, before Li Ziqian could deny it, Mo Nanbei had already told the staff about the corresponding things.

Now that the two have put on protective suits, everything has been arranged, and they can follow the staff to jump as long as they want.

What about cowardly?

What about fear of heights?

It is true that when Mo Nanbei wanted to drag him into the water at first, he was dismissive.

Because he felt that Mo Nanbei, a coward, would definitely not dare to jump at the last critical moment.

After all, people who are afraid of heights should try bungee jumping?

Isn't this challenging your heart's ability to withstand it?

There is nothing wrong with Li Ziqianpan's logic. Mo Nanbei's hands were shaking for a long time before he changed his clothes, and there were only two words "give up" in his blank brain.


One thing that Li Ziqian miscalculated, at the juncture of life and death, Mo Nanbei's rotten attribute began to play a role.

Today is a very special day for Mo Ranqiu. As a friend, I need to give her face and celebrate, and I didn't react or refuse at first. Now... it's not very good.

The significance of this activity today is to let Mo Ranqiu forget all the bad things in the past, break through himself and start from scratch.

She is so scared and withdrawn, what if something bad happens together?

Everyone's thoughts will change greatly under the influence of emotions and circumstances.

Out of worry about Mo Ranqiu's state, she didn't want this girl who finally wanted to be 'better' to herself suddenly think more, she still bit her head and gritted her teeth to hold on.

Admittedly, this is the 'careless' part.

The rest is selfish...

Since 'death' cannot escape, then lie down.

For her, there are two paths in front of her now.

Either accept death calmly, or drag someone to die with her.

Since there is a choice, it must be the latter!

-Today, she will drag Li Ziqian and jump with her! ! !

The idea suddenly opened up, so she started to act extremely efficiently, dragging Li Ziqian directly to die with her!

And sure enough, the subsequent developments developed as Mo Nanbei calculated.

Because Li Ziqian couldn't beat Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian, who couldn't find the steps despite her provocation, followed Mo Nanbei all the way to the 'rooftop'.

After all, it is not a facility dedicated to bungee jumping like an amusement park. Although the equipment is comprehensive, because it is located in the city center and for the convenience of control and safety, if you want two people to jump down together, the weight of the two people who are jumping together needs to be strictly controlled. controlled.

Coincidentally, Li Ziqian + Mo Nanbei meet this specification.

All in all, Li Ziqian, who was tightly squeezed with Mo Nanbei at this time, was full of regrets.

Why am I not getting fat anymore?

Why don't I come over to eat more today?

Why do I…

Although he is not afraid of heights, and sometimes even looks forward to bungee jumping, it is not what he wants to "force" him to bungee jump in this way!

It was as if he had succumbed to Mo Nanbei's lewd power.

Cricket is a Mo Nanbei! With her also worthy? !


This account, he will pay it back as soon as possible! !

On the other hand, Mo Nanbei's heart was filled with joy.

At this time, the fear of heights in her heart has been 'Drag Li Ziqian into the water! ' replaced by happiness.

very nice!

Thankfully I didn't eat much tonight.

Fortunately, I went home and exercised recently.


Otherwise, Li Ziqian would not be counted today.

The plan is in the last step because it doesn't meet the set requirements or something...

It's really mind blowing!

But fortunately, hey hey hey...

Li Ziqian will die with her today!

But having said that, because of the relationship between the height difference and the weight difference, in fact, the initiative to jump or not to jump is still in Li Ziqian's hands.

It's just that Mo Nanbei, who was extremely excited, didn't seem to realize this.

Thinking that she was winning, she once again started to dance in the minefield.

After all, for these two people, it is more uncomfortable to take advantage of the victory without chasing, pushing the nose and not putting on the face, and not bullying others, than letting them admit to each other.

As a result, Mo Nanbei did not hesitate at all, and at the same time his brows were raised, he provoked Li Ziqian,

"Hey, I said, what are you doing standing here?

Is it possible to do something special? Pick one for my grandfather? "

Li Ziqian: ?

Be dumb if you can't speak?

Looking down at Mo Nanbei, Li Ziqian's brows were slightly raised as she looked at her cowardly and brave appearance.

I always felt that this Mo Nanbei was a little too arrogant today.

Is she not aware of her situation?

So, without any warning, Li Ziqian walked forward.

Mo Nanbei: ! ! ! !

At this moment, Mo Nanbei realized that something was wrong.

Grass! !

Why am I being dragged away again!

Don't ah ah ah!

I'm not ready yet!

what-! ! !

Before he could even shout, Mo Nanbei felt that he had lost control of his body.

The moment he fell, his head was gray.

The whistling of the wind filled his ears.

The sense of weightlessness on his body made Mo Nanbei instinctively raise his hand to grab Li Ziqian, as if he was going to look for your back even if he died.

Soon, in just a short moment, she was suspended in mid-air, and the rope was slowly bringing the two of them closer to the air cushion below.

"Just...that's it?"

When his soul was still uncertain, Mo Nanbei continued to speak harshly to Li Ziqian while panting heavily.

Li Ziqian: ?

"Would you mind letting go of your hand before you say goodbye?"

Mo Nanbei: ?

What's the meaning?

Confused, Mo Nanbei looked up at Li Ziqian with a solemn expression.

Li Ziqian: …

"I think if I die, I should be exhausted by you."

It is true that even through the thick protective clothing, the experience on the chest is not bad, but... this feeling of suffocation is still unbearable.

ah this...

"Sorry, sorry, cough, I don't think you can blame me for this wave."

"Don't blame who you blame?"

"It's your fault! You are such an idiot, you don't say a word, you start to jump down! You are not going to die!!"

"The dog provoked first."

Until the staff came to help the two untie the ropes and guide them out of the safe passage, the war between the two of them continued.

By the time they called the express elevator back to the top floor, Mo Ranqiu's safety preparations had already been completed.

At this time, Mo Ranqiu stood quietly on the high platform, with her back to the springboard, and smiled slightly at Mo Nanbei who was standing behind the fence and waved at her.

Immediately, she closed her eyes.

The wind is extra noisy on the upper floors, but because of Linxia, ​​it is not cold, but there is a refreshing feeling, which makes Mo Ranqiu feel very comfortable.

She opened her arms and quietly felt the tranquility that belonged to her.

Is this what freedom feels like?

If there are no ropes, if there are no people around, if there is no…

Well, forget it.

The thoughts in my mind were messy, and finally it changed into the simplest sentence:

- Jump off and start over.

Whether you are born or not, where you were born, what you look like, what childhood and memories you have, are not something you can decide and choose.


She can choose her own future.

If you are blindly shackled by the past, the potential future with the possibility of happiness will never wave to her.

So, now, it's time to say goodbye to everything.

Put yourself first, try to be selfish, try to be independent, try to be rebellious, try to be kind to yourself.

While thinking like this, Mo Ranqiu took a step back and fell backwards.

"Hey, look at people, and then look at you."

At this time, Li Ziqian, who was standing next to Mo Nanbei, said to Mo Nanbei with a 'disgusting face'.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

"Look at others, elegance is timeless, how about you?"

"Me? I'm just trash!"

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ?

"Okay, you are awesome."

"That's not a big deal, otherwise how would I call your father?" Mo Nanbei answered with pride and pride.

So, without the slightest surprise, the two of them 'pinched' again.

On the side, even if they didn't watch for a long time, they were forced to get used to the 'noisy' two security uncles and the narrators, all shook their heads helplessly, and sighed in their hearts, 'Perhaps, this is young Bar…'.

Mo Ranqiu, who jumped down, didn't know that his behavior caused the "fight" between the two.

At this moment, she was enjoying this moment with all her heart and soul.

After jumping down, the wind whistled, and the surroundings were noisy and quiet.

Consciousness seems to be separated from the body, and it seems to be still in this body.

It's an amazing feeling.

Very short, but very long.

'Sure enough, as I thought. ’

Mo Ranqiu, who felt that it was not very wonderful, was forced to turn to the front and slowly slide down because of the direction of the rope, and recalled the wonderful moment before, and couldn't help thinking.

As the rope slowly fell, she felt that the pressure on her body was decreasing little by little, and her mood became more and more excited as she got closer to the ground.

At some point, the expression on her face had long since changed from expressionless and slightly lonely to a soft smile.

When she came to the ground and followed the staff out of the passage, she found that Mo Nanbei and Li Ziqian were already waiting for her at the door.

Ink dye autumn: …

I always feel that these two are really a natural couple in a sense.

How could it be so, energetic and lively.

Wouldn't it be nice to just wait for her to go up there and have dinner together?

Can't you be lazy?

So, she doesn't understand.

I don't know, but I envy these people.

Like some kind of dog, it has inexhaustible energy.

Thinking of this, Mo Ranqiu couldn't help but think of the fierce fight between the two before bungee jumping on the high platform.

So... can life actually be 'successful' and fun like this?

There is no so-called quarrel, only play and slapstick, conflicts can be communicated, and favorite hobbies are also allowed...

She, too, thought so.

But first, she felt she needed to observe the two men.

After all, as far as her current brain circuit is concerned, she doesn't quite understand why these two people can live an ordinary life with such a virtue.

"Hey hey hey! Here and here!"

Mo Nanbei, who was standing aside, watched Mo Ranqiu suddenly stand in a daze, she jumped up and waved at Mo Ranqiu.


Imitating Mo Nanbei's tone and actions, Mo Ranqiu also raised his hand and waved it towards the front.

This feeling is not bad, just a little tired.

However, learning art and comics also starts from imitation. Presumably this attitude and mentality is also possible.

Thinking like this, Mo Ranqiu raised the corners of his mouth like Mo Nanbei and walked forward.

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