My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 164: Let's go to **** together ===

"What are you kicking me for!?

It's not that I scare you! ? ? ? ? ?

Also, why are you using so much energy! ? King Kong Barbie? Dear? ? ? ? "

Although he kicked Li Ziqian, Mo Nanbei was still unreasonable and strong, unapologetically replied to Li Ziqian,

"Who made you so close to me?"

"What's the matter, being close to you is a reason to be kicked by you for no reason?"

Mo Nanbei:  …

"I didn't try too hard, what are you calling me!"

Mo Nanbei, who knew that he was wrong, blinked and quibble at Li Ziqian.

"No effort??? Why are you telling your father again???"

Obviously, Li Ziqian did not agree with Mo Nanbei's sentence of 'not working hard'.


Looking at Li Ziqian's appearance, Mo Nanbei still felt a little guilty.

"Right?" Li Ziqian grabbed the tone at the end of Mo Nanbei's sentence and asked her back.

"Just a little bit..."

"A little bit?" Li Ziqian continued to ask.

"Ah... um... a million dots?"

Under Li Ziqian's gaze, Mo Nanbei carefully recalled how hard he had kicked Li Ziqian before, and suddenly felt a little guilty.

"One hundred million points! You know it's one hundred million points!"

Li Ziqian repeated angrily to Mo Nanbei.

"Ah, this...wrong, wrong."

"Now you know how to apologize? What did you just do?"

"Don't be so shameless, don't know what to do!"



Without the slightest suspense, the second wave of bickering officially began.

Xu is because of his guilt. After leaving the haunted house, Mo Nanbei did not drag Li Ziqian to play other projects for the first time, but dragged Li Ziqian to the bench and then said to him,

"Your father, I want to eat ice cream. You wait here, don't walk around, I'll be back in a while."

Then he turned his head and walked towards the store that had just set up a booth not far away.

Li Ziqian:  …

After a hundred million minutes, just when Li Ziqian thought that Mo Nanbei was dead, Mo Nanbei came back with ice cream in his hand.

"Vanilla or chocolate?" she asked after sitting next to Li Ziqian.


"So, you like to eat shit, right?"

With that said, Mo Nanbei licked the vanilla ice cream beside him.

Li Ziqian black question mark face: ? ? ?

"Can you say something nice? Why don't we go into the haunted house again later?

I feel that there are still a lot of places that we haven't visited and felt carefully. Oh, by the way, there seems to be some movie theaters here. Why don't we go in and find some ghost movie?

It seems that you are quite energetic, you must not be afraid of such things, right? You must also find it interesting, right? "

Mo Nanbei:  …

"I think we can have a good talk."

Mo Nanbei changed his words to Li Ziqian with his previous attitude.

"What to talk about? There's nothing to talk about! I think we'll have fun! Come, come, go to the haunted house again!"

"Go get a hammer! You just want to see me embarrassing?!"

But after saying this, Mo Nanbei thought about it.

its not right.

The haunted house has already gone to play, isn't it her turn to play in this amusement park next?

Bridge bean sack!

Thinking of this, Mo Nanbei couldn't help showing a weird smile on his face.

"That's not's my turn! I should have said to you, 'I hope you can immerse yourself in happiness in the future!' That's right!"

Seeing Mo Nanbei's expression that was comparable to the best actress in a ghost movie, Li Ziqian couldn't help shivering.


Thinking of something, he even slowed down the speed of eating ice cream.

It's just... ice cream is just ice cream after all, it only helped Li Ziqian to delay for less than five minutes.

Afterwards, Mo Nanbei smiled brightly and took Li Ziqian to the next project.

! ! ! ! ! ! !

Under Mo Nanbei's soft attack, Li Ziqian could only walk forward honestly along his arm.

It's just... When he saw the amusement facilities in front of him gradually, he quickly let go of Mo Nanbei's arm and firmly grabbed the Tianma sculpture that was used as a decoration.

"Mo Nanbei! I'm telling you! You can't be so perfect! We are companions!"

"Just a winery companion."

Seeing that Li Ziqian's upper body defenses were somewhat impeccable, Mo Nanbei, who had already done everything possible to achieve his goal, was considering starting from his legs.

Pushed by the two of them, Li Ziqian's upper body had already jumped onto the back of the Tianma sculpture, and his legs that were constantly shaking made him look like a dying salted fish. .

Seeing how tenacious Li Ziqian was struggling, Mo Nanbei also lost a little patience, and she began to attack Li Ziqian with words.

But I don't know if it's because of lack of reason, her words and tone have a little bit of 'Lin Daiyu pulling a weeping willow'.

"Boy, I think you will obediently obey the uncle! Don't worry, I will definitely bring you delicious and spicy food."

Having said that, he held a meeting and grabbed Li Ziqian's trousers tightly, as if "either you come down or your pants down" posture.

"Ahhh! You're so sick! Let go! Go away! Stupid idiot!"

The most terrible thing about playing with Mo Nanbei is that although he has a crushing force value advantage, he can't really do anything to Mo Nanbei.

But if you don't do it, Mo Nanbei will take it.

To blood!

And Mo Nanbei is obviously the kind of person who knows what he knows. He only "plays a hooligan" with Li Ziqian and fights inappropriately.

"You scream! No one will save you even if you scream!"


Pedestrians cast strange glances at these two people who behaved strangely, and then the little girl in a dress who walked aside pulled the sleeve of the woman next to her,

"Mom, what are big sister and big brother doing?"

The woman said without words: "Let's go further, they must be out of their minds."

After speaking, he pulled his daughter away from them.

Mo Nanbei's movements froze, and the expression on his face was somewhat stunned.

Although she's a bit of a social geek, but... obviously it's not this geeky way.

He coughed lightly, relieved the embarrassment in his heart slightly, released the hand that was holding Li Ziqian's trousers, and said to him in a threatening tone,

"You don't want to be embarrassed anymore, do you?

Come with me!

Otherwise, go back and I will give your wives to Dark Shark tonight! ! "



He doesn't have the baby bump like Mo Nanbei!

A real man should be Gundam! What wife do you want!

Of course, he wouldn't tell Mo Nanbei this.

He doesn't have the slightest bit of trust in this bitch!

He can even use his head to vouch for it. If he says this today, tomorrow he can see Mo Nanbei holding a knife across his baby bumps.

So Li Ziqian raised his head and said cheekily,

"It's embarrassing to be embarrassed, and it doesn't matter."

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ?

"Li Ziqian, are you someone you don't care about in Sanyuan?"

"Between death and social death, I chose the former."

Saying that, Li Ziqian gave a thumbs up, "I'm really a witty bunch!"

Silly batch!

Mo Nanbei cursed silently in his heart.

She glanced at the whispers of the people around her, and took another deep breath.


Sure enough, people are shameless and invincible.

She can't.

She is still a person, she wants face.

So, after taking another deep breath and calming down her emotions, she said helplessly,

"Then how do you want to play?"

"I've never had anything to do with projects like the Big Pendulum in my life!"

Li Ziqian: Cats on Hips.jpg

Li Ziqian, who has learned from Mo Nanbei's rottenness, feels what it means to be invincible.

And in this regard, Mo Nanbei said with a hatred of iron, "

"Don't you want to break through yourself?

Show off your confidence in the haunted house just now!

Anyway, I went in anyway!

No, no, no, no one is so timid, right? "


Play this kind of aggressive method?

Li Ziqian snorted,

"It's useless for you to use aggressive tactics!! I'm not that easy to deceive!

Why don't we change something, I'll come down with you, you can choose anything other than that, such as a merry-go-round. "

Mo Nanbei: ? ? ? ?

"Big brother, how old are you, and you are still playing with children?"

"Men are teenagers until they die!"

Mo Nanbei:  …

After a few seconds of silence, Mo Nanbei seemed to think of something, and then she said to Li Ziqian,

"You go and sit on it for a second every day in a maid outfit! As long as your **** is on the seat, I'll count you as a success, how about it?"

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ?

I have to say that Li Ziqian was shamefully moved, but when he thought that it might be a trap, he shook his head firmly and said, "You can't lie to me!"


Is Li Ziqian such a person?

Is he the kind of person he meets with lust?

Is he?

Is he such a vulgar, superficial person?

It's just... the little hesitation in his eyes was still seen by Mo Nanbei.

After Mo Nanbei hesitated to see him, he knew that he had a show!

She said again and again,

"I promise not to lie to you! As long as you are willing to sit up for a second! Come on! I will ask the staff to take you down immediately.

Then you didn't earn blood there? ! "

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ? ?


Li Ziqian felt that he could do it again, maybe he could take this opportunity to stand up!

Thinking of this, he released his hands holding the Pegasus sculpture and said, "Pull the hook."

Then the two's tail fingers intertwined, and their thumbs pressed against each other.

"Flower growers don't lie to flower growers!"

"Flower growers don't lie to flower growers!" Mo Nanbei repeated.

Seeing that the contract had been reached, Mo Nanbei dragged Li Ziqian directly to the seat of the big pendulum.

After lining up, the two finally got on the big pendulum.

Just when he just sat down for a second and was about to jump off, Mo Nanbei, who had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, quickly and decisively pressed him on the seat.

Afterwards, she showed a villain-like expression and sneered at Li Ziqian,

"Hahahaha! Be fooled! Let's go to **** together!"

She quickly fastened his seatbelt and said while laughing wildly.

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ?

Seeing this, Li Ziqian opened his eyes wide and said incredulously,

"We just pulled the hook?! Have you forgotten our agreement? And didn't we agree? The Chinese don't lie to the Chinese???"

Mo Nanbei said arrogantly,

"We just pulled the hook. When we pulled the hook, we didn't agree on anything! Besides! I'm a flower gardener! You are a flower dog!"

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ? ?

At this time, Li Ziqian remembered that when they pulled the hook not long ago, they really didn't say anything, and there was no problem with Mo Nanbei's sophistry!

If you push her further, she can even say that she is a dog, so the previous agreement between the 'flower planters' is completely invalid!

Grass! ! ! ! !

Thinking of the weird smile on her face before, Li Ziqian suddenly understood.

Everything makes sense.

Why is it suddenly easy to talk, why suddenly agree to so many conditions, why...


Was he waiting for him at this place? !

"You pit me?!"

Mo Nanbei covered his mouth, like the villain's smile in the anime,

"Oh hehe! Didn't you cheat on me before? Let's die together!!!!"

Just as Mo Nanbei was saying this, the security personnel had come to check whether everyone's seat belts were squeezed and whether the safety buckles were locked.

With the sound of a 'di', the facility slowly moved.


Li Ziqian suddenly felt his heartbeat start to speed up.

The ground got farther and farther from him, and the pendulum began to spin slowly.

After a while, it swayed more and more frequently, and with his eyes open, his field of vision was enough to take in the entire playground.

Weightlessness, here it comes.


It's not the worst.

The non-stop and arrogant laughter on the side was constantly stimulating his fragile nerves!

Just when he wanted to scold Mo Nanbei for not being a thing, the pendulum shook more violently.

He instinctively grasped Mo Nanbei's hand, and then shouted with the loudest voice and all his strength,

"Mo Nanbei! Your mother exploded!"

At this moment, Li Ziqian felt that his voice broke the sky! It was as if the whole playground could hear his voice!

"I don't share the sky with you!"

"Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

A laugh, a scolding, the two form a sharp contrast.

Even the screams of others were suppressed, and only their scolding could be heard.

In a sense.

This wave, the suspension bridge effect.

Hanging, but not completely.

Even the role, mood, and emotional substitution have appeared hundreds of millions of problems.


Today's update is here!

See you tomorrow!

Not anymore.

The brain has been confused.

So be it.

It's been really rough lately.

Also, that one was blocked yesterday.

So... um... ah this...

The mood is subtle and complicated, even a little overwhelmed.

I can't figure it out today, so I can only post it like this.

Look at the end of the month, if you have free time, send a chapter for free to compensate everyone.

that's all.


Good night.

I go to sleep.

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