My Girlfriend is More Than Beautiful

Chapter 176: Braised Kewpie... ===

After hearing Li Ziqian's cooperating question, Mo Nanbei took a deep breath, and then started a rap and no panting rant at him.

"Then! Then it's a **** shit! That idiot up master actually interspersed ghost movies for me! Ghost movies! Do you know what that visual impact effect means to me???"

Mo Nanbei's rhetorical question did not wait for Li Ziqian to answer, and then she continued,

"It's the kind of thing where a ghost popped out in the middle of a video that was popular in QQ for a while to scare people!

Seriously, that stupid thing just hit someone off guard! !

I watch this kind of thing during the day, I am most surprised by the "wow", but at night! night is different! ! do you understand me? ? ? "

While knocking on the table, Mo Nanbei complained hysterically to Li Ziqian.

"I understand."

Although he wanted to laugh, Li Ziqian couldn't laugh after listening to Mo Nanbei's overly vivid metaphor.

He was also frightened by this unfortunate video!

It's so hilarious!

Obviously watching the video seriously and attentively, then a ghost popped out with a 'wow'!

Who can not be startled!

"Then I can't sleep! I always feel like one can pop out of the door!! I'm so freaking open I'll tell you!!"

Li Ziqian:  …

Okay, Mo Nanbei will indeed crack.

Maybe it was because the sleep before last night was in the afternoon, so she had no trouble falling asleep and was not frightened by the comedy they watched...

Before Li Ziqian finished thinking about this sentence, he heard Mo Nanbei continue to complain,

"And then, what a weekend, ah, it's not called a weekend anymore, yesterday...? The day before yesterday! The content of the ghost movie you watched the day before yesterday will be played on a loop in your mind!

To be honest, no matter what I think about that special effect during the day, I think that special effect is stupid, but to be honest, as long as it gets dark on this day, and as long as I am the only one in the room, I will be afraid.

I really feel like all grass and trees are soldiers, and something may pop up behind me at any time to kill me, ah, not my life! "

Li Ziqian:  …

This man is so cruel that he even scolds himself!

After complaining for a while, Li Ziqian sighed silently.

"So, what are you doing today?"

While eating breakfast, Li Ziqian asked Mo Nanbei while pretending to be concerned.

"What should I do? Let's make a cold salad! Make up for sleep in class!"

"Okay, I usually laugh at me for sleeping in class, but today it's your turn!" At this time, Li Ziqian's voice contained a gloating schadenfreude that could not be concealed.

"Laugh if you want, you don't need to be so fake."

Seeing Li Ziqian's hard and patient expression, Mo Nanbei sighed while holding his forehead.

Just waiting for your words!

As soon as Mo Nanbei's voice fell, he watched Li Ziqian's expression gradually lose its cover.

"Hahahahaha, what kind of idiot are you! I'm so scared that I can't sleep by watching a video in the middle of the night, ahahahaha."

"How could I have imagined that! The title is obviously love! Wori!!!!"

"Hahaha, why can't I encounter such a thing!"

"Then how do I know I'll meet you!"

"So you are stupid!"

"Your mother forced you...!!!"

"Hey, in a hurry, someone is in a hurry, and the defense is broken."

Seeing Li Ziqian gloating like this, Mo Nanbei was really furious but speechless, and then she threw her fat jar and said,

"Yes, I'm just in a hurry, I just broke the defense! Ahhhhh!!!"


Seeing Mo Nanbei's honest words, Li Ziqian smiled even happier.

Today, I went out a little earlier than before, firstly because the two of them had a good breakfast at home, and secondly because Li Ziqian said that he wanted to go to school earlier today.

On the way to the bus stop, Li Ziqian went to the supermarket to buy some coffee and desserts for Mo Nanbei. I hope this person will be fine for school today, Amen.

Go to school early, a little before the teacher, Mo Nanbei should be able to take a nap.

I can only say that as a father, he did everything he could to help. I hope that Mo Nanbei will not die suddenly at school today, otherwise they will have to go on holiday with tears in their eyes.


The long class in the morning came to an end soon, and Mo Nanbei suddenly woke up when the get out of class bell rang.

"Let's go! Ramen is crying!" Mo Nanbei patted Li Ziqian on the shoulder and said energetically to him.

Li Ziqian:  …


There's absolutely something wrong with this guy.

"Let's go."

Looking helplessly at Mo Nanbei who was jumping in front of him, Li Ziqian sighed and followed.

"I said do you want to consider eating ramen with me today." Mo Nanbei asked Li Ziqian on the way.

"Clam? Why are you so persistent today?"

Li Ziqian was a little puzzled, and even suspected that this person had a big conspiracy. He ate the same lunch every day, so there was no need to change anything.

When eating at school, who wants to eat delicious food, isn't it all hungry?

To Li Ziqian's question, Mo Nanbei replied,

"It's nothing, just suddenly want to eat?"

"Why do you want to eat? What's your purpose?"


After being questioned by Li Ziqian like this, Mo Nanbei was stunned.

Why is this Li Ziqian so cautious today? Which string is wrong?

Seeing Li Ziqian's wary look, Mo Nanbei probably realized what the person was thinking.

"Nothing to be mean! I just thought of Hokage when I was in class today, and then I wanted to eat ramen."

"Oh sauce." Li Ziqian replied suspiciously.

"Yeah, just sauce!"

After examining Mo Nanbei a little, seeing that there was no sudden expression on this person's face, Li Ziqian also briefly detailed her.

"That's alright, you help me brush it, it's just the same as you, I'll go to arrange the drinks."

"OK, then find a quieter corner."



Then the two sat in a familiar corner and ate ramen together.

"It seems that we also have a Yile Ramen here." Mo Nanbei suddenly said to Li Ziqian.

"What, want to eat? When?"

The efficient Li Ziqian asked Mo Nanbei two consecutive questions.

"The weekend..." Mo Nanbei replied to Li Ziqian after thinking for a while.

"Well, that's fine."

"I tell you, class isn't boring."

"No, no, I think you are very busy in class." Li Ziqian interrupted Mo Nanbei and complained to her.


"I dozed off all the time, and I still have to work hard to write the papers. I think you are working hard."


"Huh? Why didn't you speak?"

"Why don't you talk about me!!" Mo Nanbei patted the table and said angrily to Li Ziqian, "Did you give me a chance to talk???"

"Okay okay, mine."

Mainly because one of his sources of happiness this morning was Mo Nanbei's half-dead appearance, which really made him happy.

If there is a chance to play a prank or something, it will be very cute.

It's really a pity to say what to promise, this is in school.

Because of being too excited during the day, Li Ziqian is now so interested in teasing Mo Nanbei.

"It's just that I'm writing a new book recently, and then I'll watch some doujinshi of the same period."

"Doujin? You classify light novels?" Li Ziqian asked Mo Nanbei.

"Yes, light novel, crematorium."

"It's really a crematorium. It's different like me. Life is a fantasy and death is a fantasy ghost!"

Mo Nanbei:  …


"Then I'm nervous, I have a recommendation, you go to light novels, you go."

Mo Nanbei:  …

"Can't you just shut up!!!"

Why is this person always jumping on her nerves repeatedly today!

Too much!

"Then I remembered it when I saw Hokage."

Li Ziqian: ...?

Let him play the logic.

This person was thinking about novels in class, thinking about his own period, then thinking about the same period of Hokage, and then thinking about food?

Why can this person associate everything with food?

Why such a melon...

"However, Hokage is real, and it's enduring for a long time..." Mo Nanbei continued to express her emotions to Li Ziqian without saying a word.

"That's true, but I basically don't watch Hokage fans."

"Well, I am the same, but sometimes I want to open a book after reading the title and introduction they wrote."

"Why do you want to open new pits again! Thinking of new pits and new pits every day!"

Mo Nanbei: ?

Seeing Li Ziqian's indignant expression, she couldn't help being stunned.

How dare this person talk about her? ?

Which of them is more over the top!

"To be fair, Naruto's book looks pretty cool."

"Then I should read regular villains."

" makes sense, but there is a natural sense of substitution and anticipation in the same kind of humanities." Mo Nanbei analyzed Li Ziqian.

"It's true, and chat groups similar to villains are also like this."

"Yes, yes, if there is a chance, I feel like I can write a book."

"A chance?" Li Ziqian asked Mo Nanbei.

Her adjective is somewhat meaningful.

"Well, when you learn to write cool essays, you should work hard whenever you want."

"Then when will you learn?"

"Definitely in the next life."

Li Ziqian:  …

Without a word, the two finished their lunch, went to the supermarket to buy some snacks, and then came to the rooftop.

After Li Ziqian returned to his old seat and sat down, he took a sip from the habit of hanging yogurt, and then he watched Mo Nanbei standing on the edge of the rooftop in front of him, staring down, and slowly opened his mouth to him asked,

"You said, what will happen if I jump from here?"

Li Ziqian: ? ? ? ?

"No? Is there something wrong with your bungee jumping?"

To be fair, Mo Nanbei's question really made him stunned.

What's wrong with this man?

Don't you have a problem with eating ramen in your head?

To be fair, it seems that the ramen-loving mind in the anime is not very good?

Ok? ? ?

When Li Ziqian was at a loss, he heard Mo Nanbei explain to him,

"No, just think about it."

Think about it...?

Is this also conceivable?

"I think there is a big problem with your idea." Li Ziqian expressed his thoughts sincerely.


Tell the truth!

If you think so, there must be a problem!

Normal people, what does it feel like to jump off the rooftop when it's nothing?

To this, Mo Nanbei's reply was,

"How? Isn't this a very common idea?"

Li Ziqian: ?

walk slowly.

It's he who doesn't understand.

It's time to change the subject.

So, Li Ziqian asked Mo Nanbei curiously,

"By the way, don't you make up your mind?"

"Make up sleep? Why?? I'm not sleepy." Li Ziqian's question made Mo Nanbei somewhat puzzled.

not sleepy…?


When the bell rings after class, you won't be sleepy, right? ? ?

"What's the matter, who looks scary in the early morning."

However, Mo Nanbei did not answer Li Ziqian's question, but suddenly asked Li Ziqian uncharacteristically,

"What do you think the braised Kewpie tastes like?"

Li Ziqian, who didn't understand what this topic had to do with the white demon in Magical Girl Madoka and jumping off the building, was stunned.

Then he twitched the corners of his mouth and asked Mo Nanbei in a puzzled way,

"What happened to you today?"

"Ah? What's wrong with me? What happened to you today? Why do you always suspect that something is wrong with me???"

Li Ziqian: ...?

Could it be that he really has a problem? ? ?

At this time, Li Ziqian was inevitably surrounded by Mo Nanbei.


But braised Kewpie...



I don't know if it was because I had been chatting with Mo Nanbei for a long time, and now Li Ziqian's brain circuit is also jumping.

He suddenly said to Mo Nanbei,

"But to be honest, I don't want to hear the name of this kind of 'heavy industry cuisine' recently."

And Mo Nanbei, who was accustomed to this kind of span for a long time, answered without any obstacles and complained,

"God's heavy-duty cooking."

Mo Nanbei felt the most outrageous thing about this metaphor.

Regarding Mo Nanbei's complaints, Li Ziqian replied,

"I learn it from you."

To be fair, after chatting with Mo Nanbei for a long time, Li Ziqian feels that his adjectives have been enriched a lot recently.

"Okay, but why, didn't you shout yesterday that you want to keep soup stock at home?"

"That's all in the future." Li Ziqian responded with a blushing face, as if he said yesterday that it wasn't him who cooked.

Not too lazy to expose Li Ziqian and use his words to whip the corpse, Mo Nanbei turned his head and asked Li Ziqian curiously, "How long will it take?"


"When will we officially live together?"


Today's update is here.

Haven't been beeping for a long time.

Recent biological clocks are more hellish.

It's the kind of **** where it's basically too late to code when you wake up.


Adjust it.

In this week, it is estimated that we should be able to work hard to update it in the early morning.

All right.

See you again.

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